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Reviews For The Seventh Horcrux by Melindaleo

mutt n feathers
Wednesday 29th July 2009 07:58
The Seventh Horcrux
I've been reading this story, after a discussion that I was having with my friend, Peter (My Ginevra) about exceptionally well written FanFics, and your story came up in the discussion.

I must give you praise at how well written it is, how absolutely well formulated your plot is and the depth of your character development. Given the publishing dates, your unacany similarity to DH is inspiring.

This may be one of the best stories I have ever read, and I am very impressed and can't wait to read more.

Thank you,
Tuesday 4th March 2008 17:05
The Seventh Horcrux
:O that was soo oo oo mean of malfoys dad....
uh oh i hope that they get out of there safely....
Wednesday 22nd November 2006 07:58
The Seventh Horcrux
Great. Very descriptive chapter. Good job describing Azkaban and making the differential between the Malfoys and the Dursleys.
Tuesday 24th October 2006 12:39
The Seventh Horcrux
I loved the confessions of love between Harry and Ginny. Very moving.

Azkaban was just as I'd imagined it. Very creepy and desolate. Your characterization of the Malfoys: Spot on as always.
Wednesday 23rd August 2006 12:25
The Seventh Horcrux
Oh that was very evil leaving the chapter like that. Good thing I don't have to wait long to read the next one.

I think Harry should tell malfoy about Pansy. It would show something on his part that could help things between them. Notice I didn't say fix.

The visit with Lucius went exactly like I expected it. I don't think they were thinking when they allowed Harry inside with Draco by himself as they know Harry has fainted with dementors. He could have fainted and Lucius polyjuice as Harry to escape. lol
Monday 7th August 2006 08:28
The Seventh Horcrux
Uh, not good. - Actually, I would have imagined Malfoy senior a little more concerned with his own survival and less zealous.
Sunday 2nd July 2006 22:30
The Seventh Horcrux
I promised myself after chapter three that I would write a review, telling you how much I loved your story. Then I was bitten by a plot bunny that my stabbit gave birth too and hidden under my computer desk. I ate dinner after that, went to watch some fireworks, and the entire time as the colors were exploding in the sky I was thinking how lucky I was to have a nice day off tomorrow, so that I could keep reading on into the evening. I swore to myself then and there, coffee in hand that I would write a stunning review for you, praising your character development, personal writing style and wicked sense of humor. I went home, kept reading, and forgot all about my promise. I then nearly wet myself laughing when Harry threw Ginny's romance novel down and wondered whatever had put her to sleep. I soon forgot my promise to review, and kept reading. At one point, my dog Charlie assured me he would die if I didn't let him out on the lawn, and I promised, swore up and down that I would review. I lied. I was a lying lying lying liar. I went inside, poured another cuppa and kept reading. So here I am, 'tis past the witching hour and I'm wringing my hands hoping against hope that Dumbledore was right, that Draco can be saved, and that right now, when it's important, Draco realizes that having honor and dignity takes more (insert crude reference to male anatomy often used to symbolize bravery here) than doing the wrong thing.

The right thing being the Slytherin thing to do - Scream like a little girl for Moody to come and rescue so Ron can have a good laugh.

I loved the dragon, I loved that Ginny knew she was the last woman standing and that it bolstered her self esteem. I'm a female martial artist - I study Praying Mantis Kung Fu every day, and there's this poster in the woman's changing room at the temple where I train. It's cheesey, and has a little raccoon running a race on it, but it has a very valuable quote on it: "every winner was once a beginner" and Ginny's character truly embodies that. I loved your scene with the Dementors. I loved how Bill grew up a bit, and I shed tears when Hermione's friends showed solidarity in a true moment of Girl Power. People lose sight of what true friendship and honor and courage means in the face of Hollywood movies.

The one thing I love most about this story is the message it holds for the reader: Doing the right things - even though it's hard - along with Love, honor and loyalty to family and friends will see you through. JKR tries very hard to get this message across to her readers, and like her, you have succeeded with grace.

May the muses inspire you, and thank you, thank you for waking up my plot bunny... I haven't felt the urge to write in some time.

