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Reviews For Cursed by Myth & Legend

Tuesday 22nd September 2009 11:09
hard to follow/like a fic that doesnt have harry in the lead..sorry im not criticising ur work its obviously brilliant seeing the amount of good reviews uv got just stating my own personal opinion.
Monday 5th March 2007 13:58
If the signing is in two weeks, then it means that Marlow/Harry has been with the Tiparnay about as long as Harry has been absent. I loved the attention to detail in Harry's and Thane's conversation, allowing us to not only like Thane but to get more insight into Marlow's current activities. Now that he has used apparition, does that mean they can trace the magic to Harry?
Tuesday 27th February 2007 10:34
I love the descritption of Thane as a tom cate with one ear missing and a stub of a tail. It perfectly sets the picture in a persons mind as to what this man looks like. And then, we find out he is more teddy bear than ruthless thief.

Not good to find out that Marlow, even if he didn't pull the trigger so to speak, is responsible for deaths of people on differnet jobs he's done. It would probably be inevitable in this line of work, but still it is not sad to see. Really, his whole character is sad. He has a home, but not really. He has friends and familly, but not really. In truth, a sad life is what his has become.

Marlow's break in of the bank is interesting, but leaves a few questions. Any bank I've ever known of has every door but the front one locked from the inside with break away locks so people can get out in emergencies without a key. But, you can't open them from the outside without some kind of key or pass card or whatever. Marlow simply opens a back door to the bank from the outside, without jimming a lock of some sort? I don't think this is likely. I'm not really complaining, just pointing out what to me looks like an oversight in the story. Second, I find it hard to believe that anti-apparation wards are not in place at the bank during business hours, much less after the alarms have been tripped. Certainly preventing someone from escaping after they'd broken in would be standard procedure for the bank and anti-aparation wards would have been triggered upon setting the alarms off.

Beyond those few things I still love the story. And, we now have a name for who Marlow belongs to, Tiparnay. Is the name totally made up on your part, or taken from something in real life?

I don't think I've mentioned this yet, but your grammar and spelling are really well done. It is very refreshing to read a story with so few errors in it. Keep up the good work.
Tuesday 27th February 2007 03:25
I'd like to apologize for the sloppiness of my last review. I meant "Well, it looks like Harry's memories are in there somewhere, even if only in his subconscious." I shouldn't review late at night.
Tuesday 27th February 2007 03:21
He half expected something to attack him when he dipped the bottle in the pool. Well, looks like Harry's memories are in there somewhere, even if its subconscious. Of course, perhaps he just thought it was part of the security features. Un huh.

That break in was bold to say the least. I don't know if I'd call it wise if Apparition is so easily traceable in your story. He had two weeks to get back for the signing, so I think a couple of days to let the scrutiny die down would've been well worth it. I guess things will get interesting when the Aurors catch up with him, especially with that charm on his skin. Great chapter. I do love all the skulking.
Tuesday 13th February 2007 05:21
Well I'm glad Marlow is not a murderer although as Thane says those people are still dead. I'm glad that Marlow does have a least one friend. Also Marlow has a mind like a sieve? He seems to be managing very well so far.
Saturday 27th January 2007 05:05
This is thrilling and evocative. I feel like I'm sneaking through the alleyways myself with Marlow. I was half hoping for an encounter with Bill or Tonks--but maybe in a later chapter. Your theory of the way magic works often dovetails with my own, and the parts that don't give much food for thought. You've obviously thought this out carefully and researched thieves' methods. Not surprising. Write on, oh A.P!
Thursday 4th January 2007 22:14
I like this chapter because there are lots of details. A new character huh? Thane. I like his personality enough and there's enough clues between their conversation that they're old friends.

The signing is very interesting and I'm looking forward to it! I love how your story is so different from others and so uniqe! Tiparnay. Where'd you get the name from? Just wondering because it sounds perfect for a band of theives or spies or something of the sort. Off to read more!

Thursday 14th December 2006 21:30
hm the Mordasbal--is that his target? What is this mysterious object? And why do both his employers and the goblins want it? A good chapter, Marlow is just a bit on the cocky side, isn\'t he?
Thursday 16th November 2006 13:06
You have a great imagination...a lot of detail and thought is in here. Great.
Monday 11th September 2006 17:33
Okay. That was pretty good.
Tuesday 1st August 2006 15:52
Very good. But I would think that the wards would flare not "collapse." That's a pretty ineffective security system. Rather you always read (or watch in a movie) about gates and bars coming down and doors locking when an alarm is triggered.
Thursday 17th August 2006 09:30Cursed (Author Response)
Hi GD,

Thank you. I thought that since these we're magical wards they would jsut fade, rather like an forcefield does. It sorts of "zaps" away into nothing. that was the picture in my head at the time.

