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Reviews For Incline Thine Ear by MagnoliaMama

Friday 26th October 2007 10:47
Incline Thine Ear
awww!!! so cute!
nice to know that arthur hangs out with his son an ddoes things with him that molly wouldnt approve of :p
Sunday 6th November 2005 08:53
Incline Thine Ear

That was adorable!

Arthur's such a good father and Bill as a baby is so incredibly cute! I love the baby speak!

Sunday 6th November 2005 12:43Incline Thine Ear (Author Response)
Thank you so much! It's a shame Arthur doesn't get much attention in fanfic, because there are so many wonderful possibilities. I'm glad you enjoyed this. Thanks for taking the time to review!
Tuesday 1st November 2005 18:43
Incline Thine Ear
Aww, how cute! Great job!
Wednesday 2nd November 2005 08:18Incline Thine Ear (Author Response)
Thank you! I do love Arthur so, so I'm glad you enjoyed this.
Wednesday 19th October 2005 06:28
Incline Thine Ear

The world needs more Arthur fic.  Thanks so much for trying to do your part, and for doing it so well.  You've really captured Arthur's quiet strength and his wonderful, good-natured personality.

I've mentioned this before, but my absolute favorite part of this is Molly complaining about what a devious little schemer Bill is.  Poor dear, just wait until she gives birth to the twins.

Oh, and I just caught the fact that the baby inside Molly gives her heartburn!  It's so Charlie and his love of dragons, isn't it? 



Wednesday 19th October 2005 07:40Incline Thine Ear (Author Response)

*smooches you* Thanks, Jen. I just adore Arthur -- the Weasley boys wouldn't be half so wonderful if not for him, and I think it's a shame he doesn't get more attention in fanfic. Even people who usually write gen ignore him in favor of more "exciting" characters like Sirius or Bellatrix. Fie on them, I say.

I just caught the fact that the baby inside Molly gives her heartburn!  It's so Charlie and his love of dragons, isn't it? Yay! Someone *finally* got it!

Monday 17th October 2005 15:14
Incline Thine Ear
That was a wonderful story.
Tuesday 18th October 2005 07:53Incline Thine Ear (Author Response)
Thank you! I'm terribly fond of Arthur, so I'm glad you liked this.