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Reviews For Half-Blood Prince Drabbles by Ladybug

Sunday 21st October 2007 15:40
Half-Blood Prince Drabbles
wow! that's intense!
Thursday 29th June 2006 07:27
Half-Blood Prince Drabbles
Whoa. Now that was really different...and really cool! I never even thought about that...
Thursday 29th June 2006 23:38Half-Blood Prince Drabbles (Author Response)
Thank you! This is what comes from reading Half-Blood Prince too many times in one month - the teeniest, tiniest things stick in your head ...
Wednesday 5th October 2005 20:43
Half-Blood Prince Drabbles

How do you do this? I'm so torn now that I can't decide which is more well-written and yet still so impeccable right! Well done, and now I'm off to see if you have other works...

Thursday 6th October 2005 18:43Half-Blood Prince Drabbles (Author Response)
Gosh! Thanks for your reviews, glad you liked them. I love drabbles because sometimes it doesn't take very long to say what you want to say, but nevertheless, it has to be said!
Wednesday 5th October 2005 17:56
Half-Blood Prince Drabbles
Lemme get this straight. You're saying Slughorn retired because Voldemort killed Lily? Minor continuity error here. Snape had been teaching for 'fourteen years' as of September Harry's fifth year. Ergo, he was on staff for two months before Lily died. Ergo, Slughorn retired two to four months before Lily died. Ergo, there was no connection between the two events. You might want to fix that.
Wednesday 5th October 2005 18:23Half-Blood Prince Drabbles (Author Response)

Thanks for reviewing. That's a very precise interpretation. Two months is enough leeway in the approximation of 14 years that they could be connected. Anyway, the spirit of the story is that Slughorn's judgement about a student had been so wrong - and he certainly knew Voldemort was a rotten egg before Lily died.