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Reviews For Harry Potter and the Twists of Fate by pottervader

Saturday 13th September 2008 19:19
Harry Potter and the Twists of Fate
I worder how harry handle being married to ginny with her tember
Tuesday 5th August 2008 13:55
Harry Potter and the Twists of Fate
Very interesting! Very interesting!

Saturday 27th January 2007 16:16
Harry Potter and the Twists of Fate
This was definitely interesting. Not really much to comment on here either. Great balance with detail again. I like how you're having that whole thing with Ron and Ginny.
Great chapter.
Immortal Phoenix
Monday 18th December 2006 07:47
Harry Potter and the Twists of Fate
I do like the way Harry found out about Flamel but the whole story still feels a little rushed. I think maybe you just need to be a little more descriptive. You were fairly straight forward in describing Potter Manor but I'd like to have heard about the Christmas dinner and what they ate, the conversations they had, etc. I really do like this concept and can see it morphing into something really interesting.
Wednesday 2nd August 2006 10:08
Harry Potter and the Twists of Fate
I love how you've depicted Harry's home life. It fits how I imagine his life would've been perfectly, down to his collecting chocolate frog cards and spending time in his mother's library.

Thursday 27th July 2006 00:57
Harry Potter and the Twists of Fate
lol this is very good i like the sister and the james you should have lily's sister come over some time i know they wont but just have them in it
Friday 21st July 2006 12:20
Harry Potter and the Twists of Fate
Ugh, did you have to bring the Dursleys in . Oh well, I guess it was unavoidable. Nice touch with Lily's reminiscing about how Petunia would treat the kids and Sirius in the will -- "She couldn't imagine any reason for that wish not to be followed" -- Oh, only Sirius in Azkaban thought to be responsible for her and James' deaths.
So you worked in the invisibility cloak. Better done, I think, was Ginny's Bat-Bogey-Hex accidental magic
Friday 21st July 2006 20:14Harry Potter and the Twists of Fate (Author Response)
Well, I had to mention the Dursleys a bit. Someone may wonder later on what happened to them in my story. Thanks for the review again.
Tuesday 18th July 2006 09:22
Harry Potter and the Twists of Fate
Still a lil rushed, but better than the last chapter.
Saturday 8th July 2006 14:37
Harry Potter and the Twists of Fate
No Dursley's in this story? Hmm... it would have been nice if Harry and Dudley got along. If Harry's got the cloak now, where is the map?

I wonder if Ginny is "in like" with Harry yet?

on the awesome part.... and I'm onto the next!
Monday 10th July 2006 09:40Harry Potter and the Twists of Fate (Author Response)
You'll find out where the map is in Harry's next year.
Wednesday 5th July 2006 11:08
Harry Potter and the Twists of Fate
I love how you kepted everything just changed. Or "twisted" it. lol
Wednesday 5th July 2006 17:20Harry Potter and the Twists of Fate (Author Response)
Thanks for the review. I try to keep it partly in canon but changed in a way I think it would have happened if James and Lily were alive and had more children.