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Reviews For The First Horcrux by Mr. Intel

Wednesday 31st May 2006 07:40
The First Horcrux
That confirms Harry's fears. Then again ...
Tuesday 30th May 2006 21:42
The First Horcrux
Wow. That was surprising. In a good way of course. On my way to chapter number 3!
Friday 10th February 2006 06:18
The First Horcrux

Gee, I'm an articulate being in the mornings.

Ok, uh...I'm really enjoying Hermione in this story, her characterization is spot on.
Tuesday 24th January 2006 12:46
The First Horcrux
Well, you certainly delivered on the promise left by the first chapter!

The Dursley's were their own nasty selves without being overbearing. Harry is still his own thick self. Is the boy ever going to realise, I ask you? Lovely discovery on Hermione and her feelings for Ron. The scene with Mrs. Weasley had me grinning and Harry's temporary insight was endearing. Then he went back to his annoying self.

Ginny is a star as always! I applaud you for making her seem accomplished and independant without being too perfect. In addition, the tie-in with canon on seeing through the cloak and Mrs Norris was impressive and inspired. It sounds very natural and obvious that way.

As always, the adults are unable to protect them and Harry and Ginny are left to fend for themselves. Part of me is hoping this will change things but my gut tells me Harry will only be more determined to keep Ginny away from the action. Can't wait for the moment when she lets loose that magnificent temper on Harry.

Good luck with the next chapter!
Tuesday 24th January 2006 11:27
The First Horcrux
Ooh, very exciting. Keep up the good work!
Monday 23rd January 2006 19:36
The First Horcrux
Wooah. That was some amazing Action-packed goodness!! XDXD But wouldn't the wards be able to prevent anyone unwelcome coming to the Burrow? I mean surely they would have had loads of extra strengthening security spells. Anywyas, brilliant work! XD I can't wait for the update!!!
Monday 23rd January 2006 21:08The First Horcrux (Author Response)
Yeah... the wards are definitely there, but any determined attack can bypass them. Why else would Dumbledore insist that Harry stay at the Dursleys'? If the Burrow was safe enough, he'd have just stayed there.

Anyways, thanks for the review!
Monday 23rd January 2006 12:28
The First Horcrux
The thing that stood out in this chapter was the army men and the fact that Harry felt he needed to leave them behind. I realize he was trying to put his past behind him, but not taking a thing from the Dursleys, even two small toys, is really severing his ties to the place. If that's what floats his boat, then so be it. Ginny as a cat! Wow! I'm glad she was able to use her Animagus form to defend herself and that she was a small enough animal that Harry could easily carry her to safety. She's always seemed to be a bit of a tigress to me and I'm glad you see her that way, too. Looking forward to your next installments...
Monday 23rd January 2006 20:39The First Horcrux (Author Response)
Yeah... it really is severing his ties and that's precisely what I wanted him to do. In chapter one, we had Hermione doing the same thing. Things will be different in chapter three because the Burrow is Harry's home away from Hogwarts. Ron can't exactly sever his ties there (much less Ginny). So instead, I move the plot (and the characters) somewhere else for the duration of the story.

