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Reviews For Dragon Riders by Sassenach

XXXmister-E werepony unit
Friday 23rd September 2005 15:31
Dragon Riders
hehehe!i like how you have charlie and jade like each other
but they dont think the other person likes them.thats very
Friday 23rd September 2005 21:15Dragon Riders (Author Response)
Thanks! I think it adds to the plot, instead of them getting together right off the bat.
Thursday 22nd September 2005 13:50
Dragon Riders
Great chapter, the part where the dragon died and you had the "pull yourself together" line, I dunno it didn't seem to fit because I guess I Wasn't feeling that Jade was flipping out. Keep up the great work nonetheless!

Thursday 22nd September 2005 17:29Dragon Riders (Author Response)

Thanks for the feedback. I'll try to be more authentic next time when Jade starts to "flip out". Thanks again!

Sunday 18th September 2005 00:52
Dragon Riders
I like how this is progressing. :-) 

As I may have mentioned before, I generally stick to reading Harry/Ginny stories,  but this one has really drawn me in. :-)
Sunday 18th September 2005 09:01Dragon Riders (Author Response)

Awesome! I've kind of seen from the amount of reviews I've gotten that generally everyone sticks to H/G stories. Personally, I think it's a shame because all you're getting is the same stuff regurgitated.

I just wish everyone else would give this story a chance like you have. Thanks a lot!

Saturday 17th September 2005 10:45
Dragon Riders
Well, well, well.... Coming along quite nicely, aren't we?  This fic, and the slowly growing romance, is indeed growing in a way that pleases me most.  Poor Jade, trying to talk herself out of having anything but platonic feelings for Charlie.  Nice to know that Charlie has it equally bad.  I really like how you portray the different events, everything feels quite real to me.  The way it is done... nothing is forced, and they behave like I would expect RL dragonriders to behave, you know - trying to protect her while still demanding that she's just as good as or even better than the guys.  Men at traditional, male dominated work places do indeed behave like that.

Well done!  Thanks for sharing - as always I look forward to the next update.

Saturday 17th September 2005 11:48Dragon Riders (Author Response)

Thanks! I really do put a lot of thought into everything. It's very hard to imagine certain tasks and jobs Dragon Riders would do in their everyday life.

Check back for an update next friday! Thanks again!