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Reviews For Make It So, Mister Potter by sonicdale

Monday 11th May 2009 10:11
Make It So, Mister Potter
This was great!
You should really add more to it, not to say you should risk a hypoglycemic episode to do it (if the 'low-blood-sugar' reference was to your maybe being diabetic).
I've read a lot of fan fiction on this and other "Potter-verse" sites and a few have caught my eye as being worthy of being presented in another media platform. Matbe not feature film; the production costs would be astronomical, to say the least. I'm thinking small-screen, like cable TV.
Imagine it, a program dedicated to bringing these storylines to life.
Just like the current novels and films, I predict this being a colossal hit with kids and parents alike.

But all that aside, you really should add more to this one... a LOT more!
Great job!
Monday 1st September 2008 23:43
Make It So, Mister Potter
Hehehe. I love this. If you want some more oneshots shot out, then make some little drabbles about how they play around.
Tuesday 2nd September 2008 06:13Make It So, Mister Potter (Author Response)
There are some drabbles on the back burner. I've only recently returned to HP fanfic, so stay tuned
Thanks for reading!
Monday 7th January 2008 19:41
Make It So, Mister Potter
That was a great romp. I've always thought about how so much of the muggle world's imaginings could have been based on magic they accidentally witnessed, but have never scene a fanfic around the concept. Really fun.
Tuesday 2nd September 2008 06:15Make It So, Mister Potter (Author Response)
I had a list that was pretty extensive on what the obliviators could have missed in the wizarding world. But these things were the most fun to write.

Thanks for reading.
Steven Carnell
Wednesday 5th December 2007 05:31
Make It So, Mister Potter
Good bit of fun. Well written!
Saturday 1st December 2007 14:57
Make It So, Mister Potter
hahah that was so cute I loved this amazing how you intergrated the muggle stuff and use the room of requirement :p
Tuesday 2nd September 2008 06:13Make It So, Mister Potter (Author Response)
Thanks for reading.
It was as much fun to write as well.
Saturday 20th October 2007 02:33
Make It So, Mister Potter
I was perusing random fics by author and happened to stumble upon this wonderful piece. What an innovative and creative use of the room of requirement. The bit about Disney himself being a squib is a nice touch. All the references to all my favorite pieces of fiction really make this a great little fic. I especially appreciate the bit with Arthur C Clarke - 'Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.' Clarke is effectively the cornerstone of hard sci-fi, and to tie that into the wonderful world of Harry Potter is really coming full circle. Thank you for this piece.

Sunday 21st October 2007 13:19Make It So, Mister Potter (Author Response)
Thanks so much for the kind words!
It was fun to read - and I'm glad you had fun.
Thanks for reading. I hope you can read my other works, and I'm currently poking my muses to write more. Thanks again.
Tuesday 9th October 2007 23:53
Make It So, Mister Potter
This story is great!
I laughed at times.. you have a great imagination!
Wednesday 10th October 2007 06:14Make It So, Mister Potter (Author Response)
If I've helped someone laugh today, I'm a lucky guy.

Imagination and writing is my challenge. I've tried to have fun with my stories, and make them enjoyable to myself and everyone. I'm glad to have done so.

Thanks for reading!
No Idea Why I Smile
Saturday 12th May 2007 13:23
Make It So, Mister Potter
OMG! it was hilarious! i loved it. Hahaha...its so unlikely for Hermione and Dean to be trekkies, but it was HILARIOUS!

Saturday 12th May 2007 15:48Make It So, Mister Potter (Author Response)
Trekkies are mostly secretive unless they meet one of their own.
I don't see why these two couldn't be one. Anything is possible in my own mind, right?

Thanks for reading.
Sunday 30th April 2006 11:47
Make It So, Mister Potter
Great job! I think this is an awesome story.
Sunday 30th April 2006 14:18Make It So, Mister Potter (Author Response)
I'm glad you liked it.
Thanks for reading.
Sunday 19th March 2006 14:27
Make It So, Mister Potter
Dean's a Trekkie...who knew? As soon as I saw the title of this fic, I knew exactly where it was from, and I had to read it. Very nicely done, fitting Walt Disney into the wizarding world. I like the idea of him being a Squib, yet he wasn't bitter, was he? Lovely...
Sunday 19th March 2006 22:58Make It So, Mister Potter (Author Response)
Nope, not bitter. But he found an outlet for his magical side, I think.
Thanks for reading!
Saturday 31st December 2005 20:43
Make It So, Mister Potter
 How about 10 more one shot's of this story please
Tuesday 3rd January 2006 06:14Make It So, Mister Potter (Author Response)
Just 10?
Repeat after me: Oooonnnneeee - Sssshhhhooootttt.

