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Reviews For Makers of Fine Wands since 382 B.C. by Aaran St Vines

Monday 16th June 2008 01:29
Makers of Fine Wands since 382 B.C.
this a truly great story such great imagination the whole stroy is totaly gripping awsome author
Monday 11th September 2006 15:04
Makers of Fine Wands since 382 B.C.
Great chapter. And, of course, Olive Hand Maker becomes Ollavander
Monday 14th November 2005 18:45
Makers of Fine Wands since 382 B.C.


Great story, i liked it. almost rivals TMW. good job!

Wednesday 5th October 2005 13:56
Makers of Fine Wands since 382 B.C.
Wonderful, wonderful.  As always, I might add, and definitely woth the wait.  I love this intriguing plot, you're doing a magnificent job creating the history of how Ollivander's came to be.  And you deliver quite meaty chapters, too.  This one took me four days to finish, RL wouldn't allow it any faster, and I've been enjoying myeslef immensely.  Pholx was a neat twist to Fawkes, and who knows?  Only the bird itself has been alive in his perpetual life/death cycle, so only he knows.  The way they build their resistance, find out about magic, create spells...  I love it.  What more can I say?  It is wonderfully written, with several layers of action.  And Willen sounds like a guy I would've fought Constantia to get close to... he's got a wonderful heart, that one.

When you say chapter seven is long, what is this?  Medium?  Long enough for several days of enjoyment, I guess - now I just need to get hubby hooked as well, so I have someone to discuss with...

Thanks A LOT for sharing!

Wednesday 5th October 2005 15:33Makers of Fine Wands since 382 B.C. (Author Response)
Thank you for your very kind review.

The prospect of explaining so much with the sign in front of the wand maker's shop was too good to pass by. I am glad you like it.

Regarding chapter lengths - This chapter was over 23,000 words. Unless we break it up, the next and final chapter is over 38,000 words. But it has gotten rave reviews for a nummber of reasons.

I write a chapter until it is done. I have no better explanation than that.

Thanks againa, Aaran
J.R. Lewis
Tuesday 4th October 2005 19:16
Makers of Fine Wands since 382 B.C.
I keep following this story even though the chapters are slow coming. Please keep the chapters coming. I don't mind the wait... even though I might complain some.