With Great Respect,

Monday 3rd July 2006 10:46The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Wow! What a fantastic review! I'm gobsmacked, lol. I really do hope you write that story, because I think you'll be very good. You certainly plastered a grin on my face - and say hello to Charlie for me. I'm delighted you're enjoying the story, and I hope you continue to do so. I'm honored you think JKRs message is still coming through in this little rip off of hers. Thank you.
Lady Ginny Potter
Sunday 2nd July 2006 01:12
The Seventh Horcrux
finally caught up on the chapters I haven't had the time to read. They are brilliant. Dude... loads of kudos for you.
Monday 3rd July 2006 10:41The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying them. Chapter 15 should go up shortly.
Friday 30th June 2006 04:05
The Seventh Horcrux
Aww , thats some cliffhanger.. Can't wait for the next chapter, glad it's gonna be a longer one.

I love the way you portrayed the prison here. With the walls alive with the misery of the people who had been there, that's very well done. The whole Draco-Lucius thing didn't come as much of a surprise but Harry's and Draco's later reactions to it were very realistic and so in character with them.

I'm officially hooked on this story, I wonder if your others are as good.. I think I'll go check them out now.

Really looking forward to your next chapter.

Friday 30th June 2006 06:27The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Thanks so much for all the reviews! I've thoroughly enjoyed watching your progress as you read your way through. I'm thrilled you're enjoying it so much. The next chapter is with beta now.
Thursday 29th June 2006 22:26
The Seventh Horcrux
Yum, this chapter is a reviewer's dream. So much to talk about!

I'm glad Harry is beginning to understand why it's so frustrating when libraries yield no results. Too many people paint an irrational, book-worshipping Hermione. It's not like that.

“Why do they hate you so much? I thought you were everyone’s golden child,” Malfoy asked, his gray eyes puzzled.

I love this line. It's like a look into his mind. Malfoy can't seem to understand that people can have very different feelings about any one person. Up until then, he's been able to despise Harry for his universal, blind fame - and now he finds something for which Harry can only be pitied, he doesn't know what to think. I love this Malfoy! Well, not him, but the way you write him. Ohh, you know what I mean.

I really like your use of Dumbledore's line. A shiver of recognition went through me, and I felt so... scared, I think would be the best word, for Harry. Yes, this trust can be a comfort to Harry, but it's so much pressure. He needs all the support he can get.

Just after Harry and co have disillusioned themselves and eavesdropped on the conversation, we get this bit:

Remus motioned for the others to follow him

I'm not sure how a disillusioned person can motion and be seen!

Leave it to Hermione to sniff out a hidden book.


Scrimgeour had been extremely eager to learn the details of Harry’s trip, and Harry suspected some Ministry interference before the day was through.

The anticipation! I'm so curious...

I'm so glad Ron had that triumph (of a sort) over Malfoy in the boat. Go Weasley! But the ending? Terrifying. I felt clammy myself... *tremble*

Some of your ideas are so canonically (is this even a word?) convincing I find myself wondering if I'll be disappointed in HBP because I've read some ideas in your story. Still, nothing could stop me reading this - you were the first fanfic author to truly captivate me, and you were the one who inspired me to keep writing when I'd all but given up.

Keep it up. You write, I read. It's a law of the universe.

Friday 30th June 2006 06:26The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Wow, such a nice, long, detailed review. Thanks! I'm delighted by the reactions to Malfoy. I only hope I can keep it up. I tend to NOT like him, but I was intrigued by him in HBP. I'm a big Ron fan, too, and I like to see him intimidate Malfoy Thanks so much for the compliment! I'm delighted to hear it, and you keep up the writing, too.
Wolf's Scream
Wednesday 28th June 2006 23:41
The Seventh Horcrux
Ah; quite well done: I especially enjoyed Moody's interactions with the Malfoys. Speaking of Moody, it looks as if a couple of lads might benefit if he were to exercise some of his "Constant Vigilance" right about now.... :-)
Thursday 29th June 2006 04:54The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Yes, Moody did promise to stay close and alert, didn't he? So, either he should come quickly to the rescue...or he's already been taken out...
Wednesday 28th June 2006 21:27
The Seventh Horcrux

Melinda! You can't leave us there .... it's not ... but .... but Harry -

Excellent chapter. I enjoyed the conversation between Harry and Draco immensely, expecially the little "Oh, there’s an understatement. Bravo." from Malfoy. The moment where they almost shared a smile was amusing too, as was Narcissa - although she wasn't there, she still managed to annoy Moody and Harry.

And for all his antics, for all his digs about being the chosen one and being useless, Malfoy still relies on Harry to get him out of trouble:
“What’s wrong with you, Potter? Get up. There are Dementors here.”

