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Reviews For The Silent Cradle by lucky_black_cat

Thursday 25th October 2007 23:06
The Silent Cradle
wow! that was amazing!! I think that you did a really good job of expressing harry's feelings!
Thursday 1st June 2006 09:23
The Silent Cradle
When you described the baby room and the cradle, I cried. I mean I cried.
Friday 2nd June 2006 07:45The Silent Cradle (Author Response)
When I was writing, I cried a tear or two as well.
Monday 29th May 2006 11:11
The Silent Cradle
What a great start! I loved that Harry went back to the beginning. It makes sense to me that he would go somewhere familiar, but didn't hold any memories of his closest friends or Ginny. I also enjoyed the letter he wrote. As I was reading it, I was thinking, "This is rambling"...but, that's Harry. He's not succinct in speech so he would not be in writing either. I look forward to more.
Tuesday 30th May 2006 07:47The Silent Cradle (Author Response)
Harry does have a tendency to ramble, but that's one of the reasons why he's so cute

Thanks for reviewing!
Monday 22nd May 2006 22:35
The Silent Cradle
Thats so *sniff* sweet!

Harry's pouring his heart into her, its so.. beautiful! I'm so full of *hic* envy right about now.

I wish someone could love me like that!

Is Harry on a rock in the middle of the sea where Hagrid first picked him up? Sure sounds like it
Tuesday 23rd May 2006 07:31The Silent Cradle (Author Response)
Thank you! The letter is where the story came from... I was in a gloomy mood after my friend Beatriz told me something really sad and the letter started flowing out of me (that's why I dedicated this to her).

Yes, Harry's in the shack in the middle of the sea, where his Uncle Vernon takes his family in the 1st Book to avoid the Hogwarts letters. Thanks for reviewing! -Sonia
Neli P
Monday 22nd May 2006 21:13
The Silent Cradle
Beautiful first chapter I love the idea of Harry trying to "live" again in that little shack in the middle of the sea, just like he did when Hagrid told him he was a wizard... As for Tonk's baby (Sorry, I'm off to get a tissue!). Update soon, Ok? Great job!
Tuesday 23rd May 2006 07:55The Silent Cradle (Author Response)
Thank you. My beta and I are working on the 2nd chapter, I'm positive we'll have it ready very soon. Thanks for the review! -Sonia
Monday 22nd May 2006 18:28
The Silent Cradle
Very emotional and moving. I like the twist that Harry's in the hut on the rock - I've never seen anyone do something like this before and it made for interesting reading. Well done!
Tuesday 23rd May 2006 07:56The Silent Cradle (Author Response)
Thank you. I reckon nobody has used that situation before (I might be mistaken, though) and I always thought something like that would happen, so I decided to do this. Thanks! -Sonia
Monday 22nd May 2006 15:04
The Silent Cradle
I got my answer.
Tuesday 23rd May 2006 07:59The Silent Cradle (Author Response)
I answered your other review anyway, it doesn't matter.
Monday 22nd May 2006 14:49
The Silent Cradle
I absolutely loved this chapter. I cried. Yes I did. I,m a maudling old fool, with my heart on my sleeve. Please, do you have the story planned out?
Tuesday 23rd May 2006 07:58The Silent Cradle (Author Response)
I did cry a bit as well as I was writing, so I would be a fool as well. The story's planned out, it will be 3 chapters long and I know what's going to happen in each. Thanks for reviewing! -Sonia
Monday 22nd May 2006 07:41
The Silent Cradle
Great initial chapter. It broke my heart when during the letter Harry is telling Ginny about the baby's room and Tonks' death. I hope you update soon. I enjoy your writing style - it's very vivid and you've captured the way I picture Harry could be after defeating Voldemort. Keep up the great work!
Monday 22nd May 2006 13:26The Silent Cradle (Author Response)
Thanks a lot! This story came from that part, the part about the death of Tonks and her baby. That's why I named it The Silent Cradle. I have always thought Harry would do something like this when it's all over... thanks for your support, you're what keeps me going. -Sonia
Monday 22nd May 2006 07:18
The Silent Cradle
This was a great beginning. least I hope it's a beginning. I hope there's more. You're a really good writer and have a good way with words.
Monday 22nd May 2006 13:29The Silent Cradle (Author Response)
Yes, it is only the beginning. My beta and I are working on getting the second chapter ready and I've already started working on the 3rd. Thanks for the praise *blush* and for reviewing! -Sonia