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Reviews For The Cloak by cmwinters

Wednesday 2nd January 2008 14:12
The Cloak
Wow - interesting perspective.
Sunday 18th June 2006 09:30
The Cloak
Very interesting. The cloak idea is already very good, but the whole perspective adds to it. It's a creepy feeling to have that rat watch everything. I think I'll have to read the first two books again just to see when Petztigrew may have been observing Harry...
Well done!

The only thing I wondered about was this:
occasionally helping by invisibly levitating the crate containing the fast growing dragon
Do you really think that an animagus in his animal form can do magic?
Saturday 17th June 2006 22:48
The Cloak
How intriguing and what an imaginative explanation! There were a few moments that left me a bit confused (because I don't have Philosopher's Stone memorised and I had to rack my brains thinking what a comment was referring to), but on the whole it's very cleverly and teasingly put together. It raises more questions than it answers, actually.
Thursday 15th June 2006 09:41
The Cloak
Interesting. Needs a little more explanation, though.
Wednesday 14th June 2006 21:05
The Cloak
Interesting take on things. But I'm not sure it works for me--why would he help Harry and still be looking out for how to help Voldie come back??
Thursday 15th June 2006 00:35The Cloak (Author Response)
Well, why would Dumbledore give him the cloak and allow 1st year Harry to face Qurirellmort?

Peter's got to keep his head down - if he knows Voldemort is coming back, he's got a problem because he'll be found out. I'm sure he had a fairly comfortable life at the Weasley's. Nobody, for example, fed him to an owl.

Keeping Voldemort gone is in Peter's best interest, IMNSHO.

Wednesday 14th June 2006 14:06
The Cloak
Wow. That was creepy... I've got chills running down my spine. Excellent job. I loved the storyline and the viewpoint. Very original, too. Still creeps me out, though... Thanks for sharing!
Thursday 15th June 2006 00:32The Cloak (Author Response)
Why thank you so much for reading and reviewing!

Wednesday 14th June 2006 11:24
The Cloak
Ooooo, very good! I'd always thought that Dumbledore had had the cloak, but this makes much more sense. i like the way you led us around, I thought at first that the "mystery charhacter" was Lupin. Very clever, good job!
Thursday 15th June 2006 00:31The Cloak (Author Response)
Actually, Dumbledore *did* have the cloak. This story came out of a plot bunny that resulted form me *missing that rather important tidbit*, and so I was trying to figure out who had motive, means and opportunity to give Harry the cloak.

But I'm glad you liked the story!

Thanks for reading and reviewing!