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Reviews For Love Games by JediWeasley

Saturday 13th October 2007 14:27
Love Games
lol cute!!!!
Monday 10th September 2007 19:22
Love Games
congrats! you are officially the first person to get ginny's name right that ive read so far. well, the ones that have included her full name anyway. all the other ones have ginevra or virginia. but you got it right! good sotry btw.
Thursday 8th December 2005 03:18
Love Games
hehehehe I love this so called "added" chapter thingy...It's really cute!
Thursday 24th November 2005 14:10
Love Games
cute really cute.
Wednesday 16th November 2005 06:01
Love Games
If they were really that brutal with each other, Harry's break up gains a new dimension.