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Reviews For The Favour by RinnaMarie

Thursday 11th May 2006 10:32
The Favour
Loved the "Uncle" Instinct.
Got that in droves. Seems I'm the only one that breaks up fights these days.

Randy Thoughts About Hermione. Sounds like a bad drinking song or a name of a band.

Good work. This story is one of the best i've read in a long time.
Friday 28th April 2006 05:44
The Favour
Heeheehee...poor, deluded Ron.
Loved the bit with the doll. Uncle reflexes, what a cute idea!
Tuesday 24th January 2006 17:22
The Favour
I'm enjoying this enormously!

One comment though--as someone who was almost the age that you made Mrs. Granger in September of 1980, when Hermione was born, she's being a bit disengenuous telling Hermione that an unmarried woman of twenty-three in those days would have been considered an old maid! I think that that would have been true only in the most traditional of circles, and Hermione's dueling dentist parents hardly seem like the ultra-conservative or ultra-religious types.

Having said, that, I love where this is going and look forward to the next chapter... which I'm going to read now!