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Reviews For The HBP Drabbles by HP Drabblings

Saturday 6th August 2005 22:51
The HBP Drabbles
Lol, too funny!
Sunday 31st July 2005 22:57
The HBP Drabbles

so cute, you caught the dynamic of this four-some perfectly

Wednesday 27th July 2005 16:17
The HBP Drabbles


That was so dang funny!

Monday 25th July 2005 14:53
The HBP Drabbles
Very good work!
Sunday 24th July 2005 20:43
The HBP Drabbles
That was great! Definitely brought a smile to my face. Great job!
Saturday 23rd July 2005 11:26
The HBP Drabbles
Snort!  Wonderful... It's amazing how innocent words can be made out to be far from that, but what were they really thinking they were doing - in the common room, of all places?

I just love all these mini snippets, what a great idea!
Shadow Hider
Friday 22nd July 2005 13:03
The HBP Drabbles
hehehehehe these are great
Friday 22nd July 2005 11:51
The HBP Drabbles
I love drabbles. They put one in a great mood for days on end,rather like "Happy Pills". These were all great and I truly enjoyed them.
Friday 22nd July 2005 08:32
The HBP Drabbles
I love this moment in time.  Who else but Ron could turn an innocent little activity such as brushing hair into something scandalous?  His retort about his nose sealed my merriment at Ron's expense.  This is really cute.