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Reviews For Outtakes from the Defining Moments Universe by TheGov

Monday 5th January 2009 17:53
Outtakes from the Defining Moments Universe
Nice moment. I just want to wrap my arms around Harry and hug him til he's happy.
laura c
Friday 21st December 2007 23:08
Outtakes from the Defining Moments Universe
I've been reading your Defining series - and I want to thank you for your great work. I really loved the story where Ron bought the house - it was very touching.
Friday 22nd September 2006 11:18
Outtakes from the Defining Moments Universe
This is so Harry .
Ah, so Harry does indeed have strong feelings for Ginny , and you explain why he doesn't act on them so far. But it still doesn't explain why he doesn't after Voldie is gone .
Saturday 6th August 2005 02:42
Outtakes from the Defining Moments Universe
Very nice.  A good look at one specific aspect of what it meant to be the Boy-Who-Lived, one of the things that all add up to the overall burden that he carried.  Almost every story out there has Harry dealing with his worry/guilt that his friends are in the firing line, but your having him talk about a specific instance of that 'indirectly' - talking to Hermione about his concern for Ron - was very clever and unique.  Two birds with one stone - highlighting their friendship while touching on her love for Ron and Harry's concern for his safety.  Very nice.

And the 'we love you' coda, while seen before, worked well.  There can never be too many stories contrasting Harry's upbringing with the Dursleys with how he turned out.

Thank you!
Sunday 7th August 2005 18:27Outtakes from the Defining Moments Universe (Author Response)


I've tried to develop a very deep connection between the characters in my story, and the idea that Harry would feel guilty that Ron would be hurt not only for Ron's sake, but for Hermione's was something I really wanted to explore. I'm glad it came off so well.

Thanks again!

Friday 5th August 2005 19:18
Outtakes from the Defining Moments Universe
Another brilliant outtake!  I just love your little universe of stories!  On to the next one!
Sunday 7th August 2005 18:24Outtakes from the Defining Moments Universe (Author Response)

It's coming soon! Thanks for reading. I'm glad you're enjoying them. Keep your eyes open, I've got more coming.

Krypa Dakay
Friday 5th August 2005 07:42
Outtakes from the Defining Moments Universe
" 'We love you, Harry.'

Harry blinked hard, and then a half smile crept across his face. 'You know, there aren’t many people who have ever said that to me.'  "

Wow. Makes me want to just hold him. Very nice piece.

Sunday 7th August 2005 18:23Outtakes from the Defining Moments Universe (Author Response)
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Happier times are coming, I promise.
Friday 5th August 2005 06:39
Outtakes from the Defining Moments Universe
Painful swallow.  That was painful, but beautifully done.  Nice moment between the friends, and Harry's pain and isolation was palpable.  Yikes, I need to go find some some sickenly sweet fluff, lol.
Sunday 7th August 2005 18:22Outtakes from the Defining Moments Universe (Author Response)
Thanks! I know it was rather dark, but I thought it worked well. I've got fluffier stuff coming, I promise!