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Reviews For A Golden Day by Kalarien

Sunday 14th October 2007 15:15
A Golden Day
wow! interesting! nice way to connect the way harry feels now to how he felt in the fifth year!
Tuesday 1st August 2006 10:58
A Golden Day
this is very good i like it alot but what happen ok back to reading
Tuesday 27th June 2006 15:32
A Golden Day
What do you mean he felt nothing more?
Shadow Hider
Wednesday 21st June 2006 23:29
A Golden Day
this is a great start, I can't wait to read more
Wednesday 21st June 2006 11:44
A Golden Day
What an awesome prologue! You've really drawn me in, can't wait to read the rest of the story! I've already added you to my author update list ... brilliant!
Wednesday 21st June 2006 10:32
A Golden Day
oh sorry! i thought this was a completed one!
sorry again!
hurry up 4 the next
Wednesday 21st June 2006 10:27
A Golden Day
bloody hell! u killed our hero!:
Wednesday 21st June 2006 08:17
A Golden Day
That was a really good first chapter. It really drew me in. I can't wait to read more.
Tuesday 20th June 2006 20:19
A Golden Day
What an intense chapter! I hope eveyone is allright. Ron's goodbye sounded kind of final which makes me cringe. Nicely written chapter. I'm looking forward to reading more.
Tuesday 20th June 2006 19:00
A Golden Day
Thanks! The next bit should be coming soon, so keep an eye out!
Tuesday 20th June 2006 18:55
A Golden Day
I really enjoyed this chapter. You write action incredibly well. Quotes I loved:
the mouth stretched open beyond the limits of the jaw
Just like now, stuck, imprisoned by a body that wouldn’t work, helpless, helpless, helpless...
His lungs felt like fire.

Ah, what happens next? Update soon, I'm sure this is going to continue to be a great story.

Thanks again for the awesome writing.

Thursday 22nd June 2006 17:20A Golden Day (Author Response)
I would be remiss if I didn't give musings, my beta, credit for that last one--she added it to help a last minute change to be a little more believable. But I will take credit for the others! Thanks!
Tuesday 20th June 2006 18:40
A Golden Day
Very nice opener. Can't wait for the next.