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Reviews For Through the Eyes of Another by JackieJLH

Tuesday 14th September 2010 02:48
Through the Eyes of Another
I liked it. Very evocative.
Thursday 3rd January 2008 21:09
Through the Eyes of Another
So sweet - a unique POV too.
Wednesday 19th December 2007 22:17
Through the Eyes of Another
i loved this. so much.
Wednesday 19th December 2007 22:17
Through the Eyes of Another
i loved this. so much.
Tuesday 9th October 2007 16:15
Through the Eyes of Another
huh. good story.
Friday 7th July 2006 08:19
Through the Eyes of Another
I loved her perspective. And the regretful tone that goes through all the scenes, regret about never having understood him, having feared him and laughed at him.

Saturday 10th June 2006 16:21
Through the Eyes of Another
Brought tears to my eyes. Very nicely done.
Myth & Legend
Thursday 8th June 2006 07:31
Through the Eyes of Another

Wonderful. Powerful, emotional and strong. Writing from first person has had a very strong effect. It's like being punched with words (in a good way of course).

You're as good a writer as you are a beta

Myth (Asli)
Tuesday 6th June 2006 16:28
Through the Eyes of Another
Wowee, that was a doozie. Wonderful story from a great unknown character. Its such a great story that can capture the disjointed feelings of an outsider from Harry.
Tuesday 6th June 2006 13:20
Through the Eyes of Another
I really like this story. It's so very simple and yet also very beautiful. I think your "outsider's view" is very realistic, and the ending is quite poigniant. Great job!
Suzanne Foster
Tuesday 6th June 2006 05:46
Through the Eyes of Another
I really liked this. It was simple and profound. I liked how it was written from a complete outsider's view. I have to admit I got a little sniffy at the end, it was very touching.
Monday 5th June 2006 06:49
Through the Eyes of Another
... and we had wasted a year with our laughter.
Gosh, that phrase just struck me in the heart. What a unique perspective and cleverly structured story. I really enjoyed it.
Sunday 4th June 2006 21:43
Through the Eyes of Another
I really enjoyed your fiction. It was really well thought out. I thought the part of bringing the parying back was really cute. Your sotry really touched me! =D
Sunday 4th June 2006 21:33
Through the Eyes of Another
What a wonderful little story. It's really heart-warming and has the unique perspective of a character other than those in canon. I really like this person's frankness and willingness to admit that he/she was one of those who laughed at him during various difficult times in his life. Finally, I'm glad that Harry's defeat of Voldemort caused this character to recreate the scene from his/her childhood and pray for Harry. That went straight to my fluffy spot. Thank you for sharing this delightful story.
Sunday 4th June 2006 16:59
Through the Eyes of Another
Really nice. I really like how we see Harry in the eyes of another. Brilliantly done!
Sunday 4th June 2006 14:40
Through the Eyes of Another
That was nice. Seeing thoughts through someone who was barely in Harry's life. But was there and knew all about him. I liked it.
Sunday 4th June 2006 14:03
Through the Eyes of Another
I can't remember where I read this before, but I liked it then, and I liked it now. It was the thought of a little girl praying that done it. I don't think he'll ever get the chance to be, 'just Harry.'
This was well written, to the point, and not to bogged down with sentiment. (Don't think I got that one, .) I salute you.
Sunday 4th June 2006 13:02
Through the Eyes of Another
I've often wondered what went through the minds of the wizarding public during these events. So your story was a great peek at what made the rest of the world tick. I can't say I particularly like Annie - she's not a character I can really like after seeing her fail to remember the lesson she learned about Harry at age 16 when she was ashamed of herself. But I understand her (and thus the wizarding world, too) a bit now. Creating a character who isn't necessarily likeable but with whom I can empathize takes skill - good job!
Sunday 4th June 2006 11:48
Through the Eyes of Another
I really enjoyed your take on Harry's history (and future). It's unique and touching. Thank you.
Sunday 4th June 2006 10:47
Through the Eyes of Another
That's... that's... *tear*

What a wondeful idea, and so perfectly portrayed.
Sunday 4th June 2006 09:48
Through the Eyes of Another
What an interesting story from the point of view of someone entirely outside the normal circle. I have to admit...I was hoping for a little news that Harry got married or something. I can be happy knowing he's removed himself from the spotlight though. Good job!