Can't wait to find out what happens next - and is Harry ever going to tell Malfoy exactly why he faints when Dementors get too close? Or will we have to wait for another occlumency session for that?

great work!

Thursday 29th June 2006 04:53The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Heh - but you know I love my cliffies - You're right, despite all his bravado, Malfoy DOES turn to Harry when things get rough. As for telling the reason he faints - I hope you like the next chapter.
Wednesday 28th June 2006 20:42
The Seventh Horcrux
not more cliffies! oh man I can't wait to see this one through. Nice job, very scary and how sad for Malfoy, stuck with Potter for good.
Thursday 29th June 2006 04:50The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Thanks! I'm glad you found Azkaban scary.
Wednesday 28th June 2006 18:47
The Seventh Horcrux
Aaahhh! Evil cliffie! I won't rush the next update, but I'm really looking forward to it. ^^ This chapter had the potential to be very melodramatic and unrealistic, but I'm glad you kept everything believable. Now I only hope Harry's okay! But he will be. ...Right? LOL. Ooh. I SO hope you have something planned for Mr. Malfoy, because I'm just WAITING for someone to punch him in the face! Maybe Hermione should have come after all...? Ha. Well, good job, and I - like billions of others, I'm sure - wait eagerly for the next chapter!
Thursday 29th June 2006 04:50The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Thanks! The next update is well underway...and this story isn't quite half over, Heh, it would be funny to see Hermione deck Lucius, wouldn't it? Actually, I'd love Ginny to be the one who got to do that
Wednesday 28th June 2006 18:38
The Seventh Horcrux
I love the intimacy you're giving us between Harry and Ginny, and I'm so glad you updated! I hated the cliffie, but then you know we'll always come back for more!
Thursday 29th June 2006 04:48The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Thanks! I know, the cliffies are tough, and they kill me in stories I read, too - but they do work when writing. I'm glad you enjoyed the h/g stuff. I love that pair. I honestly can't understand how some people still don't see it in canon. She makes him happy, for crying out loud. Harry deserves some happy.
Wednesday 28th June 2006 18:31
The Seventh Horcrux
Wonderful plots in this chapter. Let me first start with Harry and Ginny's scene. The way they said "I love you" to one another was so precious. Sometimes I have to keep in mind that they are still very young. It's so evident in your writing that they truly love one another. Even when Harry picked Ron over her to go to Azkaban, she couldn't let him go without showing him how much she cares for him. (I love them)

I absolutely love Harry and Malfoy scenes. They play off one another very well. I love that Malfoy can always spit out those awful one-liners to anyone he hates, and Harry can always come back at him. Funny stuff. Malfoy always make me laugh with his crude remarks. That doesn't mean that I like him or anything, I just love that I can laugh at his comments. You got his character so perfect.

WOW! Azkaban is horrible. I could feel the chills as Harry walked through the halls. It sorta made my own stomach churn. Dementors are awful creatures. I can't wait until the next chapter. You ended this kinda cliffy didn't you? Shame Shame. But that's okay, I'll just look forward to the next one.

I loved your Draco and Lucius scene. Draco gets his ability to only look out for number one from his father. But however horrible his father was to him, I bet Draco'll never see the error of his ways. Lucius will always have that haughty stuck up, attitude, and Draco shall follow right along in his foot steps. I like that Harry could, all be it for a second, feel sorry for him. Just shows how much compassion Harry has. Made me proud of him. Nice job there.

Okay, I could probably write a whole lot more, but I'll end it here. It was a fanstastic chapter, and it being 22 pages long was perfect.


p.s. I love that Ginny calls Voldermort, Tom. As she should. Everyone should call that punk that. It's his name.
Thursday 29th June 2006 04:46The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm delighted by the response to . Honestly, he's never been one of my favorites, but I have to admit that I'm having loads of fun writing him in this story. He's not a "nice" character, but he's not a Death Eater, either.
Wednesday 28th June 2006 17:29
The Seventh Horcrux
Harry and Ginny's conversation was so good! Ginny made me feel better about Harry's situation. And the way they said "I love you" to each other - too sweet! But you shouldn't have cut away from that unsupervised afternoon! LOL! OMG, Azkaban was creepy! And that cliffy ending - please update soon! Poor Harry!
Wednesday 28th June 2006 18:08The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Hee. I'm going to keep this PG-13, lol, so we have to cut away Besides, isn't it more fun to imagine?
Felix Felicis
Wednesday 28th June 2006 17:25
The Seventh Horcrux
Another incredible chapter, and a long one, too! I think you've kept the Malfoy's exactly in character. Lucius is ridiculously loyal to Voldemort, Draco is only out for protecting himself, and his mother would do anything to protect him, but would still be mean to him at the same time.

