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Reviews For Scrolls of Parchment by Ladybug

Monday 29th December 2008 15:49
Scrolls of Parchment
LOL! This chapter was just hilarious!!!
Thursday 21st August 2008 11:59
Scrolls of Parchment
heeheehee! this fic is just brilliant - you've got my vision of Dumbledore down to a tee

Friday 22nd August 2008 01:52Scrolls of Parchment (Author Response)
Thank you indeed! I am very happy for my fic to be called brilliant! You must be a very intelligent reader to understand Dumbledore so well. Glad you enjoyed my story and thanks for your kind review.
Monday 29th October 2007 07:28
Scrolls of Parchment
Wow, now I need to read the passage where Ginny gives him the scroll again. Very carefully!
Wednesday 31st October 2007 20:07Scrolls of Parchment (Author Response)
Oh! I don't know if you'll get any hint from the book - I think I made something up out of nothing here! Glad you enjoyed it!
Sunday 21st October 2007 16:42
Scrolls of Parchment
wow! that would be so embarrassing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday 31st October 2007 19:48Scrolls of Parchment (Author Response)
Yes, wouldn't it just! Thankfully it happened to Ginny, not me!! (Aren't I mean!)
Wednesday 29th August 2007 21:37
Scrolls of Parchment
Brilliant. "She was never, ever, ever going to kiss anyone in the hallways ever again. Never." I truly did laugh out loud. Thank you!
Thursday 30th August 2007 21:08Scrolls of Parchment (Author Response)
Glad you liked that! Thanks for the review.
Sunday 13th August 2006 20:08
Scrolls of Parchment
Hahaha. That was funny too. And the song thingy fit perfectly.
Saturday 19th August 2006 01:04Scrolls of Parchment (Author Response)
Hahaha, thanks again! Ginny's always good for a laugh, isn't she!
Tuesday 7th February 2006 18:58
Scrolls of Parchment
Excellent again! Hahah Ginny. She just seems to be caught snogging by all the worst people. I can't wait to read the next chapter!
Sunday 29th January 2006 11:45
Scrolls of Parchment
Oh, Dumbledore was perfect. That was hilarious.
Monday 12th December 2005 01:32
Scrolls of Parchment

Again, excellently done. Poor Ginny, she really has had the lion's share of embarrassing moments. Good thing she's a Gryff, so she can handle that share! ;-)
My two favorite lines:

That was it. She was never, ever, ever going to kiss anyone in the hallways ever again. Never. From this moment on, she was going to make sure she and … whoever … were completely alone, protected by fifty billion privacy, silencing, imperturbable, locking and whatever other bloody charms she could think of so she would never get sprung again. Ever.


"If you plan to make a spectacle of  yourselves, my possums, do invite me along to enjoy the show."'

Her method of addressing Harry in her mind is quite realistic too.

All in all, good job. I'm very impressed and enjoyed it immensely.

Monday 12th December 2005 22:53Scrolls of Parchment (Author Response)
Thank you, Cassie, we really do dish it out to poor Ginny, don't we (the fans, that is) but that's only because we know she can hack it! Yes, she's kissing Dean and thinking about the next time when she's kissing '... whoever' - hmm. Glad you enjoyed it, thanks so much for the review.
Wednesday 7th December 2005 16:25
Scrolls of Parchment
Heya Ladybug..... Another gem. I'll repeat what I told you in an email for all the folks here..... I stupidly read this for the first time in a public internet cafe. Hours later, I still had the bitemarks in my knuckles that I made trying not to laugh so hard that the people around me wouldn't think I was a crazy person. Hmmm. Maybe they wouldn't have been so wrong after all. Anyway, brilliant work again, T.
Wednesday 7th December 2005 18:11Scrolls of Parchment (Author Response)
Thanks, Gypsy, you're a star!
Monday 28th November 2005 19:14
Scrolls of Parchment
Enjoyed both of these!  I do hope you plan for more 'mortifying' moments.
Thursday 1st December 2005 17:18Scrolls of Parchment (Author Response)

Oh yes, there are three more moments to come, though they're not really 'mortifying' ones - Dumbledore's not always such a tease! Thanks for your review.

