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Reviews For Monster by Antosha

Monday 11th August 2008 18:50
interesting... i wonder why the marks would be on his chest... that would be a wierd place for them i would think... i would rather have them around my hips or something... lol
Thursday 25th October 2007 14:54
Wow! Harry and Ginny, sex and white handprints! Hermione & Harry! That was not completely unexpected. It was good though that they got that out in the open between them now that their choices have been made. Thanks for writing. I look forward to more. p
Monday 9th October 2006 15:33
Nice . Good dialogue between Harry and Hermione .
Perhap, though I have my doubts, you are right about Sirius; he did, after all, escape from Azkaban precisely to go after Wormtail. His primary loyalty, though, would be to James and Lily, and hence to Harry.
Friday 24th March 2006 16:22
So very adorable! I can honestly tell you that this is the only remotely H/Hr that I have ever been able to even tolerate, much less enjoy! And I really attribute that to the talent you have as a writer.

I totally agree with you on the fact that men and women who are friends will nearly always consider each other as possibilities in that way. I know I have done it with a great many of my guy friends. And it is good to see that even though it may not be right, it was still there.

Really nice job. Cannot wait to get to the next 3 chapters!
Thursday 23rd March 2006 20:23
This is wonderful! Why is this the first time I've come across your name on this site? I'll have to add you to my alerts list.
Monday 20th March 2006 08:11
Interesting chapter, loads of good ideas, funny as well, even if I don't think that Hermione hadn't decided as late as OotP. In fact, I don't think she ever felt something romantic concerning Harry and vice versa. Sexual attraction, maybe, but not romantic. But that's just my opinion. Well done!
Monday 20th March 2006 09:17Monster (Author Response)
Interesting chapter, loads of good ideas, funny as well, even if I don't think that Hermione hadn't decided as late as OotP. In fact, I don't think she ever felt something romantic concerning Harry and vice versa. Sexual attraction, maybe, but not romantic. But that's just my opinion. Well done!

Thank you!

In a lot of ways, this fic--which I started almost immediately after HBP came out--was a bit of a gedankenexperiment on some of the basic assumptions that I had coming out of that book. And it seemed to me that two friends of each other's preferred gender were likely at least to have considered each other as possibilities. ;-)

Mostly, I was interested in exploring their intimacy, and the way in which it differed from the intimacy they find with their romantic partnersan , and also the way in which their friendship can deepen, even as they become involved with the Weasleys of their choice.

Thanks for the feedback!
Sunday 19th March 2006 18:31
A most awesome story so far. I look forward to seeing what the handprints mean ... too bad dumbledore isn't around to talk to.

Sunday 19th March 2006 19:50Monster (Author Response)
A most awesome story so far. I look forward to seeing what the handprints mean ... too bad dumbledore isn't around to talk to.


Yes, it would be nice if he were around, wouldn't it?


Sunday 19th March 2006 08:26
I just wanted to take a second and let you know how much I am enjoying this story. The hand print thing is very intriguing - lots of questions.
Looking forward to more soon please
Monday 20th March 2006 08:02Monster (Author Response)
I just wanted to take a second and let you know how much I am enjoying this story. The hand print thing is very intriguing - lots of questions.
Looking forward to more soon please

Thank you!

I hope you enjoy the rest--and that I answer all of your questions (though I promise much more on the handprints)!
Sunday 19th March 2006 02:09
I think this is a great story.... The reality of this story is believeable... Harry and Hermione are very close friends, having a bit of intimacy together knowing their bonded partners are nearby.. Almost like they are twins, being that close i think is very cool... Your doing a great job of explaining their relationship..... I hope you make a nice long story of this...Can't wait till you write more,,,lol...
Monday 20th March 2006 08:06Monster (Author Response)
I think this is a great story.... The reality of this story is believeable... Harry and Hermione are very close friends, having a bit of intimacy together knowing their bonded partners are nearby.. Almost like they are twins, being that close i think is very cool... Your doing a great job of explaining their relationship..... I hope you make a nice long story of this...Can't wait till you write more,,,lol...

Thanks so much! I love Hermione and Harry--even though I can't imagine them making a successful go of things. It seems probable that at some point in their very long and very intense friendship, each of them has at least CONSIDERED the other romantically...

And yes--they have some wonderfully intimate conversations in canon, usually involving Hermione pointing out something to do with the dreaded emotions or the dreaded girls... And I wanted to allow for something closer to a two-way interchange.
Sunday 19th March 2006 01:39
What tenderness between Harry and Hermione - that was lovely.
Monday 20th March 2006 08:15Monster (Author Response)
What tenderness between Harry and Hermione - that was lovely.

Thank you! This is one of the great boy/girl friendships in young adult literature; I wanted to explore it some more.

Saturday 18th March 2006 16:38
Very well the relationship between Harry & Hermione.
Monday 20th March 2006 09:19Monster (Author Response)
Very well the relationship between Harry & Hermione.

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed the exploration of this very different kind of intimacy.
Friday 17th March 2006 16:47
That was quite, quite lovely. I have been trying for a year now to write a scene much like this and never succeeded. Congratulations!

Friday 17th March 2006 17:24Monster (Author Response)
That was quite, quite lovely. I have been trying for a year now to write a scene much like this and never succeeded. Congratulations!

Friday 17th March 2006 16:30
wow that was wow
Friday 17th March 2006 17:24Monster (Author Response)
wow that was wow

Um. Thanks! (That was a good thing, right? :wink: )