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Reviews For A House Divided by Falling Damps

Tuesday 13th September 2005 21:48
A House Divided
Nice start! You're helping me along to continue my pre-HBP story that the new canon shot all to heck...if you can go back this far, why can't I do mine?? Thanks for the inspiration, and I hope to see the next chapter soon!!!
Saturday 7th January 2006 16:27A House Divided (Author Response)

Glad I could encourage you, and I hope you kept working on your story anyway! Besides, going so far back is half the fun. ;)

Sorry that it took so long to post the next chapter, but I've worked a bit ahead so updates will be coming consistently from now on.

Tuesday 13th September 2005 13:11
A House Divided
Hmmmm, interesting!  I look forward to see how this story develops.  Nice to see things from Moody's POV for a change, and obviously Tonks isn't the only one who dislikes her name.  Might she be the one who gets assigned to be his partner?  I ook forward to finding out.

Thanks for sharing!
Tuesday 13th September 2005 17:20A House Divided (Author Response)

Well, without giving away too much after just the prologue, I'll say that nothing (and no one) was mentioned for no reason.

Thanks so much for reviewing! I'm glad you enjoyed it. The first real chapter should be up later this week.