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Reviews For Harry's Return by MyrtleLuvsHarry

Thursday 20th March 2008 21:17
Harry's Return
huh.... welllllll..... i couldnt see harry and myrtle together.....
Thursday 8th November 2007 16:10
Harry's Return
interesting... harry talking up a relationship with myrtle.... odd...
should be together i think :p
Thursday 23rd August 2007 17:17
Harry's Return
Sunday 15th April 2007 05:53
Harry's Return
I really enjoyed this. Very amusing.
Sunday 8th April 2007 15:22
Harry's Return
hahahahah i think ive now officially jumped ship cap'in! hahahahah i was actually laughing out loud as i read this during my algo-physics class.. my teacher didnt quite think it was as funny. Good show!
Saturday 7th April 2007 11:52
Harry's Return
Ghost-Harry is happy, so we all are happy.
I know your wrote this because you love Harry. Me too, so I don't complain that he's dead. He's happy and it is all that matters.
Thanks I enjoyed reading your story.
Monday 2nd April 2007 12:32
Harry's Return
This is really different. It sounds so plausible. However I look forward to Part II. Thanks for writing. This was one I never thought of. Very well done. p
Saturday 1st April 2006 19:08
Harry's Return
If Harry can't be with Ginny, then I certainly hope it's Myrtle he finds happiness with. That poor girl has been skulking about toilets for over half a century and it's about time she found something to make her happy. Of course, Ginny's eventual death will change eveything. I don't know if Myrtle is ghost enough to take on ghost Ginny.

You will NEVER stop me from shipping my OTP whether they are dead or alive!!!!! NEVER!!!

and 4EVUH
St Margarets
Saturday 1st April 2006 18:33
Harry's Return
Oh, my. Poor Harry - first that banner and now - *gulp* this. You do know, mystery writer, that Draco/Myrtle is canon - right? But then, she's kind of a heartless thing. I thought she and Cedric were going to make a go of it. *sigh* This is like a Ron/Lav-Lav moment for Harry isn't it? I mean - his new found power in being a ghost went to his head. And - hey - why isn't he looking for Sirius beyond the veil for Pete's sake?

I think you owe us a sequel next year - fill in some of these plot holes. And bring on Dead!Draco!

Er - sorry - well done for such a difficult ship. I'm sure Filch/Pince is the next thing on your agenda.
Saturday 1st April 2006 15:32
Harry's Return
haha! Happy April Fools Day to you too!
Lily Jane
Saturday 1st April 2006 14:58
Harry's Return
Oh, I needed that laugh.
Like Myrtle needed new reason to moan

You know, this could be the new canon and I wouldn't mind
Saturday 1st April 2006 12:31
Harry's Return
Too Funny
Saturday 1st April 2006 12:41Harry's Return (Author Response)
Glad you liked it!
Saturday 1st April 2006 12:09
Harry's Return
Oh. Good. Lord.

You guys are demented, you know that? Hysterical. I salute you for a brilliantly executed April 1st prank. Wow...That was amazing.

Not a prank? Really? If that's the case: cool! It was way different, and somehow it worked perfectly. I enjoyed it!
Saturday 1st April 2006 12:42Harry's Return (Author Response)
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it! It's such a fun ship to write!
Saturday 1st April 2006 10:24
Harry's Return
Bloody Brilliant.
Best bit of prose ever.

I loved it. It was MUCH better than Cats . I'm going to read it again and again. Oh, I DO hope JKR kills Harry off in the next book.
Saturday 1st April 2006 12:06Harry's Return (Author Response)
I'm sure she will, aren't you? I mean all the clues point that direction!
Saturday 1st April 2006 10:03
Harry's Return
Ah, true love and happiness for Harry at last! I am so glad to see the One True Way has finally been exposed!
Saturday 1st April 2006 12:05Harry's Return (Author Response)
I'm glad you liked it! I'm so glad there are others seeing this ship as the one true pairing!

Go Myrtle!
Saturday 1st April 2006 07:40
Harry's Return
Oh MY H@!! This was very funny, but slightly nauseating. And Harry will be wanting to see his parents and Sirius too much when he goes to the other side to make such an unforeseen side trip. Never the less--- very very funny.
Saturday 1st April 2006 12:02Harry's Return (Author Response)
I think Harry will go see Sirus and his parents. That'll be in an upcoming story!

Why is it nauseating? Everyone deserves love!
Saturday 1st April 2006 07:32
Harry's Return
Oh. Good. Lord.

You guys are demented, you know that? Hysterical. I salute you for a brilliantly executed April 1st prank. Wow...That was amazing.
Saturday 1st April 2006 12:00Harry's Return (Author Response)
Demented? I'm a bit silly and goofy at times, but I'm not demented. And I'm one person.

It's not a prank! I really did submit this!
Saturday 1st April 2006 07:04
Harry's Return
Hahaha! Eeeew! Harry and Myrtle!? Nice joke, but you didn't fool me!
Saturday 1st April 2006 11:51Harry's Return (Author Response)
"fool you'?! I don't understand... I know this is my first fan-fic, but.... it's what HAS to happen!!
Saturday 1st April 2006 06:25
Harry's Return
Very amusing. But I hope you'll forgive if I return to Harry/Ginny after this...
Saturday 1st April 2006 11:48Harry's Return (Author Response)
But... but... WHY?!?!
Machiavelli Jr
Saturday 1st April 2006 03:11
Harry's Return
As April Fools go, this is a masterpiece. It's actually a really good fic too - can we put it up for some sort of 'strange but cool' award? Top stuff.
Saturday 1st April 2006 11:46Harry's Return (Author Response)
Ooh, I'm so glad you liked it!! Myrtle just ROCKS!!
Saturday 1st April 2006 01:59
Harry's Return
I'm so incredibly glad this isn't canon.

Wonderful job though, folks!

Saturday 1st April 2006 11:45Harry's Return (Author Response)
But... but it *could* be...!! I mean, she keeps saying he may not live!! So... at least that way wonderful Myrtle could finally be HAPPY!!

Myrtle4EVAH !!! *sigh*
Saturday 1st April 2006 01:19
Harry's Return
Oh dear - Moaning Myrtle!! What a naughty little story! Quite delightful - now we have an eternity of Harry/Myrtle antics to explore - yippeee!
Saturday 1st April 2006 11:41Harry's Return (Author Response)
Oh thank you sooo much! I'm still amazed that my story was accepted and that everyone's enjoying it so much!!