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Reviews For Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past by Viridian

Wednesday 25th February 2009 18:46
Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past
Hope Harry isn't making too many changes in the past. His intentions are good, but he's already making people suspicious.
Wednesday 27th August 2008 18:02
Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past
In this chapter we saw more of the careful weaving of initial events, paving the way for later chapters. It was refreshing to see characters reacting in convincing ways, without their personalities being sacrificed. The best examples of this are Draco and Snape's reactions. Seeing these two proud people react in arrogant ways to Harry's confidence and ability seemed to fit well with what we already know about the characters. That's without saying anything about the satisfaction from seeing Draco beaten so well.

McGonagall's character is also nicely portrayed in this chapter, with both her loyalty and courage shown alongside her fearsome persona. Her caring and honest reactions help give a more adult perspective on the strict teacher. The ending few lines were particularly well-written in this respect.

The direction taken with Dumbledore's character was a brave step, especially with him using legillimency so readily; it truely shows the closedmindedness in Dumbledore that you have highlighted in your version of events. But it was gratifying that you haven't done as some would do, completely destroying his character; instead you've kept Dumbledore's caring attitude, his sense of justice, and his unquestionable loyalty to the light, even as he forcefully shouts Snape down.

It's also good to see Harry making slow changes, and not rushing into playing God too quickly; it would have been easier (I would imagine) to rush through the story quickly, with Harry changing everything slightly bad, and killing off Voldemort within a year; I am glad that you've taken the beginning very slowly, as the story seems much more realistic and believable (if suchs adjectives can be attributed to magical fiction) your way.

I also appreciate the continued insights into the horrific alternate future, and making Harry re-live them in his nightmares is a brilliant concept that you execute very well. I was also glad that these insights are not the main focus of the story, as that would break the flow of narrative too much. As it is, the narrative flows well, and the insights provide a powerful insight into Harry's mind, and a continued reminder of why he's here.

All in all, another superb chapter, both intriguing and engaging. I'm looking forward to more written excellence.
Monday 16th June 2008 06:21
Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past
i just want to thank you soooooooo much for writing this story! it makes me all nostalgic reading about the Hogwarts express and when i read harry potter for the first time not knowing what was going to happen!
thanks again, nad i love proffesor McGonagall!
Friday 11th April 2008 18:51
Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past
I read this story tooooo fast the first time and did not review hardley any chapters .... enjoying it so much more this second time reading the story !

I must admit that I have never re read any of JKR's books .... re looked through them .... but not re read .... love this story.

Saturday 1st September 2007 02:24
Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past
Smart plot!! hey, your writing is quite awesome, especially the tension you build and the reactions of the individual characters that ring true. Cool thing with the Sorting Hats shrewd interaction, really!
However, I am not very convinced by this over confident 11 year old Harry that knows all about formal complaints filing and telling the head of house/ head of school how they should run things. It just makes me wonder very much how far his secret will carry before his cynicism and despair sabotage the still young relationships with his friends...
I am very much looking forward to reading on, thanks for all your efforts, and this includes the betas, of course!
Wednesday 1st August 2007 22:01
Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past
This is BLOODY BRILLIANT. when do you think you will be completely finished so that i can pace myself
Wednesday 23rd May 2007 17:22
Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past
Hary seems a bit thick on the manipulative side... but ti's still very believable that he'd be so, as he's mentally thirty-something in and eleven-year old's body. Jus hope he learns to reign it in before someone notices. Well done!
Friday 6th April 2007 12:25
Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past
Im so thoroughly enjoying my rereading of your masterpiece. I keep seeing all the subtle links to the books i missed the first two times. Even though ive read through to date on the chapters twice before, each time i finish one i still look forward to reading the next. And if that isn't the definition of a good read, i suppose i don't know what is.
Tuesday 12th December 2006 18:41
Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past
Another excellent chapter. It's good to see all the first years we'll come to know and love. Loved Harry turning the tables on Snape in Potions. Well done, well done. I think you might a little hard on the Slytherins though, there must be some good ones. Favorite line--
“I believe it’s also used in the Wit-Sharpening potion. Oh, and it’s good in Chinese stir-fry.” That got a quiet cough from Dean Thomas, who Harry remembered was Muggle-born.

