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Reviews For A Pensieve Affair by Imogen

Thursday 14th December 2006 20:12
A Pensieve Affair
Hmm Very cool.
Monday 10th April 2006 06:39
A Pensieve Affair
I'm liking this a lot! Very sweet...though the game does seem a bit tame for the inconquerable duo of Gred and there a twist in this somewhere?
Monday 10th April 2006 12:01A Pensieve Affair (Author Response)
The twist is that it's not actually the game that Hope thinks it is. It's a real pensieve. Which gets to be important a bit later on...
Wednesday 22nd February 2006 17:45
A Pensieve Affair
This reminds me why you've always been one of my favorite authors. I can't wait to read more.
Thursday 23rd February 2006 11:18A Pensieve Affair (Author Response)
That's really nice of you to say so. Chapter 3 is set to be posted tomorrow, so hopfully you'll enjoy that too
Wednesday 22nd February 2006 11:30
A Pensieve Affair
You're starting us very slowly... I wonder what you have up your sleeves. Surely a Gred and Forge prototype can't be that tame, now could it? Hmm. So far, so good. Matthew and Hope are a lot of fun - I'm looking forward to seeing what sort of plot you've got cooked up for us.

Could it be that those innocent looking cards might morph a bit later on in the story? Perhaps a bit along the lines of Jumanji? Has Harry shared a muggle movie with his favorite mischief makers, perhaps? Ooh, just the thought of this is enough to give birth to a whole litter of plot bunnies. I'd better stop now or I'll be in trouble... I hope it's not too late! Oh dear...I think it might be too late. Drat; I hate it when that happens!
Wednesday 22nd February 2006 12:07A Pensieve Affair (Author Response)
ROFL. I swear this fic should come with a health warning on it. My poor betas have been bombarded with plot bunnies: we've got several outtake short stories and another novel from all the carnage those bunnies have caused!

Sounds like a good theory. Go for it before another one bites you!
Monday 20th February 2006 19:57
A Pensieve Affair
I like this story a lot, I think it's fun to read about post Hogwarts while still reading about Hope's first year. I find all your work to be excellent and can't wait for you to update! Keep up the good work!

Monday 20th February 2006 23:43A Pensieve Affair (Author Response)
Fantastic to hear! The next update should be Friday, so you don't have long to wait. That's one advantage of having the whole story written before starting posting - no gaps between updates!
Monday 20th February 2006 19:51
A Pensieve Affair
haha...this was a cute chapter. i really liked the idea you had for Hope's memory.

cant wait for the next chapter!!
Monday 20th February 2006 23:41A Pensieve Affair (Author Response)
Thanks Next chapter should be Friday at the latest.
Monday 20th February 2006 14:50
A Pensieve Affair
Great chapter! You write so well! I'm confused though - I read the story that takes place when Hope goes to Hogwarts - but it doesn't get to the end of her first year right? Is there a complete version posted anywhere, or is it abandoned?

Anyways, I'm perfectly satisfied with reading about the grown up Hope - the Matthew relationship is very interesting....I'm loving this story - Hope to see more soon!
Monday 20th February 2006 15:01A Pensieve Affair (Author Response)
I've still got to finish the story before this one. It's definitely not abandoned, but the whole of this story was written with one vicious plot bunny who wouldn't let go until I'd finished it. I'm onto writing more of that now, but nothing that happens there is essential for this fic, other than the birth of Holly.

Glad you're enjoying this. It's an interesting dynamic between Matthew and Hope, which I've had colossal fun with. Thanks