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Reviews For True Love's First Kiss by Katieay

Saturday 1st November 2008 19:33
True Love's First Kiss
Not sure why I have not found your stories before, but I am enjoying them.
Monday 22nd September 2008 08:01
True Love's First Kiss
hahaha that was awesome!!!
i love reading this from rons POV and you did it really well

Monday 11th June 2007 11:52
True Love's First Kiss
I really like this story because it gives the story of Ron advancing on hermione, while the other story gives the view from Ginny's view to there "failed" first kiss with harry. Just lovely
Thursday 22nd March 2007 13:06
True Love's First Kiss
Ron's hilarious efforts to get Harry and Ginny together were just so fluffy I couldn't help but chuckle all the way through.
Sunday 25th February 2007 22:26
True Love's First Kiss
wow, I love the writing style you've used and the dynamic it adds to Ron's character. The sort of rambling, stream of consciousness lends itself to him so well, showing a more insightful side to him as a clever person who sometimes speaks too quickly.
Saturday 3rd March 2007 07:48True Love's First Kiss (Author Response)
Thank you so much! That's exactly how I interpret Ron in the books, he's very intelligent, just a bit lazy and unsure of himself, and when it comes to Harry he's incredibly insightful, more so even than Hermione.

I'm glad you liked the story and thanks again for such a lovely review!
Friday 23rd February 2007 01:06
True Love's First Kiss
My absolute favorite story in the "short, fluffy H/G" category. ;-)

I love your Hedwig lines!
Friday 23rd February 2007 03:33True Love's First Kiss (Author Response)
That is such a lovely thing to say! Thank you very much for your review
Lily Flower
Wednesday 21st February 2007 12:18
True Love's First Kiss
This story is so sweet. I love how it is from Ron's point of view. You don't ever really see anything from his...and you did it brilliantly. Very nice....I hope you wrote other stuff cause I'm off to see!

Keep up the good work!
Thursday 22nd February 2007 16:22True Love's First Kiss (Author Response)
Thank you so much! I love Ron, and write from his point of view quite a lot, so I'm glad you like the way I write him! He often takes over a story if I let him.

Thank you for reviewing ALL my work! Hopefully, I'll be able to answer all your reviews soon.
Tuesday 20th February 2007 10:30
True Love's First Kiss
I read this story thinking it was going to be H/G, and suddenly it turns into R/Hr as well! Wonderfully done.
Tuesday 20th February 2007 15:35True Love's First Kiss (Author Response)
Thank you! I'm glad you weren't disappointed that it was R/Hr in the end and that you liked this little snippet. Thanks again for reviewing.
Antonia East
Tuesday 20th February 2007 06:43
True Love's First Kiss
So yeah, I love Harry. Just not in the I-want-to-kiss-you-madly-to-shut-you-up-and-run-my-fingers-through-your-curly-brown-hair kinda way. Ahem.

There are tears.

After our chat this morning I had to come and reread this and I'd completely forgotten quite how much I love this story and the Ron you've written. Harry love! Stare, stiffen and spit! And all the Hedwig impressions. The imitation being a form of flattery line cracked me up completely.

*Hugs you and Ron*
Tuesday 20th February 2007 09:32True Love's First Kiss (Author Response)
Hee! Thank you very much! I'm glad you can still find it just as funny. On a confident day, I really like Ron and this story. I think he wrote it more than I did, if that makes sense.

*hugs you back*
Tuesday 20th February 2007 03:42
True Love's First Kiss
Very nice!
Tuesday 20th February 2007 09:31True Love's First Kiss (Author Response)
Thanks! I'm glad you thought so.
Grandma Kate
Monday 19th February 2007 20:03
True Love's First Kiss
Thank you for suggesting that we read Cera's complementary story. Both of them were downright fluffy!

Your Ron is especially well done.
Tuesday 20th February 2007 00:14True Love's First Kiss (Author Response)
Thank you! I'm glad you liked both of them, and gave Cera's a read as well!
Monday 19th February 2007 11:27
True Love's First Kiss
Very sweet! I really liked reading this from Ron's perspective. It had me grinning madly the whole time. You wrote him extremely well and I really enjoyed this fresh take on H/G's relationship.

Very well done.
Monday 19th February 2007 12:08True Love's First Kiss (Author Response)
Thank you very much for your review! I'm glad it made you grin I love Ron
Sunday 18th February 2007 21:22
True Love's First Kiss
Ah, what a sport Ron is...encouraging his best friend canoodle his sister. I wish I had best friends like that. My wife is probably glad I don't....

Cute story

Monday 19th February 2007 06:44True Love's First Kiss (Author Response)
LOL Your wife is definitely more than glad you don't have friends who offer up their sisters for a bit of a canoodle!

