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Reviews For Cor Leonis by Bellendora

Friday 20th January 2006 04:31
Cor Leonis
I'm really enjoying this story. I'm glad that there's a post-HBP story where they do actually have to return to Hogwarts, and I like the idea of Coe, who's there to guide them. I'll be looking forward to updates.
Monday 7th November 2005 13:48
Cor Leonis
Thanks for this! I've just read chapters 1-3. I liked the bit about Harry's protection from the Dursley's running out, and I liked the way you got him back to school with his friends - I agree it makes sense as well as being good for the story. I thought Ron's speech, (Harry wait...) would fit better as a response to Harry reminding Ron of what he'd seen in the mirror of Erised and apologising or commiserating, rather than Ron coming out with it, especially after Ron knew he wasn't head boy.
Of course, there's a lot you haven't let us see yet, which may put that piece into place. I'm keen to see what new magic turns up, though I guess there's always going to be the question "Why haven't we see Death Eaters throw this at Harry?" if any really new combat techniques turn up.
Sunday 6th November 2005 16:34
Cor Leonis
Lovely story so far.  One nit to pick:  "...he could barley be seen" towards the end of ch. 3 should be changed to "...he could barely be seen" unless you intend to be discussing beer or whisky production.  Please update quickly - this is a fun read!
Sunday 6th November 2005 09:36
Cor Leonis

I laughed so hard I was almost crying at the following image:

"Harry and Hermione have just been made Head Boy and Girl, Mum," explained Ron, who was the only one who could talk, as Hermione and Ginny were crushing Harry and jumping up and down, which resulted in Harry being unable to breathe and being forced to jump up and down with them.

Fun chapter. Looking forward to the next one!!