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Reviews For Let Him Go by Kagome

Saturday 13th June 2009 16:04
Let Him Go
That was so depressing. I wish I had not read it.
Wednesday 2nd January 2008 13:32
Let Him Go
oh that made me want to just cry...
Connor Landon
Saturday 17th September 2005 18:03
Let Him Go
Ruddy hell, it was good. I'm crying.
Wednesday 5th January 2005 14:05
Let Him Go
That's so sad!  It was very well written.

Estonian Chick
Thursday 15th July 2004 06:16
Let Him Go
*sobs* I'm crying right now. This story is too sad
Thursday 15th July 2004 06:16Let Him Go (Author Response)
Thank you for the review!
Awwww Im sorry I made you cry. But, sadistic as you might think it to be, I'm proud of your tears. If you cried, it means I made you feel an emotion, and this is a great achievement for an author.
If you want to feel better, try go reading "Have I told you lately that I love you?" after this one. It's an Arthur/Molly fic, written in a totally different mood