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Reviews For Home Alone: Shadow Rising by KEDme

Friday 18th July 2008 01:44
Home Alone: Shadow Rising
Friday 8th February 2008 12:39
Home Alone: Shadow Rising
huh that was interesting...the dreamwalking bit was neat but the dreams where creepy... lol
loved the part where ron was like leave me alone me and 'mione are busy
so harry was under voldemorts control at that time when he had his wand raised against voldemort.... intersting
where are the muggles??
loved this chapter
Tuesday 12th June 2007 15:34
Home Alone: Shadow Rising
Fascinating chapter. It was nice to see some action on the older canon characters' parts, as well. A trip to America, eh? I've always avoided fics that take place outside the UK, but you've tricked me into it!
Sunday 4th March 2007 22:11
Home Alone: Shadow Rising
Avery good chapter. It stands to reason that Voldemort would try to make contact and control Harry through their connection. The dream walking is an interestin touch. I like it. Thank you for a new view of the situation. I look for ward to more of this story. p
Thursday 14th December 2006 13:13
Home Alone: Shadow Rising
Sunday 11th June 2006 10:21
Home Alone: Shadow Rising
Wow. That is all I have to say.
Monday 30th January 2006 14:27
Home Alone: Shadow Rising
Your re-write is coming along nicely I really like the changes that you have made. Very well done!
Thursday 2nd February 2006 05:59Home Alone: Shadow Rising (Author Response)
Thanks for reading and reviewing. It's nice to know people like the changes I've made.