Myth xxx
Tuesday 13th June 2006 09:23
I really liked this chapter. I liked that this one was more focused on Marlow's background rather than this crime he's attempting to commit. Both are enjoyable, of course, but I particularly liked the exchanges between him and Thane.

I can tell you were way too caught up in the flow of writing to catch any of the minor surface errors. Chapters like that make me smile. That's when the
author's voice comes out most clearly.

I love your writing style, Myth! I don’t even care that I don’t have a clue who Marlow is supposed to be (unless he’s Harry – which I really hope he’s not!). It’s SO easy for me to see exactly what’s going on. I just attended a workshop about teaching children to “show me, don’t tell me.” You’re an expert at that. I loved the security system you described at Gringotts, especially the discs that roam the halls. I’m also very interested in the signing that’s to take place soon.

Wonderful work, Myth! BTW, I’m currently re-reading “Shadows of Silence.”
Friday 23rd June 2006 08:27Cursed (Author Response)
Hi Ivi,

Marow and Thane are a bit of a pair, as you'll see later on. Lol, you're right about being too caught up in the writing. It happens a lot in this story. There's too much in my head desperate to get out.

I can't find the blushing smilie, but that's exactly what I'm doing. I've never really got hte whole "show me, don't tell me" thing, and have to rely on other people saying "Yeah, you do that." to tell me if I'm getting it right.

And you're re-reading SoS? Lol. I bet there are some changes in my style since then!

Myth xxx
Saturday 27th May 2006 23:19
So that's it for Marlow's perspective, eh? Well, I'll say this for the guy -- he's definitely made things exciting. Four straight chapters of thievery and run-ins with Aurors is certainly one way to get your readers into the story.

At least the point's reasonably clear now, though. After all the effort you put in to introducing the Mordasbal it's got to be hugely important, whatever it is. (Something to do with death or Voldemort, maybe, based on the 'mord'?)

As for the Tiparnay, I can't say I'd considered the possibility of a guild of thieves in the wizarding world, but the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. After all, the Borgins and the Lucius Malfoys need to get their toys somewhere. And if Marlow is any indication for the rest of the group, they certainly seem capable of providing.

What I definitely found ironic, though, is the idea of a paid thief stealing from Bill, who as cursebreaker isn't far off from being paid thief himself. Now I find myself wondering if that connection is going to have any future bearing on the story.

Anyway, I definitely enjoyed all the action and excitement in this chapter. I look forward to seeing which direction you take this next.

Thursday 8th June 2006 06:32Cursed (Author Response)
Hi KC,

Well, everyone knows you need a hook, and what better way than to play to my strength of writing action?

You're right about the Mordasbal. It is hugely important, most likely a kep plot point

The Tiparnay were a sudden flash of inspiration thing that came, ironically, from thinking about Borgin's toys. It took about an hour for them to evolve and as the story progresses they become a bit more substantial as I get comfy with them

Thank you for reading!

Myth xx
Wednesday 8th March 2006 05:56
I'm gone for a few days, then I can't use the computer, and what do I find when I'm back? Two exciting chapters - yay!
I can't form any theories at the moment because I'm still absorbing what's happened...
Thursday 9th March 2006 10:34Cursed (Author Response)

I wondered where you'd gone I hpoe you enjoyed the chapters, and the future ones as well!

Myth xx
Tuesday 7th March 2006 15:43
What a brilliant job. This story is so exciting I am absolutely besotted. Marlow is such an awesome character.

Man, I like Thane's character but I really thought that it was going to be Ron or someone like that. Pooh. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to wait then. How brilliant is Marlow?! His character is so cool. He sounds so debonair! And he so is Harry. I pieced the puzzle together.

First off, I mean Marlow still holds his honor and loyalty a very Harry trait. Plus this one cuts the pie, a memory problem!!! Of course it is. Harry lost his memory that's why he doesn't remember that he is Harry Potter and that he just thinks he's Marlow.

I foresee this signing thing being very bad. Uh, why do they require a signature? And what if Marlow decides that he's really Harry Potter and in love with Ginny Weasley and wants to settle down and steal no longer. Seems like a bit of a problem to me.