I feel bad for Ginny and Hermione, but they'll get over it... maybe. I guess it all depends on what happens next on this crazy adventure you've got us all hooked on! I love this line
“When you tried to break up with me at the end of term, you said being with me was like something out of someone else’s life.”
And then Ginny says that's the saddest thing she's ever heard. I agree. Poor Harry! To think that he doesn't deserve to have people love him... it's just wrong. Grrr, those stupid Dursleys!

You did such a good job describing Azkaban, so creepy and sad. I love when Harry thinks about Sirius spending 12 years there. I think Harry could dwell an entire chapter on that. I could go on and on, but I guess I did that about five chapters ago, so I'll just say once again how much I love you work! You have a very special gift.

Here's the highest compliment I can give you: If JKR kills off Harry in the last book, I'm just going to make this my Book 7.
Wednesday 28th June 2006 18:06The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Whoa! That's some compliment, but I think canon Harry is going to come out just fine. When has JKR ever given away what's going to happen to a characer? If she's talking this much about people telling her to kill him so it's really over, I just can't believe that's what she actually did. Long Live Harry.

I agree with you about that line. That went right to my soft spot and twisted. Poor kid.
Wednesday 28th June 2006 16:35
The Seventh Horcrux
Now it’s the Parkinson women fleeing Voldemort—sounds like the Order might soon be setting up a shelter for turncoat-DE families. Of course the more deserters he has, the better!

I really enjoyed the moments between Draco and Harry (at GP and Azkaban). They’ll never be friends, but it’s neat to see that they can get past their old animosities a bit and begin to understand each other—a real mark of growing up.
Wednesday 28th June 2006 18:04The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Heh - you're closer than you know! I'm pleased to hear you're enjoying and ...I won't call it friendship, but at least their working together. I can't help but wonder what will become of Malfoy in book 7.
Wednesday 28th June 2006 15:42
The Seventh Horcrux
hi love the story tis grate, but havnt Crabb and Goyals fathers been in Azkaban since the end of book 5. stuff the lol
Wednesday 28th June 2006 18:02The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Uh oh. Urgh, I hope not. I went through this whole thing already with the Lestrange brothers - trying to figure out if they were, I mean. I'm certain one is, still unsure about the other so I didn't use them in the scene. I really hope I didn't goof on this one. I'll have to check. If I did - well, it's too late now. Oops.
Wednesday 28th June 2006 13:58
The Seventh Horcrux
Uh oh ... who wants to see some accidental magic?! Haven't read a real zinger of a cliff hanger lately, so now I'm really looking forward to the next installment. Very well written chapter, keep it up!
Wednesday 28th June 2006 14:55The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Thanks! I'm glad you didn't hate the cliffies! There are a few of them in this story
Wednesday 28th June 2006 13:32
The Seventh Horcrux
I am not worried, Harry. I am with you. is my favorite line from HBP, and also the one that gets me EVERY TIME. Wonderful chapter. I love how Draco is still a jerk, but we can sympathize anyway. That can't be easy to do. Most of the stories I read he either pulls a 180 and is decent to Harry, or he's still a Death Eater. I don't know why this chapter in particular should be a tear-jerker for me, maybe I'm just weird. But there you are. Poor Harry.
Wednesday 28th June 2006 13:51The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
That's one of my favorite lines, too. Draco is tough, but I'm having lots of fun with him this time around. JKR cracked his demeanor in HBP, so it's fun to play with, but I think he'll always have that spoiled, the world owes me something kind of attitude.
Wednesday 28th June 2006 11:56
The Seventh Horcrux
you're gonna make me disappointed when book 7 comes out, cos it won't measure up to this, you really will...
Wednesday 28th June 2006 13:49The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Wow! ALthough I hardly think that will happen, I'm blushing enough to do a Weasley proud.
Wednesday 28th June 2006 11:31
The Seventh Horcrux
Woah... Very intense chapter!! I really absolutely adored this, and I am really liking the character development between Hary and Malfoy. I would really love for them to become friends. I know it seems far fetched, but the way you're developing this fic would make it so it would make sense. I don't usually want those two to be friends, but your characterizations really have me rooting for them! Bravo! Amazing work!
Wednesday 28th June 2006 13:48The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Friends? Friends? Gasp. Not sure I could really pull that off, but I could see them....working together...each to get what they want. I think in the end, Malfoy will always watch out for Malfoy first. I'm really glad you're enjoying it.
Wednesday 28th June 2006 09:24
The Seventh Horcrux
It was exactly the kind if dismal day that seemed appropriate for a trip to Azkaban.

