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Reviews For Judging the Covers by Bring and Fly

Saturday 31st January 2009 09:28
Judging the Covers
I loved it! You should write others with different teachers!
Wednesday 20th August 2008 22:56
Judging the Covers
Sunday 14th May 2006 22:20
Judging the Covers
Wow.. Prof. Makie is an excellent teacher ain't she?

Niceley done!!

I don't read much about the teachers (their POV) and it was a nice change of perspective, thanks for that!
Wednesday 22nd February 2006 06:43
Judging the Covers
What a wonderful story, B&F! I'm such a sucker for good McGonagall fics. I love the note of resignation in her internal voice as she readies herself for yet another crop of first years, and the little rituals she goes through to get everything "just right". Then the way the anticipation builds as she looks for one face in particular, and the rush of emotion when she finds it, was perfectly done. Fabulous.
Thursday 2nd March 2006 04:27Judging the Covers (Author Response)
Gosh! Thank you Mags; that really means a lot, coming from you.
Sunday 22nd January 2006 08:03
Judging the Covers
I absolutely loved this. No one seems to ever write from McGonagall's point of view, which made this a fresh, new story. I especially liked her approval of Hermione's attention--but the ending was spectacular. Absolutely wonderful. Great job!
Monday 30th January 2006 09:06Judging the Covers (Author Response)
Thank you, Delfino. I'm very pleased that you enjoyed this and stopped by to let me know. I have a fondness for Professor McGonagall.
Monday 16th January 2006 19:36
Judging the Covers
Really nice job. It's always interesting to see what happened from someone elses point of view.
Tuesday 17th January 2006 06:54Judging the Covers (Author Response)

Thank you, SillyGillie.

I agree; another perpective is always coloured by the observer's thoughts, feelings and personal experience, and as such, very telling.

Sunday 15th January 2006 17:49
Judging the Covers
Great! Touching and heartfelt. I love these types of fics (when they're done right - as this one was), which show a different insight into a fairly standard scene. Beautiful, but I wanted to see more! *sniff* Gypsy.
Tuesday 17th January 2006 06:52Judging the Covers (Author Response)

Thank you, Gypsy.

I'm pleased you found it so, and paused after reading to let me know. T'is appreciated. And thank you for 'wanting more' but stopping at that point was a deliberate choice.

Sunday 15th January 2006 10:30
Judging the Covers
This was very nicely written. It was a bit underdevelped in that the story lead to nothing in particular, but the idea was very impressively unique.
Tuesday 17th January 2006 06:49Judging the Covers (Author Response)

Thank you, Passion.

It was, as you rightly pointed out, leading to nothing new, but I'm glad you paused to review. T'is appreciated.

Saturday 14th January 2006 08:55
Judging the Covers
Very interesting shorty.  You definitely provided a unique scene that make us comtemplate one of the more prominent, yet lesser scrutinized characters of the HP realm.  You provided enough of your own ideas about her yet let allow room for our own perspectives to carry on to what else may lie beneath the cool facade of the schoolmarm.

~Well done!
Tuesday 17th January 2006 06:42Judging the Covers (Author Response)

Thank you, Paladin.

Professor McGonagall strikes me as a 'no-nonsense' witch, yet I often have the impression she is rigidly holding herself in check, and only occasionally 'lets rip'.

Saturday 14th January 2006 07:23
Judging the Covers
This one gave me shivvers.Thanks
Tuesday 17th January 2006 06:40Judging the Covers (Author Response)
Thank you, Hoss,  for pausing to tell me so after reading. T'is appreciated.
Friday 13th January 2006 20:01
Judging the Covers
Excellent.  You made McGonagall so real and allowed me to see beyond the tough exterior, to a softness within.  I really enjoyed this.
Tuesday 17th January 2006 06:38Judging the Covers (Author Response)
Thank you, Juliet. I glad you felt I showed another side to our beloved Professor.
Friday 13th January 2006 19:36
Judging the Covers

unless she resorted to the use of coarse anglo-saxonisms -  which of course she wouldn't, being a good Scot!

Wonderful - I love that she had a degree of excitement about the start of a new year, but tempered by the knowledge it would be back to normal all too soon. A lovely look at our favourite three students through her eyes.

Tuesday 17th January 2006 06:37Judging the Covers (Author Response)

Thank you, Ladybug. No indeed; being a good Scot, she probably knows many excellent old Scots phrases instead, and, depending on where she was raised, some Gaelic.

Yes, the feelings of newness soon wear away to comfortable and then familiarity.

Ron Obsessed
Friday 13th January 2006 17:49
Judging the Covers

Loved the McGonnagall perspective. Very good story.

Tuesday 17th January 2006 06:34Judging the Covers (Author Response)
Thank you very much, Ron Obsessed.
Friday 13th January 2006 14:53
Judging the Covers
I love Professor McGonagall stories and this one especially.  It is so true that every teacher sizes up each new class and pre-judges the members, putting them in the individual little boxes to be proven or disproven, and I see that the dear professor is just as guilty of it as the rest of us!  What I liked best about this story are her thoughts of Harry and how she searches him out, compares him to his father and thinks of Hagrid's words which make her angry enough to use "coarse anglo-saxonisms".  [I'm going to have to remember that particular turn of phrase!]  This is a story I'm going to read many, many times.  Well done!
Tuesday 17th January 2006 06:33Judging the Covers (Author Response)

Thank you, Arnel. I'm happy it struck a chord with you.

Although teaching was a small part of my profession, I was as guilty of 'judging the covers' as the next. I confess the phrase 'coarse anglo-saxonisms', which you so enjoyed, was a phrase I read years ago by Rudyard Kipling. (Stalky and Co) It stuck in my head and popped back the second I read about Professor McGonagall.

Friday 13th January 2006 12:50
Judging the Covers

Aww! That was cute, and the end was surprisingly sad. I can just imgaine mini-Harry (even though he's not really that mini...) looking all deer-in-the-headlights. So cute. n.n Good job! I love the idea of McGonagall looking over students every year, already knowing which would be in which categories. It was very well-done. ^^

Tuesday 17th January 2006 06:28Judging the Covers (Author Response)
Thank you, BasketKiwi. I imagine Harry was quite small as a first year, and I agree with the 'deer-in-the-headlights expression. It must have seemed as though he had fallen into another world, as, indeed, he had.
Friday 13th January 2006 08:45
Judging the Covers
Very nice moment. I suppose I'd have liked to hear about McGonagall's annoyance at Ron's smudged nose... but let's not be picky.
I like that thoughtful side of McGonagall's...
But why is it AU?
Tuesday 17th January 2006 06:25Judging the Covers (Author Response)

Thank you, Evelyn.

Professor McGonagall informed me that she was so used to boys arriving for classes et al, with more than smudged noses (rumpled robes of dubious cleanliness; crushed, smudged homework scrolls, complete with illegible handwriting and food stains) that it sails past her attention these days! :)

I didn't notice it was AU. We'll blame it on Jarveys chasing the Gnomes, and I'll ask my ever-patient Beta to fix it.