Saturday 26th November 2005 02:58
Scrolls of Parchment
Very funny. I would love to see a portrait of Dame Edna Everage. She could replace the Fat lady. Or the one that guards the Syltherin entrance. She would be a change from all that black and green. She'd be there in brightest frock and a hair-do to die for only armed with a bunch of Gladyolie, (Don't think I got that, but what a picture.) And screeming at the top of her voice "Hello possums. Have you been naughty today?" Oh yeah funny to see Ginny and Dean getting caught kissing. Sorry don't like the word snogging, lol. You do seem to get Dumbledore right every time. Nice one
Saturday 26th November 2005 04:26Scrolls of Parchment (Author Response)

Oh, what a picture you've painted of her - perfect! And I don't like the 's' word either, but as a tribute to the great JKR I just had to include it here, as many times as I possibly could! Ha ha ha! Thank you for your review.

Friday 25th November 2005 17:07
Scrolls of Parchment
Hee  what a fatastic fic to end my Friday with! Wonderfully fully and a brilliant capture of Dumbledore's character.

Saturday 26th November 2005 04:22Scrolls of Parchment (Author Response)
Oh my, I've never had a 'wondefully fully' fic before, I hope you also found it 'funny'.(Sorry, couldn't resist!) Thanks for your review, glad I could help start off your weekend with a laugh.
Friday 25th November 2005 14:17
Scrolls of Parchment

This is absolutely wonderful! So funny. Jack Sloper's story was very amusing but this one really takes the cake. Dumbledore is very in-character - kudos! - as are Ginny and Dean. Overall a very satisfactory story - I can't wait for the next installment!

Favorite Quote:

'Um …' Oh, she was so eloquent. Apparently her tongue was tied - well yes, that was the problem - up until this moment her tongue had been tied … with Dean's.

Hahahahhaha. Keep up the good work!

Saturday 26th November 2005 04:19Scrolls of Parchment (Author Response)
Thank you so much. You picked one of my favourite lines, too! Some of the thoughts just came tumbling out of my head onto the screen and this was one of them. I'm glad you're enjoying it.
Friday 25th November 2005 11:21
Scrolls of Parchment

'What a shame it is,' Dumbledore spoke to no one in particular as he started off down the corridor, leaving Ginny and Dean in their mortification, 'that Dame Edna has not yet arrived. I have heard her remark on more than one occasion, "If you plan to make a spectacle of  yourselves, my possums, do invite me along to enjoy the show."' He began humming to himself as he turned the corner.

This is the best paragraph!  What a brilliant touch to think of Dame Edna for this scroll.  S/he's wickedly funny and rightly belongs among the Hogwarts' portraits.  I'd love to see her as the Gryffindor sentry sometime, as well.  Though that might be a bit over the top, so maybe I'll just keep that in my imagination. 

After spending most of the year before HBP released reading fics that portrayed Dumbledore as a manipulative, albeit charming, despot, I'm thrilled to see this series here. You seem to fully understand Professor Dumbledore's inner workings.  And you capture what I love most about him. Dear  Mr. Gambon should read these before filming OotP.  Ah, to be THIS marvelous in my old age.  I'll have to start working on it now, I think.  Brava!

Saturday 26th November 2005 04:17Scrolls of Parchment (Author Response)

Oh yes, to be this marvelous! Unfortunately, as you know, I have to think and stew and write and rewrite for weeks to come up with something like this, whereas Dumbledore comes up with it in a moment. hee hee! I'm glad Dumbledore seems appropriate, he's a very complex character, but great fun to play with. Thanks for your kind words, I'm glad it entertained you!

Thursday 24th November 2005 18:31
Scrolls of Parchment
Oh, that was great fun!  No room on the team indeed - heehee!   Once again, I'm thoroughly enjoying Dumbledore through the eyes of others.  Honestly, it's a therapeutic method of coping with his death to examine his last months in such a way.  Keep up the good work!    
Saturday 26th November 2005 04:11Scrolls of Parchment (Author Response)

Thanks, I hadn't thought about the therapeutic aspect but perhaps that's my subconscious reason for writing these. Glad you're enjoying it. (He's a bit cheeky, old Dumbledore, isn't he!)

Antonia East
Thursday 24th November 2005 16:01
Scrolls of Parchment
Hee hee!  Poor Ginny and naughty Dumbledore.  I liked the line at the end where Ginny regains her composure - it sounds like a very Ginny thing to do.
Saturday 26th November 2005 04:08Scrolls of Parchment (Author Response)

Thanks! Yes, poor Ginny, it's no wonder she completely blew her stack when Ron and Harry 'sprung' her. You would have thought she'd have learnt her lesson.