Keep up the good work. And Harry seems very mature for his age.
Wednesday 16th August 2006 19:38
Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past
this is very good i liked this alot so much
Wednesday 16th August 2006 15:05
Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past
So Draco and Snivellus are their normal greasy, ugly selves . Certainly someone (besides Snape, who looks to be on his way out) is going to figure out Harry -- he obviously knows too much; though, of course, no one really knows how much he knows -- as long as he can keep Dumbledore out of his mind .
Saturday 4th February 2006 00:51
Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past
Meeting the enemies...Malfoy, Snape, and of course we saw "Scabbers". The urge to just annihilate these three must be overwhelming for Harry. The confrontation with Snape, the wonderful sorting hat bit (forgot to mention how much I liked that when I reviewed the previous chapter), friendships developing, and McGonagall.

The only issue I see is that the changes Harry is making are going to very rapidly run away from him. I expect that to come back and bit him hard, probably sooner rather than later.

Great work!
Monday 13th February 2006 14:25Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past (Author Response)
The only issue I see is that the changes Harry is making are going to very rapidly run away from him. I expect that to come back and bit him hard, probably sooner rather than later.

You got that right, mate!
Monday 16th January 2006 19:57
Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past
This is such an interesting story. The ramifications time travel has is sooo interesting. I think it's fantastic that Harry's taken Neville under his wings, and Hermione too. What a brilliant job. Haha. Can you imagine if Snape was actually fired. What a . He'd probably find some way to bring Voldie back to life faster, the positive, Harry could have Sirius alive longer...? That's if Sirius finds out that Peter is in Harry's dorm. Hmm. So that would mean that Harry needed to go back to the Dursley's again during the summer, so that the Weasley's could go to Egypt. Hmm, this is all getting so complex and interesting. I really can't wait to see where this is going!
Monday 23rd January 2006 13:21Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past (Author Response)
There are a lot of ramifications here, especially when Harry starts changing things up. Why do the Weasleys have to go to Egypt?
Sunday 15th January 2006 13:15
Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past

Oh this story is simply fantastic. Please update soon. PLEASE!!! I'm going to go crazy if you don't...not that I wasn't already crazy but whatever


Sunday 15th January 2006 14:44Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past (Author Response)
Your wish is my command. Four is up!
Sunday 15th January 2006 09:35
Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past
I love your story so far.  I can't wait to see how you solve problems such as Hermoine falling for Harry instead of Ron, whether or not Harry will destroy Tom's diary right away or risk letting history take its course, whether Harry will somehow try to get Sirius out of Azkaban early, what Harry might do to keep Cedric from dying, etc.  You've started a huge undertaking, and so far I think you are doing a great job.
Sunday 15th January 2006 14:41Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past (Author Response)
These are all going to be really sticky issues for Harry to deal with. We've got all three levels on conflict boiling now... Man vs. Himself - with Harry trying to deal with the nightmares and depression. Man Vs. Man - or man versus Ferret and Greasy Git and Dark Tosser as the case may be. Man vs. Nature - now with chapter 4 we see the conflict with Fate itself.
Saturday 14th January 2006 07:07
Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past
Excellent. I hope you update soon.
Saturday 14th January 2006 16:53Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past (Author Response)
Thank you! I need to get 4 back to my beta now...
Saturday 14th January 2006 05:49
Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past

This is a wonderful story!  I have been reading it on, and I'm really glad that you've begun posting it here as well. 

The whole Legilimancy thing with Dumbledore and Snape creeps me out, too.  I'm glad that Harry is armed this time.  It has given him an interesting advantage.  I'm anxious to see where you go with it.  Happy writing!

Saturday 14th January 2006 16:53Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past (Author Response)

Just learning of the existence of those abilities made me go back and look at the previous books in a whole new light. Some of Harry's outrage is probably a reflection of my own...

Some folks on my yahoo group began referring to the unwanted telepathic invasions as 'mind-rape'. It's a rather extreme label, but there is an element of undesired invasion and violation inherent in the act.

This whole issue is also going to present some complications with regard to his friends...




