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Reviews For The Silent Cradle by lucky_black_cat

Saturday 1st December 2007 01:01
The Silent Cradle
omigod, please update soon!
Thursday 25th October 2007 23:14
The Silent Cradle
wow! this was an interesting story!!!
I wished that you had finished it though...
Monday 11th June 2007 15:49
The Silent Cradle
Great story(kindasad though)! When will more be posted?
Friday 8th September 2006 22:59
The Silent Cradle
Thursday 1st June 2006 09:35
The Silent Cradle
Why does everything have to be so sad?
Thursday 1st June 2006 10:47The Silent Cradle (Author Response)
I'm sorry. Life is not a path of roses, I guess, and I wanted to make this a bit deeper than your overage fluff fiction. Thanks for reviewing. -Sonia
Neli P
Wednesday 31st May 2006 21:46
The Silent Cradle
So touching Harry must feel as 'empty' and powerless as Melissa beside Ginny's bed. The lullaby you chose was so beautiful and expressed this love/despair feeling perfectly. Awesome! I give you a "O" for Outstanding One last "cheezy" request : Please, tell me you're planning a happy ending!
Thursday 1st June 2006 10:46The Silent Cradle (Author Response)
Thanks a lot. The next chapter will start out with a bit of soft angst and then develop into something that will make you smile. I belive in happy endings, I always will.

Thanks for reviewing. Oh, by the way, nice choice of smileys

Connor Landon
Tuesday 30th May 2006 20:31
The Silent Cradle
This is lovely. You've made me shed many tears reading these two chapters. It's very romantic and sweet and heart-wrenching, and I can't wait until you update.
Wednesday 31st May 2006 10:12The Silent Cradle (Author Response)
Someone from SIYE told me that the story is "depressing, but in a good sort of way". This fic is special for me, because in it I have opened up my soul in a way, and taken a dark approach that will let us better appreciate the light when it comes. Thanks a lot. -Sonia
Tuesday 30th May 2006 13:48
The Silent Cradle
Thank you for this wonderfully powerful and emotional story. You have expressed Harry's depth of feelings so well, both in his letter as well as his actions and his thoughts and he is legitimately concerned about whether or not Ginny will take him back. Having Molly and Bill witness his time in the hospital with Ginny while she was asleepp was so tender and heart-rending! I look forward to reading your on-going chapters in this emotionally rich timeframe.
Wednesday 31st May 2006 10:10The Silent Cradle (Author Response)
It is reviews like yours that make me smile and think that I'm probably the luckiest person I know. I'm moved, what you wrote in that review is beautiful, and it makes me feel very happy knowing that all those words are for me to read. Thank you, thanks a lot. Please review the next chapter, and thanks again. -Sonia
Monday 29th May 2006 11:29
The Silent Cradle
That was a good chapter, although I'm a bit sad right now. I need something happy to cheer me up. Do we get some happiness in the next chapter?

I'm glad Harry has come to his senses and is not wallowing in guilt and grief. I can't wait for Ginny to wake up and set him straight.

Keep writing and I'll keep reading.
Tuesday 30th May 2006 07:43The Silent Cradle (Author Response)
The next chapter starts out very much like the second one, but never fear - I believe in happy endings.
Per Aspera Ad Astra
, says the wonderful critmo: Over Rough Ways To The Stars. Happiness will come, even if we've got to fight for it.

Monday 29th May 2006 08:39
The Silent Cradle
This is a good start to the story. It is very well written. Hope the later chapters will be the same.


P.S: The lullaby was used by SSHENRY in her fic, Towards Tomorrow: Chapter 19, A Wizard's Wedding.
Tuesday 30th May 2006 07:39The Silent Cradle (Author Response)
A promise is a promise.


Thanks. Review again for the next chapter!