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Reviews For Not Your War by occlumens

Tuesday 25th March 2008 12:41
Not Your War
niec story!!!! It must have been hard for hermonie during the summers when there were no wizards around...
haha the france part was pretty funny
Thursday 3rd January 2008 20:37
Not Your War
Wow -this made me really sad. I have wondered in the past about Hermione's Muggle life after she started Hogwarts. It would be such a strange and difficult secret to keep - even if Voldemort was not in the picture. The Algebra episode illustrates that perfectly.

My only issue with this fic is that I would have thought Hermione was intelligent enough not to act "different" at the wrong times, though I guess that's a lot to ask of a young girl.

Good ending.
Tuesday 13th November 2007 21:41
Not Your War
Very nice. I've often wondered what Hermione's relationship with her parents were like during her time at Hogwarts, because she spent so little time with them.
Sunday 11th November 2007 23:43
Not Your War
Great little story!
Thursday 8th November 2007 17:14
Not Your War
wow!!! Never really thought of hermonie not fitting in at home... i guess it would make sense since they dont really know whats going on in the wizarding world...

Wednesday 12th July 2006 08:07
Not Your War
Nice treatment, and an excellent last scene and last line.
Sunday 23rd July 2006 12:37Not Your War (Author Response)
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Thursday 6th July 2006 21:17
Not Your War
Excellent. I really like the changes Hermione has to make and the confusion of her parents.
Thursday 6th July 2006 23:42Not Your War (Author Response)
Thank you!

It's interesting that we see the wizarding world through Harry's eyes, but it leaves a lot of things out. We, of course, see how Harry is forced to change because of the war, but we don't see that nearly as much with the others of his generation. They don't have the same experiences, true, but I don't think it can have been easy even for those who aren't particularly involved. And for Hermione, who's got friends in the middle of it and family completely outside of it, well... I like to explore her side of things. I'm glad you enjoyed it too.
Saturday 1st July 2006 23:50
Not Your War
*melts* Very good. I loved it.
Sunday 2nd July 2006 20:13Not Your War (Author Response)
Thank you!

I'm very glad you enjoyed it.
Shadow Hider
Monday 26th June 2006 12:13
Not Your War
That's great ^_^
Monday 26th June 2006 14:37Not Your War (Author Response)
Thank you!
Monday 26th June 2006 08:37
Not Your War
Beautiful. And I loved how you ended it on a happier note.

The way you structured it was really good. Such a good read. I'm looking forward to reading more from you.
Monday 26th June 2006 14:37Not Your War (Author Response)
Thank you!

I'm glad you liked the new ending. I was hoping you would, since you've read the old version.
Monday 26th June 2006 05:17
Not Your War
gr8!that was brilliant leting us know abt hemione's every year!
Monday 26th June 2006 05:33Not Your War (Author Response)
Thank you!

I had always wondered what summers would be like for Hermione. She mentions some things, like going to France, but we never see very much of what it's like for her. I'm glad you enjoyed the story.
Ardie Bea
Monday 26th June 2006 05:10
Not Your War
Short, bitter-sweet and to the point. Well done.
Monday 26th June 2006 05:35Not Your War (Author Response)
Thank you!

I always have a problem making my stories very long. I think it's because with fanfic there's so much material already built right in; we know what the characters are like. I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Monday 26th June 2006 04:49
Not Your War
Fabulous! I love your exploration of Hermione's struggle. Poignant and satisfying to read.
Monday 26th June 2006 05:37Not Your War (Author Response)
Thank you!

I think, being smart and strong, Hermione gets overlooked a lot when it comes to her struggles. No one thinks about the difficult time she must be having because of the war. Not that I blame anyone really, it's hard on everyone. Still, sometimes I'm morbid and wonder who would tell the Grangers if she died... I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Sunday 25th June 2006 23:20
Not Your War
It was short but not sweet until the end. I like how you just gave a brief summary to each year. I loved the singing of course. Good job!
Monday 26th June 2006 05:39Not Your War (Author Response)
Thank you!

It originally wasn't sweet at all, but I added the ending to give it some hope. The singing... Heh. I needed some way for Harry, Ron ,and Ginny to snap her out of it. Her birthday seemed as good a reason as any. Plus, with the war just finished, who can blame them for being a bit silly? I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Sunday 25th June 2006 20:23
Not Your War
Sunday 25th June 2006 21:26Not Your War (Author Response)
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it.
Sunday 25th June 2006 16:42
Not Your War
I absolutely adore this fic, occlumens. The vignettes that take us through the years of Hermione's life are poignant and telling, and I love how they show, so fluently, how the Grangers try to deal with the scope of having a daughter like Hermione. The last paragraph just grips me -- she no longer has to hide who and what she is in life. She can finally be herself around ALL the people in her world. Love love love it, it was such a pleasure to work on this fic for you. Thank you so much for such a lovely mention in your A/N. You make my job easy!!!
Sunday 25th June 2006 18:46Not Your War (Author Response)
Thank you!

As you know, I originally didn't have the last bit on this story. However, I really wanted to show that Hermione had a chance at openness once the war was over, especially since my last Hermione story left her so hopeless. I'm glad that idea got across.

Thank you so much again for all of your help!