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Reviews For Choices and Consequences by batsnumbereleven

Monday 16th April 2007 14:22
Choices and Consequences
Of course old Moldyshorts has to drag Harry into his worst thoughts. In this case though I think it can serve as a warning. I think they just might show up at Hermione's when Harry goes to visit. I think the Headmaster is going to be unpleasantly surprised when he watches Harry's memories. Especially the detentions with Umbridge. Although the broken arm when he was six is going to be rough too. thanks for writing. I look forward to the next chapter. p
Thursday 1st March 2007 08:33
Choices and Consequences
I like what Dumbledore has in store for Harry, I'm happy that Harry is going to talk to Tonks. I'm also happy that Harry can see Hermione, but what say does Dumbledore have what Harry can do in the holidays... he isn't Harry's guardian... (I always wondered why Dumbledore could tell what Harry can or cannot do in the holidays) I know that the blood wards keep him safe, but can't a expart Cuase Bracker get through them, if they really wanted too.
Friday 2nd March 2007 08:34Choices and Consequences (Author Response)
Harry's not come to that conclusions yet. He'll be working with rather than against Dumbledore for most of this story.
Tuesday 6th September 2005 17:00
Choices and Consequences
I am really enjoying this story.  I can't wait for more.
Friday 9th September 2005 12:50Choices and Consequences (Author Response)
Thanks very much.  Chapter five is on its way :)
Sunday 4th September 2005 12:56
Choices and Consequences
Good job!  I like to interactions between Harry & Dumbledore.  They're written very well.  Keep it up!
Monday 5th September 2005 03:41Choices and Consequences (Author Response)
Thanks very much.  Harry's relationship with Dumbledore is very trusting at the moment, even though he is acting very maturely.  His attitude may change when he starts to realise that there's even more that's been kept from him, but he'll still be mature about it for the most part, rather than going off on one.
Wednesday 31st August 2005 19:21
Choices and Consequences

Wonderful. I hope you update soon. I was surprised Harry didn't add a couple potions lessons in with those memories. That man (Snape) needs to be kept as far away from kids as possible.

Thursday 1st September 2005 04:41Choices and Consequences (Author Response)

Thanks very much for the review and praise :-).  The next chapter is already written, so hopefully it won't be too long.

The problem with the Potions lessons is that it wouldn't reflect how he lived growing up with the Dursleys, which is what Dumbledore was asking for.  Despite Snape's admission in the previous chapter, Dumbledore is still trusting him to teach students because he believes in Snape's salvation; at the moment he's just disappointed that his spy didn't let him know that he'd been compromised.  Personally, I quite agree with you, but of course the Headmaster doesn't see it that way :-).