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Reviews For Of Mirrors and Wishes by Eressea

Saturday 11th February 2006 19:00
Of Mirrors and Wishes
" are selfish, insatiable fools!"

That sounds bad for the home team.

I only have good things to say. Your grammar and lack of typos make this a pleasure to read. The dialog is very natural too.
Tuesday 1st November 2005 14:40
Of Mirrors and Wishes
O0O0O0O0O0O! IT'S REALLY GOOD SO FAR! That was a really awful cliffie, you know. Urg! Must update soon! I'm dying to know what the heck just happened! Lol. I still don't see what this has to do with the summary, unless Harry wished for his parents or something and that's the room in the mirror and his wish was the only unselfish one so he gets it granted and it accidently makes him all non-Harry when he's a baby....... okay, nevermind. It's my brain from whence this freaky junk just came from and I have no idea what it means... just UPDATE SOON PLEASE!! xD
Monday 31st October 2005 00:36
Of Mirrors and Wishes
This is a very intriguing story - can't wait to hear what happens next. I'm guessing we'll find out what people wished for and how it comes true? I liked the discussion F&G had with Harry about dressing him up as a centrepiece - that was hilarious!