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Reviews For Harry Potter and the Ghosts of the Past by CJS

Saturday 16th August 2008 21:41
Harry Potter and the Ghosts of the Past
nice chapter, though the events weren't exactly unpredictable.
once again, i noticed the use of underscoting before the word emotion. why do you do that?
Saturday 5th May 2007 15:49
Harry Potter and the Ghosts of the Past
Ok, Voldemort has made an enemy of Draco by killing Narcissa. I expect Draco to meet up with Harry at some point. Now the cat is out of the bag and Hogwarts is going to be really lacking in education. They really need Harry there to teach DA. However we will see what happens next. Thank you for writing. I look forward to more of this story. p
Sunday 6th May 2007 13:36Harry Potter and the Ghosts of the Past (Author Response)
Yes, Draco will be back. he's going to play a very important part is Mr Malfoy...
Thursday 3rd May 2007 21:41
Harry Potter and the Ghosts of the Past
Do you really think that books about Voldemort's transformations would be so easily available that Harry could order them from Knockturn Alley? Re: the point where Mrs Weasley fumes about Hogwarts' decisions, shouldn't she have known of this earlier? After all, McGonagall and Molly are both part of the Order. Speaking of which, who's the new leader of the Order? Other than that though, the chapter's fine. I've fallen in love with your fic.
Sunday 6th May 2007 13:35Harry Potter and the Ghosts of the Past (Author Response)
The Order aren't going to feature much in the story (as the plan stands anyway), but I suspect Mcgonagal will take over. I don't think Dumbledore ever speculated on exactly what sort of transformations Ridle went through, plus I wanted to plant the seeds for a future sub-plot. This will come back into play later.
Friday 8th September 2006 11:16
Harry Potter and the Ghosts of the Past
Yea, I think something like that would happen regarding Snape , that he would go up in favor in Voldie's ranks . But I would have thought Draco would not even dare to face Voldemort. Somehow I don't feel very sorry for Cissy (or Draco) . Harry, still not in the order after he's of age; somehow that doesn't seem right. Hagrid as head of Gryffindor, that's interesting. Well, I guess if he can teach, then why not?! Oh, Molly sure didn't take that well.
Wednesday 12th July 2006 12:04
Harry Potter and the Ghosts of the Past
Poor Mrs. Weasley. I bet she is thinking that she is losing 3 children all in one day. The poor thing. And I wonder what Ginny has to say about all of this.
Wednesday 12th July 2006 11:21
Harry Potter and the Ghosts of the Past
I still prefer the scenerio where they pursue the horcruxes from a school base. Not one of those three are in reality strong enough on their collective own for the battles ahead. They need help. Harry has never really translated or understood the prophesy correctly. And as for book smart hermione, she hasn,t seen it in the right light either. He dwells on the last few words. It shows his lack of the proper knowledge to complete this task successfully. Just my opinion.J.
Thursday 22nd June 2006 00:17
Harry Potter and the Ghosts of the Past
i want to reaad the rest of this stoer badly
Tuesday 20th June 2006 15:13
Harry Potter and the Ghosts of the Past
Good job. You've got Ron and Hermione together . Now you just have to get Harry and Ginny back together . So is Draco going to help Harry with the Horcruxes? Interesting move!
Wednesday 21st June 2006 03:25Harry Potter and the Ghosts of the Past (Author Response)
Now you just have to get Harry and Ginny back together . align=middle>

I thought I'd done that in chapter two? Still, without giving too much away, the whole Harry/Ginny thing will become much clearer a bit later (round about chapter five if my current plan holds).
Monday 19th June 2006 20:17
Harry Potter and the Ghosts of the Past
Okay...we didn't get a reaction from Ginny there at the end. I'm assuming this means it's not going to go over well. This was a very nicely written chapter. I especially enjoyed the portion with Draco and Volde. Very descriptive and nicely done.
Monday 19th June 2006 11:28
Harry Potter and the Ghosts of the Past
I'm really enjoying your story. It's almost exactly how I see book 7 playing out in my mind so far .... can't wait to read your next installment!