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Reviews For Of Mirrors and Wishes by Eressea

Saturday 11th February 2006 20:03
Of Mirrors and Wishes
"Danger, danger Will Robinson." I feel like I'm lost in space.

To be honest though, I often feel that way.

Group A is watching Group B in the mirror, and Group B is about to activate Group C. If that's not it, I'm screwed. lol
Monday 20th February 2006 20:04Of Mirrors and Wishes (Author Response)
Thanks so much for the reviews! And you're pretty close. Group B is about to activate Group A. It goes around in a circle.
Wednesday 8th February 2006 20:11
Of Mirrors and Wishes
Evil cliffy... I love your portrayal of everyone in this world, but I wish there was more about the other (real) people's reactions... Still, I'm all suspensified now! xD