I wanted to make it bigger, but the muse said no.
Thanks for reading!
Wednesday 2nd November 2005 09:55
Make It So, Mister Potter

Walt Disney was a squib! Of course, it all makes perfect sense now!

I love this finished product Dale! Morphing the RoR into a magical version of the Holodeck was genius. I could see the group making their way back for a bit of fun on a regular basis. They all need a diversion from their own version of Darth Vadar...

As always, fun and enjoyable.



Thursday 20th October 2005 21:24
Make It So, Mister Potter

I LOVE THIS STORY!!!! I read it awhile ago, but only got a chnce to reviewing now.  Including ST: TNG was phenomenal, and the nod to Disneyland(I'm from and live in LA) was excellent.  One of the best one shots I've ever read. A brilliant story.


Friday 23rd September 2005 12:40
Make It So, Mister Potter
I'm surprised you didn't have them step out of the Holodeck onto the Enterprise shocking the crew. Excellent work.
dave gerecke
Thursday 22nd September 2005 07:36
Make It So, Mister Potter
Very nice. could expand on this to a multi chapter story and use various tech toys from other universes to expand the HP one. Make the wizard kids situp and take notice of what is going on around them.
Monday 19th September 2005 12:36
Make It So, Mister Potter
I love the Star Wars References...Heh Heh...go figure!

Thanks again!
Monday 19th September 2005 12:34
Make It So, Mister Potter
Wonderful!   This was a great Idea thanks for sharing it!
Saturday 17th September 2005 19:58
Make It So, Mister Potter
So fun, I'm speechless.  LOVE the analogies, the detail and the running commentary.  You've GOTTA give me the "light saber" charm.
Sunday 18th September 2005 20:51Make It So, Mister Potter (Author Response)
The lightsaber charm will be appearing in another story. This is just my first usage of it. I'm working on another fic that will be 'related' to this one ... possibly ... so stay tuned!

Thanks for reading.
Saturday 17th September 2005 17:34
Make It So, Mister Potter

Heehee! I loved it. Very funny. I didn't want it to end. Ooh! I wish I had my own Artoo! And a real lightsaber! *drools* Okay, I'm done. Great job. Bravo! ^^

Wednesday 14th September 2005 19:49
Make It So, Mister Potter

that was amazing!!!! I loved it

great job, keep writing, and PLez write back


Wednesday 14th September 2005 20:14Make It So, Mister Potter (Author Response)
Glad you liked it.
I didn't think I'm worth of an "Amazing!!!!"
but I got one. Four exclamation points!
Thanks for reading
Muggle Witch
Wednesday 14th September 2005 12:56
Make It So, Mister Potter
I LOVED it! I needed a good laugh. Thank you for sharing. You need to write more one shots like this.
Wednesday 14th September 2005 14:14Make It So, Mister Potter (Author Response)
Check out my "Wanna Drag" story just posted.
I know you'll like that one too.

thanks for reading!
Wednesday 14th September 2005 12:22
Make It So, Mister Potter

I like it!

Wednesday 14th September 2005 14:14Make It So, Mister Potter (Author Response)
Tanky, tanky.
Glad you did.
Wednesday 14th September 2005 09:04
Make It So, Mister Potter
Great story! I loved the way they were so excited about everything! It was too cool! It made me giddy too! Great job!
Wednesday 14th September 2005 10:26Make It So, Mister Potter (Author Response)
Glad you liked it.
thanks for reading!
Wednesday 14th September 2005 06:11
Make It So, Mister Potter
Nice one. It would have taken me weeks to research all the details.
Wednesday 14th September 2005 08:36Make It So, Mister Potter (Author Response)

Welll... maybe it shows my geekhood, but I didn't have to research all that much.

Thanks for reading!
Tuesday 13th September 2005 21:42
Make It So, Mister Potter

fun! fun! fun! I really loved reading this!

The only problem I had with it, though, is that the Dursley's almost never let Harry watch television, and certainly never took him to the movies, so him doing all of this was a little less believable that one would hope. But again, it was such a fun read that it hardly matters.  :-)

Wednesday 14th September 2005 08:34Make It So, Mister Potter (Author Response)
One problem with that: You are assuming that the Dursley's never let Harry watch television. How do you know that? There isn't anything in the books that says "Harry didn't watch television" ... so that's not entirely true. Besides, Harry doesn't need to know about EVERY single detail about Trek or Star Wars. Just enough...

