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Reviews For Hope Keeps the Fire of Love Burning by passionflower89

Aqua Fountain*
Monday 12th March 2007 04:20
Hope Keeps the Fire of Love Burning
Right, so I'm thinking that...

'Adela' is Hermione Obliviated. She was captured, then rescued or escaped. She came across this Muggle, John, or he came across her. He took her in, and then tried to help her regain her memory. Hermione gets flashes of her past in dreams and visions. The underwater thing was obviously the Second Task, and the 'swish and flick' thing is in (was it their first?) Charms class where they learn Wingarium Leviosa.

That's about it. I hope I'm near the truth. At first I thought Adela was Hermione's mum when I read 'She fingered her wild bushy brown curls...', but I figured it was Hermione when I read ' “Adela?”...“It’s not my name though, is it?” '.

Again, I hope I'm right.

Keep up the great work
Connor Landon
Monday 5th September 2005 17:30
Hope Keeps the Fire of Love Burning
i really like this story, and i hope you continue with it!
Tuesday 16th August 2005 19:25
Hope Keeps the Fire of Love Burning
WOW. this is amazing!! Well, I know the one flashback is from Charms class, 1st year, but I was so excited about writing a review, I couldn't go look back for more. Oh, please, please, please update soon. You have no idea what this is doing to me....not knowing what's happening (although I do get the gist ) This is an amazing story, PLEASE update soon!!
Saturday 6th August 2005 22:10
Hope Keeps the Fire of Love Burning
Very Interesting!
Sunday 7th August 2005 07:59Hope Keeps the Fire of Love Burning (Author Response)
thanks :P
Friday 5th August 2005 20:37
Hope Keeps the Fire of Love Burning
Theres something about this that I do like.,so I sincerely hope you have a complete fic in mind. I have a list I call "fics to read when completed" This one will join them. I cannot get interested till I can read the whole fic,as it is hard to remember a ch. ,2 and 3 or more weeks later.
Saturday 6th August 2005 04:03Hope Keeps the Fire of Love Burning (Author Response)
lol ok, thanks for reading... don't worry i'll definately finish this story....
Friday 5th August 2005 12:58
Hope Keeps the Fire of Love Burning

ooo! this is very interesting! keep going, I'm excited to see what happens!


Saturday 6th August 2005 04:02Hope Keeps the Fire of Love Burning (Author Response)
Thanks! :)
Friday 5th August 2005 12:08
Hope Keeps the Fire of Love Burning

Her memories are from the Second task - feeling safe because Ron is besdie her and from the Wingardium Leviosa  lesson.


I enjoyed this and look forward to seeing where you are going with it. And finding out who John is flatmate or something more?

Saturday 6th August 2005 04:02Hope Keeps the Fire of Love Burning (Author Response)

glad you enjoyed this, thanks for the review... more coming really soon... yeah and we'll definately find out more about John....

Friday 5th August 2005 06:20
Hope Keeps the Fire of Love Burning
Her flashbacks are from when she was underwater during the TriWizard Tournament and when she learned Wingardium Leviosa. Please update soon! With longer chapters! What is going to happen?! It's very nice so far. 
Saturday 6th August 2005 04:00Hope Keeps the Fire of Love Burning (Author Response)
thank you! no worries the next chapter is much longer!