Thanks for the review, LB, I'm glad you like it
Tuesday 12th December 2006 11:31
True Love's First Kiss
Just great. I really enjoyed Cera's story and yours just compliments it perfectly. Ron and Hermione are my favorite couple so I thoroughly enjoyed this light hearted romantic tale.
Monday 19th February 2007 06:43True Love's First Kiss (Author Response)
Thank you! I'm sorry I'm so late in getting back to you, I had a baby in November (ah, the ultimate excuse!). I loved Cera's story and while I was betaing that one, this one was just screaming to be written. Ron is my favourite character, even over Harry. I'm glad you liked it and thanks again for your review!
Wednesday 26th April 2006 03:31
True Love's First Kiss
Excellent as always!!

just loved these bit's it's sooooooooooooooooo Ron
So yeah, I love Harry. Just not in the I-want-to-kiss-you-madly-to-shut-you-up-and-run-my-fingers-through-your-curly-brown-hair kinda way. Ahem.

So, being armed with the supposed emotional range of a teaspoon

and this had me in fits!
If imitation is the highest form of flattery, between these two, Hedwig must have the biggest ego of any owl in history.

Huge Pratty Huggles for you Miss Nutty!

Wednesday 26th April 2006 03:45True Love's First Kiss (Author Response)
Awww! Thank you, dearest! I'm glad you liked it Pratty huggles right on back!
Thursday 13th April 2006 11:13
True Love's First Kiss
Love it especially the references to Hedwig very funny. now I'm off the read Cera's
Wednesday 26th April 2006 03:43True Love's First Kiss (Author Response)
Thank you so much for reviewing! I hope you enjoyed Cera's story
Saturday 18th February 2006 13:52
True Love's First Kiss
Oh, that was fun!! The way you portrayed Ron, and Harry, too was wonderful.
And I loved the "I-love-Harry"-piece... just like the rest of the story.
Sunday 19th February 2006 03:44True Love's First Kiss (Author Response)
Hee! Thank you! I'm glad you had as good a time reading as I did writing it Thanks for reviewing!
Friday 6th January 2006 03:59
True Love's First Kiss
I love the first-person narrative to this story and once again, you've done a great job of describing scenes that anyone who's ever been romantically inclined can be filled with personal memories.  Hermione's bashing Ron's nose did it for me.

~Cheers, K 
Saturday 7th January 2006 04:25True Love's First Kiss (Author Response)

Thank you, Paladin! Your reviews are becoming something I look forward to (I should probably post more then, eh?). I'm glad you liked this so much. Thanks again for stopping by to review!

Cheers, K (hehehe)

Wednesday 4th January 2006 17:55
True Love's First Kiss
Very nice, and "Well cut of my legs and call me shorty! Our boy did it!" made me howl.

However, I have to agree with Astrid. It starts off as Harry/Ginny and suddenly they are gone. It was rather jolting.

Thursday 5th January 2006 11:48True Love's First Kiss (Author Response)

Hehehe, thanks for reviewing! I'm glad I was able to make you howl.

As for the Harry/Ginny abrupt finishing... the poor fella got whacked in the nose with a head. He wasn't hanging round to watch his best mate kiss his sister. No sirree.

Seriously, though, I'm sorry you got jolted, but I'm glad you laughed! Thanks again!

Wednesday 4th January 2006 10:54
True Love's First Kiss
This is good, but I feel like the story kind of goes off near the end. There's no mention of Ginny and Harry anymore, although I know what's happening from reading the other story. Maybe Ron could finish with something like oh, he meant for it to be a story about Ginny but it didn't end that way or something similar. Otherwise, cute and fluffy and the tone matches the original.
Thursday 5th January 2006 11:45True Love's First Kiss (Author Response)
Thank you for taking the time for a review! In my defence, I can say that Harry and Ginny are indeed together, which is implied by Hermione coming over to Harry's with Ginny to "hang out". And "Maybe Harry and Ginny aren't the only ones finding the path to each other" or something is in there, too. In all honesty though, I wrote this a long while ago and can't remember the thought process I went through at the end! I'm glad you liked it, despite the jolt. Thanks again for reviewing!
Connor Landon
Tuesday 3rd January 2006 13:37
True Love's First Kiss
Oh my gosh! This is so GOOD! It's hilarious! The girls in my study hall have been giving me extremely strange looks every time I laugh out loud, so I'm trying to just giggle quietly to myself while I read, but it's not working! I hope you continue with this story, the rest is bound to be just as awesome! Thank you!
Wednesday 4th January 2006 01:20True Love's First Kiss (Author Response)
Aaah! Thank you!! You've just made my head inflate, what a fun review. Thank you for reading and reviewing. Alas, the story is complete, but have you read Cera's The Tale of a Kiss? It's hilarious. Same story, Ginny's PoV. Thanks again for leaving a review!
Tuesday 3rd January 2006 13:26
True Love's First Kiss

*Giggle* I can't wait for the next one. Great job!