Thanks for reading!
J.R. Lewis
Tuesday 13th September 2005 20:06
Make It So, Mister Potter
Thanks for this story! Being a fan of fantasy and such, this is the greatest! I've often thought as Mr. Clarke about technology and magic.

Next time you have low blood sugar, try to write something novel length along the subject line of muggle magic. Including, of course, all the sci-fi, Disney and other mentioned stuff in this story.

Is that a challenge or what??
Tuesday 13th September 2005 20:37Make It So, Mister Potter (Author Response)
If you read my review responses, your review and another one spawned a PlotBunny that I will think about.

As for Clarke ... what if HE was a wizard? Explains a bit about his ideas...

I'm not up for that kind of a challenge -- but I'm working on another fic that will have the same 'flavor' -- a bit of Muggle mixed with Magic, and Harry at the center of it...
Tuesday 13th September 2005 16:52
Make It So, Mister Potter
*cracks up laughing* This is hilarious. (Low blood sugar? Whaddaya mean low blood sugar? I don't usually laugh this much unless I've eaten like twenty cookies.) It even makes a degree of sense. I'm not entirely sure you've got the function of the Room of Requirement down, but oh well. It's funny.
Tuesday 13th September 2005 20:35Make It So, Mister Potter (Author Response)
Harry was aiming for a bit of fun, so why not let the Room have fun with him?

And, as Gin says "he's running amok" with it.

Thanks for reading!
Tuesday 13th September 2005 16:51
Make It So, Mister Potter
Can anyone say "Holo-deck"?  What a fun piece!  Write an epiloge with the Muggle Studies professor's reaction.  That'd be pretty fun!
Tuesday 13th September 2005 20:33Make It So, Mister Potter (Author Response)
The first time in canon that I saw the Room I half expected it to have floors, walls and ceiling all in black with yellow lines. :)

This has been stewing around in my brain since OTP. Heh. Now I finally got it out.

Thanks for reading!
Falling Damps
Tuesday 13th September 2005 16:26
Make It So, Mister Potter
Very creative, sonicdale! Loved the Star Trek touch :)
Tuesday 13th September 2005 20:32Make It So, Mister Potter (Author Response)
Thanks. My geekiness probably is showing through -- I'm using Trek and HP in one fic, as well as Star Wars and other sci-fi. Heh.

Thanks for reading Jes!
Tuesday 13th September 2005 15:48
Make It So, Mister Potter
Walt Disney as a Squib. I LIKE IT!
Tuesday 13th September 2005 20:31Make It So, Mister Potter (Author Response)
I'm honored to get your first review.
Disney as a Squib wasn't too much of a stretch. Thought it was very appropo.

Thanks for reading!
praesul femella
Tuesday 13th September 2005 14:50
Make It So, Mister Potter

That was SO awesome!  I love teacher!Harry so much.  For a moment, I forgot that he was helping Ginny with her homework, and not actually teaching a Muggle Studies class!

Tuesday 13th September 2005 20:14Make It So, Mister Potter (Author Response)
Heh. I am a part-time teacher, so maybe my voice came across a bit.

Muggle Studies. Now THERE's a fanfic I've never seen Harry teach. Heh.
Uh-oh. PlotBunny Attack!

Harry defeats Voldie. Drops out of wizarding world for, oh, say a year. Comes back to teach Muggle Studies at Hogwarts. Heh. Now all I have to do is figure out if Phoenixsong will allow that much crossoverfic in a chaptered fic. Star Trek technology mixed with magic. Lightsabers, flying cars ala Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, other fun stories ... like maybe if Roald Dahl was writing about Charlie and the Wizarding Chocolate Factory? Makes sense...

Ah, well. Thanks for reading (and stoking the fires under the toes of my Muses).
Tuesday 13th September 2005 13:48
Make It So, Mister Potter

NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can't stop with just this chapter. That's not wright at all,this is just to good to stop, PLEASE GO ON . Thanks

Tuesday 13th September 2005 14:12Make It So, Mister Potter (Author Response)
As of now, September 13, 2005, the muses for this story haven't pushed it beyond a one-shot. If you think this is bad, watch out for my other upcoming one shots.

Thanks for reading!
Tuesday 13th September 2005 13:04
Make It So, Mister Potter
How fun!  If this is the result when you have low blood sugar, I would like for you to have low blood sugar more often.  Ingenious!  I really enjoyed myself, thanks a lot for sharing!
Tuesday 13th September 2005 14:10Make It So, Mister Potter (Author Response)
Actually, if you read what I write on a high blood sugar rave, you'd probably think I was a loony.

Glad you liked it! Thanks for reviewing and reading.