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Reviews For The First Horcrux by Mr. Intel

Thursday 1st June 2006 10:59
The First Horcrux
This is getting quite complicated. - And Hermione didn't offer much resistance to Ron.
Wednesday 31st May 2006 12:19
The First Horcrux
Well that was very, I don't know,...umm...interesting. Yeah, interesting. On my way to chapter 6!
Lady Ginny Potter
Wednesday 19th April 2006 10:41
The First Horcrux
-Cocks an eyebrow to think..- I see. I am never happy when your chapter ends. Because I have to wait a long time for the next one. Keep up the great work!
Sunday 12th February 2006 00:10
The First Horcrux
Oooh-weee! Go Ron for FINALLY getting it through your thick skull to take some action! And now we've got a full blown action-adventure island adventure. This just keeps getting more and more fun.
Friday 10th February 2006 16:35
The First Horcrux
w00t!! A Brilliant action packed chapter!!! So what? Have they gone through a portal to Africa? Is it a simulated beach?? Whaaaat!!?? Really good work!!
Hermione and Ron for life!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now when's Ginny gonna grab Harry and snog himm eh??

Friday 10th February 2006 09:22
The First Horcrux
intresting, please continue, I am curious to see what Malfoy is up to.
keep up the good work.
Thursday 9th February 2006 15:14
The First Horcrux
Great start on the next adventure.

The deserted island was a nice touch, as well as the pairing off. I am primed and read for more adventure.

Thanks for sharing it.
Wednesday 8th February 2006 18:36
The First Horcrux
Great chapter, I can't wait to see who untied Draco. Keep up the great work!

Wednesday 8th February 2006 15:31
The First Horcrux
Wow, what's up with that?

Yeah for Ron!!! It's about time.

Pleas ekeep writing soon, I love this story
Wednesday 8th February 2006 15:55The First Horcrux (Author Response)
Chapter six is already underway. Thanks for taking the time to review.
Wednesday 8th February 2006 15:15
The First Horcrux
Interesting, very interesting. Do the natives object to the fruit being taken, or are they just generally unfriendly? I wonder what's coming next, keep up the good work.
Wednesday 8th February 2006 15:54The First Horcrux (Author Response)
Good (and I really mean it) questions about the natives. Chapter six will answer them (for the most part).
Wednesday 8th February 2006 15:13
The First Horcrux
Wow, finally caught up! I'm thoroughly enjoying this story--lots of action, intrigue, and a chance to finally get our favourite couples together! I adored Ginny's "How am I going to be safe here at home" speech--that was the first thing in my brain during the break-up scene. Duh, Harry, how is being in her family home going to be safer if Voldemort's after her? Wouldn't being somewhere HIDDEN be smarter? *g*

Anyhow, I'm so glad to see you writing again--this is too much fun!
Wednesday 8th February 2006 15:53The First Horcrux (Author Response)
I'm glad you like it, 'Lissa. I'm glad you thought my logic was sound with H/G because I'm really gonna be ticked if JK doesn't address that glaring inconsistency. I just think shunting Ginny aside is a dumb thing to do for the end battle.

Thanks for bouying up my writing spirits.
Wednesday 8th February 2006 06:15
The First Horcrux
Wow, great chapter! Really unexpected turns, and I quite enjoyed it. I'm guessing there is some kind of charm on the hut that doesn't let the natives see it?

I'm concerned both about Harry's arm and those berries they ate. How do they know they aren't poisonous? I suppose they had to test it, but Harry saying "I'm fine" is never a good sign.

Loved Ron bringing up Lavender when he wanted to confess to Hermione. Hee, so Ron. I can't wait for an update.
Wednesday 8th February 2006 15:51The First Horcrux (Author Response)
Charm? Can't really say... yet.

Harry's arm will be all right. His 'I'm fine response' was more to put Ginny at ease than anything else. He knows her a little better than she gives him credit for. The fruit question will be answered in chapter six.

Ron's feelings will slip out over time, mingled with his thick-headed insensitivity. There's more to the R/Hr story after the kiss!

Thanks for all your great reviews, Melinda.