You're still killing me though. When are they going to find out he's Harry?! The suspense is killing me. Did Tonks look at him curiously. I mean I'm sure he has a bit of a glamour charm on him, and that hat that he discarded seems very important, like possibly a charm on it as well?

Well Thane seems to be an OK character, I mean at least he know's that Harry/Marlow is going to harm himself because he's smoking cigarettes. Silly boy. I do look forward to the Weasley's response when they learn about this. (You see I've made up my mind, Marlow is most definitely Harry)

I wonder where Arthur is located up on the ministry ladder. I hope Marlow's breaking and enterings don't seem like they're targeting the Weasley's too much. But, what do you know? Maybe that's important, and Ron will get really angry and go after him double time.

If I have one request it is to see Ginny again. I really love how you wrote her character in the beginning. I can't wait to see how shes changed, or what she's doing. Brilliant job as always! I can't wait to read the next chapter. Alas, Friday comes too slowly!
Thursday 9th March 2006 10:33Cursed (Author Response)
Hi Sillie Gillie,

Ah I love your reviews. they always make me feel so good! I'm glad you like Marlow. I was frightened people would think he was too perfec,t and I've tried to give him depth and flams, while staying true to the plot etc. I'm not going to comment on your guess, but you'll find out soon if you're right.

You may be right about the signing though. The signature is just something to show that the Tiparnay members are still alive and loyal. I'll go into more depth at the actual signing. I promise it'll be sorted out.

Thane is a supporting character, but you will se a fair bit more of him later. After all he's the only one with a hint of a clue about Marlow's past. He's an important link, but you'll get to know him a bit better later.

Ginny should be putting in an appearance, (and sticking around) at around Chapter 10. I promise.

Look forward to hearing from you again,
Myth xx
Sunday 5th March 2006 11:49
you've got me hooked, and i check everyday for an update.
... i just cant get em fast enough
brilliant writing, and i hope you get no writer's block *fingers crossed *
Thursday 9th March 2006 10:29Cursed (Author Response)
Hi Junkie,

Oh I hope I don't get writer's block either, that'd be awful! It's not happened yet, but I promise i'll keep you updated.

Myth xx
Antonia East
Saturday 4th March 2006 10:51
I love the fact that the most emotion Marlow displays is over his ciggies. A sigh? Positively human. I'm so tempted to ask whether he's heard of nicotine patches in Interview with a Character!

If he were a cat he’d be a mangy tom with one ear missing and a stump of a tail. That's such a good discription. I reckon Marlow would be a black tom, looking elegant and sleek unless you felt under the fur and encountered the bumps of bones and the odd puckering of a scar. Of course you wouldn't get to touch him.

I do like the increased image we're getting of Marlow - the tantalising bit of backstory with Thane and the Tiparnay, as well as his unwillingness to hex his way out and his thought that he left his coat with enough money to cover his bill. He's getting into the honest thief mode.

Also, the treacherous memory. I assume that's going to be significant?

We're getting Bill and Hermione next, are we not? Should be fun.
Thursday 9th March 2006 10:29Cursed (Author Response)
Hi Antonia,

I think if Marlow has heard of nicotene patches he'd probably sneer at the suggestion. It would be like asking him to smoke "light" cigarette. What would be the point?

I think you're just right about the kind of cat he would be, and the backstory will only increase as time goes by. As for honest thief, I would say that that's a dominant characteristic, but every one in a while he can be chillingly ruthless. A side of him that you will get to see later.

As for hte memory, yes. it will be of medium significance. t's rather cliche, but it does work.

As for Bill and Hermione they should be out soon!

Myth xx
Saturday 4th March 2006 08:53
I thought it would be Ron! Good chapter, I'm really enjoying reading about Marlow, and all his complexities. See you next week!
Wednesday 8th March 2006 05:11Cursed (Author Response)
Hi Aschowin,

Ah but if it was Ron it wouldn't be a surprise! We'll be skiping to Bill and Hermione in the next couple of chapters, but then we'll be back to Marlow.

See you Friday!

Myth xx
Saturday 4th March 2006 07:09
wow! this is a fantastic fic! you're writing is so descriptive, and you're characters intriguing! i also like how you're teasing us with little snippits of characters we know, making us curious about things like- is harry really dead and who is 'marlow'?

great stuff- can't wait for the next chapter!
Wednesday 8th March 2006 05:08Cursed (Author Response)

Thank you so much. I work hard on boh my descriptions and my characterisaions. You'll definately find out more about both Marlow and Harry as the story progresses.

