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Reviews For Redefining by TheGov

Thursday 8th January 2009 20:38
I'm so enjoying this story.
Tuesday 1st May 2007 02:08
So Penny is getting "man" advice from Ginny and Hermione. That is interesting. Of course Penny isn't the kind of girl to find someone in a bar. Ginny was trying to take her out to get her to loosen up a little. Now Ron has introduced Penny and Chris. They both seem interested in each other.
Quite a different introduction for Penny to be introduced to a muggle inspector of the Scotland Yard. I think it would be a good match. I look forward to more of this point of view. Thanks for writing. p
Monday 25th September 2006 08:34
That's a nice match, Penny and Chris. And he's a Squib, so their kids have more chance of being magical (hopefully ).
Sunday 22nd January 2006 13:46
Yay! I like Chris and hope he gets to know Penny.
Monday 9th January 2006 19:45
Oh goodie! I'm looking forward to seeing this story unfold. It's very touching and I love your Penny - her thoughts and moods and relationship with her family. I'm intrigued by the idea of how the magical and muggle worlds might mix in this story.
Tuesday 10th January 2006 18:42Redefining (Author Response)

Glad you liked it! I'm really enjoying writing it. And the next chapter of DTR is coming soon!

Friday 6th January 2006 19:53
Welcome back.  This is such a refreshing storyline, and I especially like the insight's into the characters backgrounds. It is weaving beautifully with DTR. Well done.
Tuesday 10th January 2006 18:38Redefining (Author Response)

Thank you! It's good to be back! Glad you enjoyed it, look for more DTR soon!

Friday 6th January 2006 18:13
Well, three or four grammar and formatting errors in this one - maybe you felt pushed to get it out?  About a hundred errors actually, but that's if you add in the lil' Arthur dialogue :-).

For some reason I thought that Penny was a muggle-born, like Hermione - with muggle parents.  I'm not sure, though, if it's something I've remembered from canon (she popped up in CoS) or lots of fanfics (which maybe in turn got it from canon).  The HP lexicon doesn't mention it so I guess I'm wrong.

I thought Arthur's spots were very cute - 'Uncle Hawwy' and his talk to Chawee.  Awww.

Nice little chapter, thank you!
Tuesday 10th January 2006 18:37Redefining (Author Response)

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter.

A lot of people have mentioned that about Penny, but I'm working off the Lexicon, so... *shrugs*

Anyway, it's good to be back, and I'm glad you liked it!

Friday 6th January 2006 09:39
Excellent chapter, nice and fluffy! Glad you had a nice wedding and honeymoon. Very glad to see you back writing!
Tuesday 10th January 2006 18:36Redefining (Author Response)
Thank you! It's good to be back! I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter. DtR is coming soon, keep your eyes open!
robbie cupcake-girl
Thursday 5th January 2006 18:25

Congratulations etc. Hope you had a fantastic time, Glad to have you back.

Mmm. That chapter really made me grin. Chris is one of my favourite OCs. I can't even be sure why. He just slotted himself comfortably in there. 

I understand some of the stuff in this bit of DtR better thanks to this chapter too.

I really like Arthur (the younger) in this too. Smashing. Corking.

Tuesday 10th January 2006 18:35Redefining (Author Response)

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it. You'll find that this will help fill in some gaps over in DtR, but I'm going to try and keep it so you can still read DtR without having to read this.

Thanks again!

Thursday 5th January 2006 15:39
Welcome back and congratulations on the nuptials!  I am so glad you are telling Penny's story.  You have such talent conveying the pain that has been woven into Penny's life and her emotions that go long with that.  But what I really love is the thing that is starting to happen with another one of my favorite characters--Chris.  I started to read this chapter thinking that it would be nice if Penny could find someone to help her through that pain, but couldn't come up with a "canon" character that I thought would be good for her.  Chris is a great choice!  I can't wait to read more about how that relationship develops.  I love the back story about Penny's family.  Should be interesting to see how they handle any developments between Penny and Chris.  You weave such great stories!  
Tuesday 10th January 2006 18:34Redefining (Author Response)
Thank you! I'm glad your enjoying it. I really felt like I was going out on a limb when I started this, and I've been releived with the response! Thanks again!