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Reviews For Together by OHGinnyfan

Tuesday 4th December 2007 17:56
Haha good ending. I liked Remus' last line.
Friday 9th November 2007 11:11
aww ww!!! I love this!!! there arent that many fanfics of remus and tonks out there... good job!
Monday 19th March 2007 14:38
A really good scene. I like the idea of Remus and Tonks. Thanks for writing. A very good job. p
Saturday 17th March 2007 12:32
Yea, Remus gets lovin'!

Very sweet ficlet, Ginny. Thanks for pointing me to it!

Friday 16th March 2007 20:44
loved it
Tuesday 13th March 2007 07:48
Aw it was so cute
short and sweet!
Monday 12th March 2007 18:41
aww! i loved it. It was so sweet....=]
Monday 12th March 2007 06:31
So that's how they got together! I'm so glad it happened this way. I love Tonks' persistance and the fact that she wouldn't take no for an answer. It's the epitome of the perfect missing moment...absolutely wonderful!
Saturday 25th February 2006 19:24
awwww cuteee
Wild Magelet
Wednesday 15th February 2006 23:01
I'm sure I've read this before, but it makes for lovely re-reading! You have a way of describing Remus that just makes me want to give him a hug. However, I suspect Tonks wouldn't be too happy about that, so I'll leave it up to her! Lovely writing. If you've written more, I'll look forward to reading it.

Saturday 31st December 2005 22:02

I loved the characterizations in this piece- it's perfect.  I love Tonks' gentle insistancy, repeating how much she cares for Remus.  And Remus almost looking to find any way to keep Tonks safe, and afraid to admit how he really feels until he knows Tonks is sure.  Sigh.  Gorgeous.

Your style just seems so effortless and smooth, yet it's still so full of emotion.  This was a pure joy to read!


Sunday 1st January 2006 08:42Together (Author Response)

Thank you so much, Amy, for stopping by, reading and reviewing.  I'm glad you like this piece.  This story was a turning point for me.  I wasn't much of a R/T shipper (didn't mind it, but didn't actively ship it), until this story hit me.  Now, I can't seem to write enough about them. This one truly began as a "Missing Moment" from HBP -- how did and Tonks get together after the Hospital Wing scene?  So, that's how it started, and now I have a whole series of shorts based on them.

Thanks again for your kind review and I'm glad you liked it!


Friday 21st October 2005 23:15
I completely agree with your last statement, Susan!  Remus is just wonderful, and I'm so glad he's finally getting a measure of happiness.  I love your story -- it's perfectly wonderful for them both!!
Friday 21st October 2005 15:22
Everytime I read this I love it more and more -- well done, sweetie!  And it's great to see you writing again -- hope to see more, especially more Remus and Tonks! : )
Friday 21st October 2005 12:27
Outstanding story.  You really did a fantastic job with both Remuas and Tonks.  I just wish there was more.  There will be more right?
Sunday 1st January 2006 08:36Together (Author Response)
Outstanding story.  You really did a fantastic job with both Remuas and Tonks.  I just wish there was more.  There will be more right?

Actually, funny you should ask that ~ I have four more parts in the works.  The one that takes place immediately after this is half written, the third and fourth parts are written and ready for beta, and the fifth part is semi-planned out.  I hope to get them all up here early in 2006.

I'm glad you enjoyed the story!  Thanks for reviewing!

Friday 21st October 2005 11:20
I really liked this. I thought Tonks and Remus were very IC. I especially liked your description of the kiss. My only quibble was that you had Tonks and Remus leave the hospital wing together- I can't really remember if that happened in canon or not but I would have though Remus would be trying to avoid Tonks- it might make more sense if he left and she followed. But that's a minor detail, and I could be wrong about it anyway. Generally I really like dit and I thought it was very well written- it could have been right out of canon!
Sunday 1st January 2006 08:33Together (Author Response)
My only quibble was that you had Tonks and Remus leave the hospital wing together- I can't really remember if that happened in canon or not but I would have though Remus would be trying to avoid Tonks- it might make more sense if he left and she followed.

If I remember correctly, it doesn't detail how they left the hospital wing -- Harry leaves before they do and heads to <s>Dumbledore's</s> McGonagall's office, and since the books are Harry's POV, we see what he does.  So canon doesn't really detail how Remus and Tonks left the hospital wing.

Thanks so much for the lovely review.  I'm glad you liked it and thought the characters were in-character.

Thursday 20th October 2005 08:27
I'm really glad that Remus decided it was time to acquiesce to Tonks' loving demands.  He's been a very lonely person since he lost James, Lily and Sirius and he deserves some happiness.  Just like Harry, he really could have had a much longer time of happiness if he'd just swallowed his pride and opened his heart sooner!  I'm really glad your Tonks is so persistant.
Sunday 1st January 2006 08:29Together (Author Response)

Thanks for the lovely review, Arnel. I'm glad you liked the story.  I totally agree that Remus has been very lonely (and a little lost I think) since he lost those close to him.  And yes, he could have had a much longer time to be happy, if he'd just swallow his pride!


Thursday 20th October 2005 08:14

I seriously adore this fic.  Even as someone who is not a huge Remus/Tonks shipper, this fic makes me giggle and sigh.  Tonks is just wonderful, and I love the detail of her hair changing color when they kiss.  I'm so happy Remus has her! 

Thanks for writing this. 


Sunday 1st January 2006 08:26Together (Author Response)

Thanks, Jen!  I'm woefully behind on responding to reviews :hangs head:. I'm so glad you enjoyed this fiction.  I was not a huge R/T shipper at first, but this ship has really grown on me.  I adore Remus to begin with, and to see him finally get a girl has made me all warm and fuzzy inside. *grin*

Take care!

Bring and Fly
Thursday 20th October 2005 02:18

Ahhhh... *happy sigh*

I agree whole heartedly --it is about time Remus got some lovin'. It makes so many things more bearable in life. I like the way Tonks argues her case and the way she shuts Remus up *grin* so she can get her point across again! I also thought the way you had them agree to see where the relationship went was very true-to-life.

I hope Jo doesn't do anything horrid to our favourite werewolf, or his Tonks either. That silver hand worries me.

Thursday 20th October 2005 03:40Together (Author Response)

Thanks for reviewing, Baf.  I'm the same about the silver hand/werewolf thing.  So I figured I better get some Remus lovin' in before Book seven comes out.  I may have to hurt anyone who hurts my Remus.  I loved the R/T ship prior to it becoming canon, so I was very excited to see it in HBP. And it's great fun to give Remus some love for a change.

Thanks again for reviewing, dear, and I'm glad you enjoyed it!