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Reviews For Redefining by TheGov

Monday 25th September 2006 09:29
So they've got a date...but Chris should've stayed for dinner .
realm flower
Tuesday 31st January 2006 14:59
Friday 3rd February 2006 20:19Redefining (Author Response)
Thank you!
Tuesday 31st January 2006 04:58
Always fun, or oddly satisfying, to read of the whole HP struggle summarised in just a few sentences to an outsider - makes it more real, somehow, particularly when it's couched in Muggle terms.

And thank God that *someone* has caught onto the possibility of Draco seeking revenge! "I haven't really given it much thought". Duh! Nice little chapter, thanks.
Friday 3rd February 2006 20:19Redefining (Author Response)
I tried to bring my expertise as a histroy teacher to the process. I think it worked well.

And the others are catching on quick, don't worry. Thanks again!
Tuesday 31st January 2006 04:13
What a great chapter. I really enjoyed Ron and Chris' discussion on blood, Voldermort and the Malfoys - it was rather like a good history lesson, without the usual emotion that is seen when this topic is discussed. Yeah - I think you did really well with that.
I also liked the pathetically clumsy interaction between Ron, Penny and Chris and the sense of uncertainty was palpable.
One small typo when Penny opens the door - "creak" instead of "creek".
Friday 3rd February 2006 20:08Redefining (Author Response)
Thank you! I tried to bring a historian's viewpoint to the war, and it did come off well. And Ron, as we all know, is hopeless when it comes to romance. Hope you like the rest! Thanks again!
Monday 30th January 2006 17:20
*dances gleefully* Ahhh! Penny and Chris have a date! And Ron set them up!! I can't wait to read about the date. I am assuming that Chris and Penny will be a couple. I will enjoy reading about the differences of a Muggle dating a witch as compared to a wizard and a witch. Loved how Ron explained the whole Voldemort and 2nd war to Chris. I am kind of hoping that the wizard world could help Chris with his leg. *sigh* As always, can't wait until the next update!
Friday 3rd February 2006 20:04Redefining (Author Response)
Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying it. There are going to be some fun, awkward moments coming up, as they try to make the whole Muggle/wizard thing work. And a lot of explaining! Hope you like the rest!
Monday 30th January 2006 14:27

I forgot these guys!
Monday 30th January 2006 14:26
Buba! Buba! Buba!

Hey you! I left a message on your phone the other night, and you didn't call me! Humph!

I love this chapter! I like the development of Penny. I hope their date goes well. I hope you update again soon!


Your cute, adorable, wonderful, fabulous, precious, and humble little sister
Friday 3rd February 2006 20:00Redefining (Author Response)
Will you grow some paitence please? I was getting there. Thank you sistwerp, it's always nice to hear from you!
Monday 30th January 2006 07:45
Another good chapter - loved the embarassment and uncertainty on both sides and the gorgeous Arthur cameo! It was nice to have a little summary of the DTR investigation to catch us up to where it's at - but just wondering, will we need to read both stories to keep up with developments? (Not that it would be a burden to do so!) I like seeing the wizarding world through Chris's muggle eyes - I think you do that very nicely.
Friday 3rd February 2006 19:59Redefining (Author Response)
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it!

It is my hope that you should not need to read this to understand DTR. This is just a set of "missing scenes" from DTR, and anything important covered here will be covered again, or sumarized, in DTR. That's my intention anyway!

Hope to hear from you again soon!