I think the "if" should be an "of."

Another smashing chapter.

Wednesday 28th June 2006 10:52The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Hee, thanks! Kind of like a funeral - it should always rain. I'm going to re-read it, but I'm not sure which "if" you're referring?
Wednesday 28th June 2006 08:34
The Seventh Horcrux
Great Chapter!!!! This is a fantastic story. Malfoy will never understand, will he? Choices make the person - not heritage or status. I love the interaction with Harry & Malfoy. Draco can really get under Harry's skin.

Have the Dementor's turned??? Poor Harry - I can see Draco helping, only because it would save Draco's skin from the Order (making him seem heroic), He wouldn't be helping for altruistic ideas.

Harry hasn't even made it to Dung's stuff yet. Are they going to take him away before he gets the chance to go through it?

I really love your writing & style. Seeing Ginny & Harry together was sweet. How strange the words, "I love you" must be for Harry. I liked that scene.

Can't wait for the next chapter!! You write so well - it makes my day when a chapter is up!! Thanks!!!
Wednesday 28th June 2006 10:52The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Thanks! I agree - "I love you" has to be a big deal for the kid, and I love exploring that. We've never heard Harry say it before, and I doubt he has any memory of someone saying it to him. I'm thrilled you're enjoying the story.
Wednesday 28th June 2006 08:21
The Seventh Horcrux
Kudos for another excellent chapter!!!! I love the way Ginny treats Harry! She is so good for him. Poor boy really needs someone to show him how good things can be. After all, he's already seen how bad things can be...

Poor Draco - what a nightmare, but I won't feel too sorry for him. You can't go through life blaming all of your own problems on others. Sooner or later you've got to accept responsibility and make something of yourself. This is an absolute and there is no escaping it. Hmm... Now I'm beginning to wonder what you are going to do with Draco. This little tale is so interesting.

And of course I would be worried about Harry, but if he dies you have to stop writing! So I will just wonder. Say, perhaps a Dementor could liberate that bit of Voldemort's soul for Harry? Just a thought.

Really excellent work. Thanks for sharing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday 28th June 2006 10:50The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Thanks! YOu're right about Draco. He does tend to blame everyone else for his problems, and he'll never really grow up until he stops doing that. Of course...who says he ever WILL really grow up?

I'm DYING to tell someone my plans for the ending, lol. I can barely contain it (but I will ). I will say that it doesn't involve a Dementor.
Wednesday 28th June 2006 08:08
The Seventh Horcrux
Nasty, nasty cliffie! Let's hope someone swoops in to save the day. I, like Harry, felt sorry for Draco too...until he started spouting off about Harry. Compassion then flew out the window. The boy just doesn't learn!

I loved the moments between Harry and Ginny in this chapter. I'm glad she's getting him to accept that he deserves love...especially from her. I also loved how she came to wish him well even though she was mad at him.

Lovely chapter as always and I'm looking forward to the next!
Wednesday 28th June 2006 10:48The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Hee. Can't you see Draco responding that way? He was hurt and humiliated, so he lashed out at the nearest target. I can see him doing that.
Wednesday 28th June 2006 07:37
The Seventh Horcrux
Whoa! That was definetly the best chapter ever! I was looking forward for that Azkaban trip, and it was exactly like I imagined! I was playing PotC OST while reading it I expect some Gryffindorism from Draco now! He seems to handle Dementors better than Harry -well, anyone handles them better than Harry.

He definetly needs to learn to perform a wandless Patronus!
Wednesday 28th June 2006 10:47The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
PotC OST? I'm not sure what that is - and I hope I'm not showing my age by not knowing.

Some Gryffindorism from Draco??? I dont' know about that. I think Draco will always do what's best for Draco - he's just coming to realize that what's best for him might not be what he always thought it was.
Wednesday 28th June 2006 07:33
The Seventh Horcrux
Another great chapter! But an evil cliffhanger

I loved the parts at Grimmauld Place, and the last part at Azkaban was so good. You're descriptions really make you feel as though you are there, and the interaction between Malfoy Jr & Sr was fab.

