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Reviews For Till I Collapse by aschowin

Thursday 29th September 2005 17:16
Till I Collapse
Yet again, wonderful chapter. Haha I knew something was up with Fred and George, maybe Ginny'll stop by? Wait she's in school still isn't she? Hmmm... I dunno. Really great though, I loved Hermione and Ron's conversation on Harry. Poor soul.
Thursday 29th September 2005 23:11Till I Collapse (Author Response)

Thanks a lot.  I'm glad that you enjoyed reading this so far and that you took the time to review.  Unfortunately, Ginny only gets a few mentions in this story.  Her absence is part of what gets Harry into the state he's in, well that, and Fred and George, lol.

Friday 23rd September 2005 09:05
Till I Collapse

It's a pleasure, Aschowin!  I very much enjoy this little tidbit into "A Night with Harry".

And I love the next chapter. And I love that being your beta means I get to read it first!

Again, awesome job. I very much like the twins, and drunk!Harry is lovely and hilarious. Love it.


Sunday 25th September 2005 18:24Till I Collapse (Author Response)

Awww!   Thanks a lot.

Friday 23rd September 2005 06:40
Till I Collapse
Wow, drunk Harry.  We don't usually get to see him out and about.  Good chapter, hope the next one arrives soon.
Friday 23rd September 2005 06:23
Till I Collapse

Giggle.  Oh My Goodness.  What did Fred and George slip into Harry's drink,lol?  He's adorable, but I'm worried his morose thoughts will slip back in when he crashes.

Ron and Hermione were great in this chapter.  I enjoyed it.