Thanks for the great review!
Monday 23rd January 2006 10:33
The First Horcrux
I have to say that the image of a flying, yelling, angry red cat was pretty funny. Great chapter. Please keep the updates coming!
Monday 23rd January 2006 11:11The First Horcrux (Author Response)
I liked it. :o Thanks for the review!
Monday 23rd January 2006 08:42
The First Horcrux
Another good chapter. Very well done. I was almost in tears as Harry went down to place the little toy soldiers back into the cupboard. Very moving. Also very sad. It's a shame when kids don't have a fun childhood to look back on, especially when times are rough. I have a feeling Harry's going to need a few more good memories with Ginny to see him through this nightmare. Nice job on the H/G interaction and the wedding. You took a different tack from most of the authors I've seen. Of course, the outcome remains to be seen. Will Harry be even more determined to remove Ginny from his life, or pull her closer? I liked the action at the end, too, but as previously mentioned, will that bring them apart, or pull them together?
Monday 23rd January 2006 11:10The First Horcrux (Author Response)
I'm glad you are enjoying my little story. Yes, the outcome remains to be seen, and there will be bumps along the way. Harry and Ginny both have issues to overcome and they're going to need a lot of help to do it. Thanks for the great review.
Monday 23rd January 2006 05:13
The First Horcrux
Wow! Kind of a jarring jump from angsty fluff (or fluffy angst?) to fast paced action, but all of it was very well done!
Monday 23rd January 2006 11:09The First Horcrux (Author Response)
Yeah. Sometimes a good jolt is in order. Harry needs it to get past his thick-headedness.
Sunday 22nd January 2006 17:45
The First Horcrux
There is nothing like a fight to get things going again between Ginny and Harry. I also enjoyed the "trust me!" line. Classic. Thanks for sharing.
Monday 23rd January 2006 11:08The First Horcrux (Author Response)
Yep. A little conflict to push them back into each other's arms is a time-honored way of getting past Harry's stupid noble ideals. ;)
Sunday 22nd January 2006 17:44
The First Horcrux
Oooohh... getting to the action rather quickly, aren't we? I love it! I like that Ginny is only mad at Harry for ignoring her, not for breaking it off, because I feel that Ginny knows Harry too well to be mad at him when she knows what he has to do. Look forward to seeing where you take this!
Monday 23rd January 2006 11:07The First Horcrux (Author Response)
A little action up front is a good thing, right? There'll be more... lots more.
Sunday 22nd January 2006 15:57
The First Horcrux
Mr Intel You are one of my favourite writers in HP fandom. With these two chapters you confirmed your great talent to tell a story. Congratulations! And I hope that the Gods of Inspiration will never ever leave you! From your admirer Domain (A K A Dome 36)
Monday 23rd January 2006 11:07The First Horcrux (Author Response)
:blushing: Thanks!
Hearts on Fire
Sunday 22nd January 2006 14:35
The First Horcrux
Wow!!!!! Absolutely fantastic! The action was great!! The tension between Harry and Ginny is tangable! And it was so funny when Hermione let it slip about Ron to Harry! Another great chapter! I think it is cool that Ginny is an Animagous!
Monday 23rd January 2006 11:05The First Horcrux (Author Response)
Sounds like I'm getting all the right things together. :P Thank you for reading.
Sunday 22nd January 2006 13:26
The First Horcrux
:thumbsup: Good to see you back!
Monday 23rd January 2006 11:04The First Horcrux (Author Response)
Good to be back. :)
Sunday 22nd January 2006 10:47
The First Horcrux
Good Chapter!! Love it. Especially the amingus touch. Its excellent, update soooon!!!
Monday 23rd January 2006 11:04The First Horcrux (Author Response)
Thanks. I'll update this week. :D
Sunday 22nd January 2006 09:52
The First Horcrux
Another great chapter! I liked it a lot, the harry and ginny interaction was great. Thanks for a great read.
Monday 23rd January 2006 11:04The First Horcrux (Author Response)
You are quite welcome.
Sunday 22nd January 2006 06:13
The First Horcrux
Another great chapter, and so fast! I'm glad to hear this is going to be a long ride. It's definitely off to a really good start. Nice to see Harry and Ginny togther again, too.
Monday 23rd January 2006 11:04The First Horcrux (Author Response)
I've written four chapters so far, and I'm just tweaking with the plot a little as I work with my fabulous beta. I hope it's a long ride. I need to get a good long story under my belt. ;)
Sunday 22nd January 2006 06:13
The First Horcrux
Wow, unexpected ending, but I really liked it. Ginny's Animagus ability could be a huge bonus. I loved Mrs. Weasley teasing Hermione, and Harry's confusion and desire to do the right thing is palpable. He just needs Ginny to show him what the right thing is. ;)
Monday 23rd January 2006 11:02The First Horcrux (Author Response)
It will be ;) Ginny will train him properly, she just needs to gather her patience. He's a bit thick. :P
Saturday 21st January 2006 23:56
The First Horcrux
Excellent chapter, I loved the invisible cloak at the wedding, it's such a Harry thing to do. Keep up the great work and update soon! -Jake
Monday 23rd January 2006 11:02The First Horcrux (Author Response)
Saturday 21st January 2006 22:44
The First Horcrux
Absolutely thrilling ending, by jove! *shivers excitedly* I love how real the relationship between Harry and Ginny is, as well as the moment he confessed to almost being frightened of her - very very teenage boy, I think. Can't wait for the next chapter...
Monday 23rd January 2006 11:01The First Horcrux (Author Response)
I agree about Harry's reponse. Thanks for the great review!