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Reviews For Trust by cmwinters

Wednesday 2nd January 2008 14:03
Aaaarrrgghhh - I thought this was a fabulous story but it ended too abruptly. I'll go read your other stuff and hope it's just as good.
Wednesday 5th July 2006 23:04
Sooooo............? what happens? u can't possibly just leave us hanging?! where's ur sense of fairness?! i'm desperate here!!! i found one of the best stories i've read and it just.....stops..... *moans* sequel please? *puppy eyes*

great job on the story tho. i've never thought of it that way although it's a nice idea....i've always liked snape for some reason...i really never thought he went bad...just forced into some situations...
Saturday 17th June 2006 23:11
Goodness gracious! You do take liberties with canon, don't you, but it seems to work nevertheless. Again, intriguing and teasing - so much left unanswered but it gives me plenty to mull over, so it's done it's job as a great read. Good luck with your WIP!
Thursday 15th June 2006 12:04
oh my gahhh, it's over? nooooooo!
Wednesday 14th June 2006 13:53
Interesting piece. One possible view of Snape. Interesting to see how it develops.
Thursday 15th June 2006 00:30Trust (Author Response)

I am firmly of the opinion that Severus Snape is far more Albus Dumbledore's man than Harry Potter could ever hope to be.

Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Wednesday 17th May 2006 20:56
Ooooh. I like it! I'm adding you to my update list so I can catch the next chapter...
Thursday 18th May 2006 03:36Trust (Author Response)
Ack. There won't be another chapter to this particular story. However, as I've mentioned, it (or, at least, chapters 1 & 2) will be retold from Snape's first person perspective in my ongoing WIP.

Thanks so much for reading and reviewing!
Monday 15th May 2006 20:49
Aww, I thought that there was more to this story. It would have been good to finally see the two of them coming to terms cause I think that there was more to the Snape-Lily-James thing.
Thursday 18th May 2006 03:35Trust (Author Response)
I absolutely think that Snape was at Godric's Hollow, and I think he went to warn them of the impending attack. I think I can "prove" it, too.

I also think there was more to Snape & Lily. I can't *quite* go to the unrequited love part, but at the very least, they were platonic study partners or friends, I think.

And don't despair too badly; I have a MUCH longer WIP in the works where the first two chapters, at least, are told from Snape's first-person perspective! Although, don't hold your breath on that one, I'm still in "stream of consciousness writing" mode, where I've been since *September*, and that is nowhere *near* to being published.

Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Monday 15th May 2006 07:04
oooh...this is very interesting. it really caught my attention! is there more??
Thursday 18th May 2006 03:31Trust (Author Response)
Yes...and no.

This particular story is over.

However, the scene at Godric's Hollow will be retold from Snape's perspective in the ongoing WIP I try to hack at bit by bit. Also, the explanations scene will be told from first-person perspective. However, the rest of "Trust" is an A/U offshoot of the WIP, and so chapters 3 and 4 aren't included (mainly because I don't think Harry would ever try to talk to Snape.)

Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Sunday 14th May 2006 15:43
More More More, this is rivating stuff.
Thursday 18th May 2006 03:29Trust (Author Response)

Well...this particular story is "done", so to speak, at least by me. However, it is included in a longer WIP I am hacking and slashing at, bit by bit, and this scene will be retold from Snape's perspective.

Well, minus the conversation with Harry part, because that doesn't happen - this story is like an A/U offshoot of "but what if he did.

Because, yeah, I'm crazy, and I write A/U stories of fics I haven't finished yet.

Thanks for reading and reviewing!