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Reviews For A Pensieve Affair by Imogen

Thursday 14th December 2006 20:22
A Pensieve Affair
I totally wonder who it is. And also, that wasa agreat chapter.
Wednesday 28th June 2006 09:15
A Pensieve Affair
That was quite a powerful scene -- Matthew's childhood. This is quite an interesting story! Keep up the good work!
Monday 10th April 2006 06:55
A Pensieve Affair
oooOOOH, this is gonna be GREAT...too bad the bell's about to ring to signal the start of class. Blast and botheration!

Poor Matthew...his life was kinda like Snape's wasn't it? Crazy

Daddy! How 'bout a hug? Ha!
Monday 10th April 2006 12:02A Pensieve Affair (Author Response)
Matthew had a bit of a rough deal as a small boy, but he's moved on a long way since then. His first bit of magic was pretty impressive!
Sunday 26th February 2006 10:32
A Pensieve Affair
Ahh! I loooove this chapter Please post more soon!!!! I like Matthew's character soooo much. You're a great storyteller and writer. I can't wait to see her first kiss!
Sunday 26th February 2006 11:23A Pensieve Affair (Author Response)
Thank you! It's great to hear you're enjoying it. The next chapter is back from beta and will be ready for posting on Monday/Tuesday, so you don't have long to wait at all.

All I'm saying is that it's a very brave man indeed who'd kiss her!
Saturday 25th February 2006 15:37
A Pensieve Affair
Hi there, Imogen! Been a long time, though I suppose this isn't exactly the forum to catch up, is it? I'm loving every bit of this new story and am eagerly looking forward to chapter next.

Sunday 26th February 2006 11:25A Pensieve Affair (Author Response)
Joe! Great to see you! How are you? How are things?

I'm still in the usual place on IM if you want to try and catch me, although I'm mostly quite elusive (manic times at work!)

Glad you're enjoying the story. Unusually I've written the whole thing already, so no waiting between chapters thanks to my efficient betas!
Friday 24th February 2006 14:37
A Pensieve Affair
Whoa... Talk about a roller coaster ride. First you have me cringing in sympathy with little Matthew; then you have me laughing delightedly with their witty banter. Very nicely done. I'm sort of glad Holly ended up downstairs and lightened things up a bit. That first part was scary! Now you've got me all wound up in anticipation of who it was that was brave enough to give Hope her first kiss. If he wasn't a Gryffindor, he should have been.

On further reflection, although I enjoyed what Matthew did, turning that red-hot poker into a snake, something in the back of my mind is wondering if the snake wasn't really asking questions that reflected Matthew's subconscious longing for a father. On face value, yes, it was funny, but something else appears to lurk beneath it all. Are you going to go anywhere with this?

This is lots of fun and I'm enjoying the quick updates. Thanks for sharing!!!!!!!b

Sunday 26th February 2006 11:29A Pensieve Affair (Author Response)
Ooooh - that's a really clever theory about the sub-conscious projection. Wish I'd thought of it Although I could pretend I did I'm saying nothing about her first kiss, but you're not far out!

I'm not going anywhere with it, but Bart's written an outtake about a year after this story ends, where Matthew runs into his father again...