Saturday 14th January 2006 03:50
Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past
Great! I was really waiting to the sorting and how the Hat would react. This story is going wonderful! I barelly can wait for the next chapter!
Saturday 14th January 2006 16:47Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past (Author Response)
Thanks! Floppy, of all the characters encountered so far, has the most reason to trust merged-Harry. It can see the boy's memories in their entirety, and therefore knows that Harry is wholly committed to preventing the Hogwarts Massacre, among other things.
Friday 13th January 2006 18:21
Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past

Excellent chapter just like the last.  My favorite part of chapter two was learning that you had already done over twenty chapters.

I enjoyed the Sorting Hat taking Harry's side.  But I loved the first potions class.  Snape losing it completely, Neville's decision that Snape was just an overgrown bully, and the bit about stir-fry had me grinning.  My favorite line in this chapter was: "Just like cooking, isn’t it?” he asked innocently.  That was inspired.

The snippets from the original future are great.  Makes it even more obvious why Harry felt so driven to go back.

Saturday 14th January 2006 01:09Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past (Author Response)

Never tell a master chemist that his job is essential similar to cooking. He will throw something caustic at you. I guess Muggles and Wizards aren't so different after all, eh, Sevvie?

I hope the flashbacks and nightmares will be enough for everyone to get their reccomended daily allotment of angst. I have fun writing them, and I hope they do remind everyone of the stakes that Harry is playing for.


Friday 13th January 2006 17:54
Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past

Lovely work!  I can't wait for the next chapter! 

Is it still in beta reading, or are you just waiting a while to post the next chapter, to keep us anxious fans on the edge of our seats? 

I am truly impressed with this chapter, because I love the way you had Harry tell of Malfoy and insult Snape with the cooking remark.  I like the 30-year-old-trapped-in-my-eleven-year-old-body side of Harry better than the scrawny little orphan he used to be. 

My compliments,


Saturday 14th January 2006 01:04Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past (Author Response)

This is sort of an exercise in Masochistic Multitasking. I'm working with my Beta on these revised chapters, in between writing new chapters of HP&NFP, writing a Naruto Fic that won't leave me alone, moderating my yahoo group, looking for a job, and recovering from a nasty sprain.

And yes, writing some of these scenes is cathartic after watching all the abuse the poor boy was put through.


Friday 13th January 2006 16:15
Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past
Just re-reading a couple of the early chapters here on phoenixsong.  Are there likely to be significant changes between here and your version?

I just had to comment again on how much I admired your/Harry's observation that Snape had been deliberately vindictive all along, given that he would have been able to read Harry's mind from day one.  So obvious once you pointed it out, and it really does cast everything concerning that man in a totally different light.  I've found the legilimency/Snape sub-plot of your story to be a terrifically engrossing and, in places, poignant one ... your description of how his friends tried to resist after their first summer - a lone tear trailing down Hermione's cheek? - was marvelous.  Makes me want to leap into the story and help them out.  Just wanted to say that again!
Saturday 14th January 2006 01:00Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past (Author Response)

Mostly this is clean-up and editing. John's also a MUCH better Brit-picker than I am.

The legilimency sub-plot took shape after reading a really well-researched essay on HP-lexicon regarding legilimency. It included a list of all the times it seemed that Snape or Dumbledore had used it on someone (usually Harry). And yes, it really creeped me out when I realized...


Friday 13th January 2006 14:27
Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past
Wow! This is freakin' awesome and I can't wait for the next chapters. Hopefully your beta can sort through them quickly. lol I actually thought of a story kida semi similar to this although not nearly as comlicated. I've got a really good feeling about where this is going and im gonna stick with it 'till the end. Nick
Saturday 14th January 2006 00:56Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past (Author Response)
Don't blame my beta, I'm the choke point right now...
Friday 13th January 2006 10:52
Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past
Ha! You're really winding this story up now.  The first meetings between people always leave the biggest impression in our minds.  I am most curious at how Harry and Hermione's relationship will develop in chapters to come, with the wrinkle created by all of the reading and studying he did over the summer.  I loved the confrontation with Snape. 

~Awesome job!
Saturday 14th January 2006 00:55Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past (Author Response)
Yeah, things are moving a little faster now, as Harry begins to meet all the major players at Hogwarts. Unfortunately, it's also clear that merged-Harry has a bit of a temper, and isn't as prone to take things lying down. That's going to galvanize the opposition just a bit...