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Reviews For Harry Potter and the Attack of the Bludgers by Alcarcalime

Thursday 6th August 2009 01:25
Harry Potter and the Attack of the Bludgers
Oh I love it! Harry's monolouge is so funny, he's such an adorable love-struck dolt - I love it! Nice work!
Hearts on Fire
Sunday 30th April 2006 09:21
Harry Potter and the Attack of the Bludgers
LOL, adorable!! I always wanted a more detailed account of these little events or occurances where Harry is secretly pining for Ginny. I want to know all his thoughts, LOL. I cant believe you wrote this pre-HBP! It is very odd...maybe JKr and you share a link? JK, lol!

I hope you do more of this with other moments from HBP. After having just read "Just for tonight", you may yet still be channeling JKR.

Well, done!
Tuesday 2nd May 2006 23:35Harry Potter and the Attack of the Bludgers (Author Response)
Thanks! If you want to read the pre-HBP version, it's here. I did modify a lot of things to make it fit the new canon, but the idea of Ginny distracting Harry during Quidditch practice was there right from the start.
Friday 31st March 2006 03:22
Harry Potter and the Attack of the Bludgers
I was cringing with embarassment for Harry when I read this.
Very entertaining, and yes, it really fits canon.
Thursday 30th March 2006 17:31
Harry Potter and the Attack of the Bludgers
"Okay, where was I?

Oh, yeah, Ginny Weas—er, Quidditch."

ROLL ON THE FLOOR!! Absolutely hysterical!!!! Just brilliant!! I have nothing but praise to offer you.
Excellent, excellent work.
Thursday 30th March 2006 23:20Harry Potter and the Attack of the Bludgers (Author Response)
heh, thanks! That's one of my favorite lines in the fic, actually.
Thursday 30th March 2006 15:09
Harry Potter and the Attack of the Bludgers
very cute- but shouldn't he, you know, get some medical attention- and not just for the love-sick puppy act! lol!