Cherry xxx

Wednesday 4th January 2006 01:18True Love's First Kiss (Author Response)
Thanks Cherry! I'm glad you like it!
Tuesday 3rd January 2006 12:42
True Love's First Kiss
It's sweet and funny at the same time :)! I look forward to reading more of your stories.
Wednesday 4th January 2006 01:18True Love's First Kiss (Author Response)
Thank you Stephanie, for taking the time to leave a review. I'm really glad you like it!
Tuesday 3rd January 2006 08:10
True Love's First Kiss
Nicely done. Calls for two follow-ups: on Harry and Ginny plus the upcoming dinner.
Wednesday 4th January 2006 01:16True Love's First Kiss (Author Response)
D'oh... it made me press enter too soon. The idea of follow-ups hadn't really occurred to me, nor as far as I know, to Cera. But that would be interesting, yes. Definitely something to ponder. Thanks for leaving a review!
Tuesday 3rd January 2006 07:31
True Love's First Kiss
oh goodness, that was absolutely wonderful! Perfectly suited to Cera's great story and you have so many funny things, too many to mention, but I can't go without saying how funny the whole Hedwig thing was - loved that! Oh, and also the eloquent saviour bit, oh and Ron's 'poetry' and amazing people skills. Oh, don't forget the bit about Harry morphing and Ron backing him slowly away from his sister, and then the whole Hermione bit was wonderful! (ok, think I almost rewrote your whole story here, but it was all very funny and very enjoyable.) Thanks!
Wednesday 4th January 2006 01:14True Love's First Kiss (Author Response)
Hee! Hee! YAY! Thank you so much Ladybug. I'm glad I was able to make you enjoy a story so much that you rewrote it in the review. Those kinds of reviews are the best kind. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Tuesday 3rd January 2006 06:23
True Love's First Kiss
Very nice story Katie -Yay!  It's the best Ron's POV story I've read.  Very well done thanks for sharing it with us!

Wednesday 4th January 2006 01:13True Love's First Kiss (Author Response)

Wow, thank you so much! I'm very flattered  Thanks for taking the time to review!

Tuesday 3rd January 2006 00:05
True Love's First Kiss
Haha, I love Ron. He's so witty. "I decided to pay my brothers a visit before casually stopping by the Ministry and pretending to run into Hermione by accident." Hahahaha
Tuesday 3rd January 2006 02:11True Love's First Kiss (Author Response)
Thank you! I'm glad I made you laugh... or rather Ron did  Thanks again for the review, greatly appreciated!
Monday 2nd January 2006 20:37
True Love's First Kiss

Just not in the I-want-to-kiss-you-madly-to-shut-you-up-and-run-my-fingers-through-your-curly-brown-hair kinda way. Ahem. Another issue entirely.

*peals of delighted laughter*  I love this little look into Ron's brain.  You write him so well.  Far too many HP fans have no understanding or appreciation for Ron at all.  This is one of the things I love about you.  I do think he'd be this frank with himself.

through Diagon Alley, searching madly for any sign of my family’s hair. I used to hate our hair, but it comes in dead handy in a crowd!

Darn it, you scooped me!  Serves me right for not getting Molly's next chapter done and posted.  Perhaps you'd care to look over that excerpt and offer your opinion? 

As words tend to get away from me when I’m faced with a raging Hermione, I wasn’t surprised at all that I’d blurted something ridiculous.

This insight is quite good as well.  I can completely see that about Ron.  I'm certain his mouth works faster than his brain.  Or at least that he has a horrible tendency to speak without thinking when he's a bit flustered, even though he thinks quite a bit and quite intelligently at that. 

All in all, well done Katieay!  I love your writing style.  Always very thoughtful but in an entertaining, light, fresh way.  Your work is never heavy handed.  Loved it!

Tuesday 3rd January 2006 02:10True Love's First Kiss (Author Response)

I'm gobsmacked. Thank you so much for such a clever and insightful review! You do give the best kind. Thank you, thank you! And yes, I would LOVE to read more Molly!

I'm really glad I was able to make you laugh. And that I was able to capture Ron properly. When I read Cera's story, Ron was begging to have his side of the story told. And here we are!

Thanks again for such a lovely review!



Monday 2nd January 2006 16:01
True Love's First Kiss

This was a fun piece to read. I like the perspective of Harry and Ginny through Ron's eyes, it was different. This makes me want to go read Cera's story. Great job.

Monday 2nd January 2006 16:10True Love's First Kiss (Author Response)

Thank you! Please do go and read Cera's story... it's so funny. Thanks so much for reviewing!

When am I going to see some new stuff from you? Hmmm?

Monday 2nd January 2006 11:26
True Love's First Kiss
Great story! It sounds just like Ron.
Monday 2nd January 2006 16:08True Love's First Kiss (Author Response)
Thank you! I'm glad I was able to portray Ron properly