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Reviews For No Devil or Redeemer by Mullvaney

Wednesday 7th June 2006 03:28
No Devil or Redeemer
I can see what you mean by "wiggle-room" for minor characters. You fill that room very well! It's really a very enjoyable back-ground history.
Wednesday 7th June 2006 05:05No Devil or Redeemer (Author Response)
Thank you!! I *do* love my minor charecters, there's more possibility in them. I'm glad you like this, it's so much fun to write about my two favorite subjects: HP and history.
Saturday 3rd June 2006 23:49
No Devil or Redeemer
Cripes, there are certainly some creepy elements wending their way into this story. It seems that these families have been much the same over the generations, after all. I wonder if Constantine is the reason the Gaunt family lost it's fortune? Still a most intriguing story - you're writing style is very easy to read and draws me into the story immediately, and it's very refreshing to read about different characters in a different era, but still nice to get a glimpse of our favourite families. (Any Potter cameos coming up?) Great work, I'm looking forward to the next chapter.
Sunday 4th June 2006 08:51No Devil or Redeemer (Author Response)
Cripes, there are certainly some creepy elements wending their way into this story. It seems that these families have been much the same over the generations, after all. I wonder if Constantine is the reason the Gaunt family lost it's fortune? Still a most intriguing story - you're writing style is very easy to read and draws me into the story immediately, and it's very refreshing to read about different characters in a different era, but still nice to get a glimpse of our favourite families. (Any Potter cameos coming up?) Great work, I'm looking forward to the next chapter.

Thank you!!! I don't know if Constantine is the one to ruin the Gaunts. I think that has something to do with speculation in India. . . I'm glad you find it enjoyable!! Thanks for reading!!!