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Reviews For In Memoriam by Faelaern

Sunday 30th July 2006 11:14
In Memoriam
Woah. A vampire. Wicked. And nice outburst for Ron. Goog job once again.
Monday 25th July 2005 16:10
In Memoriam
Another wonderful chapter.  I like the contrast in the first few paragraphs of Harry's dreams of Sirius- now imagining Ginny there as well.  Your Harry is more aware of his feelings, including his appreciation for how beautiful Ginny has become.  I liked the line. . . "He was falling in love with Ginny, even if his own train of thought wasn't articulate enough to say so."  He is not completely able to acknowledge how he feels, but he has admitted she is beautiful.  :)  You do a good job showing he  is still insecure about what Ginny feels, and the unsettled emotions
between liking Ginny and not knowing fully what that means with in himself and how he should react to her.

Karl has taken an older brother/ mentor role for Harry I think.  I like that, and it's nice to see Harry listen to someone who isn't so invested in his past or role in the war.  I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt that he struck Harry to get his attention.  *grin* 

Krum was a surprise, though Ron's reaction was not.  :)  I love that Victor was the one to show Ron what his silence has done. 

Ludmilla is a unique character, and it's interesting that you are creating your own within the Potter verse. 

A very interesting chapter.  Can't wait to see what is next.  My thanks as always to your betas, and thank you for sharing.  :)