The next chapter will be up on Friday, and I hope you enjoy it too.

Myth xx
Friday 3rd March 2006 22:22
I have to tell you that this is driving me nuts!! Marlow has to be Harry; who else could apparate out of Gringott's when the security systems were "cracking down." But, what is it that is so important he will take the risks he has been taking? I am so hoping that we will find out soon. If not, thank goodness you have been updating regularly, or I would be even more nuts by now! Very interesting about Marlow's poor memory. Wonder what caused that? I'll be sitting here, by my computer, slowly plucking a hair at a time out of my head, trying to distract myself until I find out the answers to my questions. I don't suppose the fact that it is my birthday today could entice you to tell us soon? Oh, well didn't think so. Thanks for the great story.
Wednesday 8th March 2006 05:05Cursed (Author Response)
Hi Fritz 42,

A very happy, although belated birthday. I hope this doesn't drive you too crazy. You will find out who Marlow is eventually, and wht's going on. Believe me there's a good reason for everything!
Myth xx
Friday 3rd March 2006 19:23
I'm still confused, but I'm also still hooked. Update soon please!
Sunday 5th March 2006 08:27Cursed (Author Response)
I hope the confusion will fade as things progress. Next update is Friday

Myth xx
Friday 3rd March 2006 16:17
Oi, Marlow is dead sexy still. I'm developing a real crush on this guy, lol. I love how you're spoon feeding us tidbits of his past, and I'm really concerned about this signing and these people who seem to "own" him. Marlow deserves better than that.

Okay, keep going. He got what he needed, but the Apparation makes it possible to trace. I'm getting eager for some contact with the Aurors we know or the Order or someone .
Sunday 5th March 2006 08:27Cursed (Author Response)
I know I have a real crush on him too. The little tidbits will become a feast as things progress, and some more diversity in marlow's nature will shine through.

Your request for contact with some more canon characters has been answered Chapter 5 is from Hermione's point of view.

Myth xx
Friday 3rd March 2006 14:23
I think I might go crazy from lack of answers! But it is all brilliant, you know. I just hope it pays off and this absolutely brilliant Marlow character turns out to be... I don't know... Harry or *someone.* You're so great with suspense!
Ah! Cliff hangers!
Sunday 5th March 2006 08:26Cursed (Author Response)
Oh I'm sorry I know having no answers is annoying, but imagine how good it'll be when they finally start coming. You'll find out soon enough, and thank you. I always think my suspense scenes need some more work, but if you think they're good then that's great

Myth xx
Friday 3rd March 2006 14:14
Yay, a new chapter ! I've been checking all day for it to appear .
So, what's up with that globe?
Why did he smile? He didn't get what he was looking for, did he?
This Marlow guy is still a mystery to me. He seems to be a real criminal (and not just a petty thief), but he does seems to insist on paying for everything (his drinks, his hotel room).
It was totally unexpected by the way that he was 'arrested' by a friend. I really hoped it would be a 'good guy', who would question him and eventually find out who Marlow really is. Well, too bad, I'm sure we'll get the answers in time . Anyway, thanks for writing this, I'm looking forward to the next chapter (which will probably be uploaded on my birthday )!
Sunday 5th March 2006 08:24Cursed (Author Response)
Hi Stephanie,

A happy belated birthday. I'm sorry I couldn't get another chapter up for you, but I hope that Friday's update will be just as good.

Marlow smiled because he got the paperwork he was looking for, and he got away. He gets that satisfaction from some things.

I think the thing behind him paying for hte little things is so that he's not getting hounded by police for petty theft as well as the bigger things.

I promise the good guy questioning Marlwo is coming up. I have a smidge of writer's block on Chapter 8, and I'm imagining chapter 12 to 15 will be the most revealing.

Myth xx
Friday 3rd March 2006 14:14
Very nice... I love it... but i still want him to get caught..yet at te same time it's great when he gets away...and i cant wait for this signing thing...
Sunday 5th March 2006 08:22Cursed (Author Response)
hi Harryheartsbeeve,

He will get caught in hte end, I promise. The signing will be a surprise, and not necessarily a nice one at that. Next week we move on to Hermione and Bill's point of view fr a couple of chapters. I hope that's just as enjoyable.

Myth xx