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Reviews For Flotsam and Jetsam by Faelaern

Sunday 30th July 2006 22:15
Flotsam and Jetsam
Hmm. Well then. I wonder how Ron is going to react to Krum being with them during this part of the hunt.
Tuesday 25th October 2005 20:31
Flotsam and Jetsam
I just came across this story thanks to the latest update. I've enjoyed it so far and look forward to further additions! This is gonna be GOOD.
Wednesday 26th October 2005 11:34Flotsam and Jetsam (Author Response)
Thank you! I've already started on the next chapter and hope to have it finished soon. :)
Monday 24th October 2005 14:55
Flotsam and Jetsam
Love your Victor - but I hope the chapters come out faster now!
Monday 24th October 2005 14:50
Flotsam and Jetsam
Love your Victor - but I hope the chapters come out faster now!
Monday 24th October 2005 19:57Flotsam and Jetsam (Author Response)
Thanks! Me too, though my beta and I are both pretty busy at the moment. I'll do my best. :)
Monday 24th October 2005 13:58
Flotsam and Jetsam
I can't wait for more, keep up the good work! Definatley well written!
Monday 24th October 2005 14:27Flotsam and Jetsam (Author Response)
Thanks. :)
Monday 24th October 2005 06:27
Flotsam and Jetsam

Cool chapter!  It's nice to see Victor again, lol, if not for Ron.  I loved Harry's flat  "He kissed you" line.  I love his wit.  He suddenly seems so much older and more mature than Ron and Hermione; it's kind of sad.

This seems like a suicide mission.  The new characters seem like very old bounty hunters and have been up against this kind of stuff before, Harry has a knack for surviving impossible odds, so I fear it's Ron, Hermione and Victor who may be in trouble.  Hmmmmm...

Monday 24th October 2005 10:44Flotsam and Jetsam (Author Response)
Thank you! And I enjoy writing Viktor, though I still have no idea if he's going to make it out of this story alive or not. He may well, though to quote a certain upcoming movie, 'Oh yes, there will be blood'.

I feel I should mention, though,  that things won't be nearly as violent or graphic once Harry and whoever survives gets back to England. At least for a while.

Harry's maturity is a mixed bag. At 15, he was prone to violent temper tantrums that neither Ron or Hermione would ever do. Hermione and even Ron seemed to be level headed in areas where Harry wasn't. So at that time, they were more mature than Harry was, and there are still elements about both of them that are more mature. But Harry has been through fire and brimstone, time and time again, and that either breaks you or causes you to mature a great deal. So there's a lot about him now that is beyond Ron and Hermione, who haven't had the same level of trial by fire.

Monday 24th October 2005 03:22
Flotsam and Jetsam
Somehow, Hermione is not treating Ron - or Viktor - very nicely here.
Monday 24th October 2005 10:48Flotsam and Jetsam (Author Response)
You know, I hadn't thought about that. I get caught up in my writing, and I don't always consider who is or isn't treating another character fairly. You've got a definite point, though. I will say that Hermione brought Viktor aboard because she's worried for Ron...Harry too, obviously, but Ron first, for obvious reasons. The more capable wizards along, the less likely Ron or Harry will get killed. Harry wouldn't consider involving the Order, so that didn't leave her with a lot of options about who else to bring in. So she did what she had to to get Viktor to come along...and yes, she does care about him, too.