Looking forward to the next update
Wednesday 28th June 2006 10:46The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Hee. But I LOVE evil cliffhangers, lol. I'm glad you got the feel at Azkaban. I worked at that, so I'm thrilled to hear it came across.
Wednesday 28th June 2006 07:31
The Seventh Horcrux
A long wait, but well worth it! I really liked the scene with Harry and Ginny at the beginning. It was very sweet and I really like the fact that you can show them older just like JKR does with each book. Harry knowing and feeling Ginny's love must make him stronger somehow with the Dementors...right?

I think you are spot on with Azkaban and Malfoy/Lucius! Just how I would have pictured it if I had any imagination at all! GREAT JOB! I can't wait for the next chapter!
Wednesday 28th June 2006 10:45The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Thanks! I'm hoping I'll be able to get the next one out quicker. It's almost done. I loved to see Harry growing up in HBP and his new maturity, I only wish we got to see more of it. I'm glad you think it was continued here.
Wednesday 28th June 2006 07:27
The Seventh Horcrux
It was a mammoth chapter and well worth the wait. My usual hatred for Malfoy wasn't there this time - maybe he is softening on me a bit. What I did notice was being caught up in the rush of emotion towards the end. I could feel the drag of the two dementors rushing towards Harry and Draco, and felt that I too would be swept away. It was frightening, and I will be interested to see how Harry will respond to them. They have no wands - what wandless magic will he be able to achieve with those memories of Ginny's embrace?
Additionally, the intrigue about the Parkinson girls was another plotline that I look forward to reading more about.
Well done.

Wednesday 28th June 2006 10:44The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Thanks! You really softened towards just a bit?? And I did that? Squeeeee! That just made my day. Good spotting of the Parkinson girls
Megan SQ
Wednesday 28th June 2006 01:02
The Seventh Horcrux
Umm, I think you got Lucius' character completely wrong. He's not Bellatrix. He himself betrayed Voldemort the first time around by not looking for him, and by pretending that he'd been under the Imperius or some such. He did kowtow to "the slime" to stay free. And I very much doubt he was happy with Voldemort's return, if for no other reason than that he'd have to account for the destroyed diary that was left to him in trust. Moreover, however tough he is on Draco in the books, he also goes to great lengths for his son (see buying his place on the Quidditch team, trying to have Buckbeak killed a.s.o.). Don't confuse a tough parent with an unloving one. If nothing else, Draco is the one to carry on the family name, which is a very big deal to Malfoy.

I've seen this idea very often in fanfic, that Lucius would kill/torture/turn over his son to Voldemort. I think there's absolutely nothing in the series to support it, and people just want to give Draco a reason to turn to the good side. Well, JK pretty much said he'll never team up with Harry, but she also indicated in HBP why Draco will stay *neutral*: he doesn't have the stomach to be evil.

Sorry for the rant. I just, you know, was disappointed to see you go cliche with the Malfoys. Of course, it's your story, so you can write whatever you want. :-)
Wednesday 28th June 2006 06:09The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I do disagree with your take on Lucius. I don't see him as a loving parent at all. Narcissa, yes, Lucius I think only cares for himself. Anything he's given Draco has, I think, been done to reflect on him.

I don't think he went to look for Voldemort because he truly thought he was dead, and covered his own butt afterward. I also think if he were offered power and glory in exchange for his son, he'd take it. *shrugs* Of course it's only my interpretation of what we've read, but...that's the same for everyone.

I remember a scene in CoS where Malfoy lost the Quidditch match and Lucius looked on him in disgust. Again, I don't think that was concern for his son and how he was feeling, but annoyance on how it reflected upon Lucius. It may be cliche, but cliches are there for a reason.
Wednesday 28th June 2006 00:27
The Seventh Horcrux
A cliffie. Why why why??? You absolutly need to update again, and soon because this is a really good story so far, and like yeah.
Wednesday 28th June 2006 06:05The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Hee - because cliffies keep the suspense high, silly. I've almost finished the next chapter, so I hope the wait won't be too long.
Tuesday 27th June 2006 23:45
The Seventh Horcrux
Oooh. Cliffhanger!!! I loved the Malfoy in this. You keep him in character, which I like. Please update soon! Will he find the locket? Will he?!?!
Wednesday 28th June 2006 06:04The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response)
Thanks! I had fun with the Draco and Lucius scene in this chapter. As for the'll have to wait for one more chapter to learn that.