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Reviews For Switched by cryslin

Tuesday 22nd June 2010 08:08
I liked it, interesting idea and a fun read, thanks!
Wednesday 2nd January 2008 15:12
I loved this. It was really fun and kept me interested. I love Harry's revenge!
Saturday 2nd June 2007 00:31
loved you story please wright it from Malfoy view. what did harry do to him
Wednesday 30th May 2007 11:53
wow great story i especially liked "Hermione's human howler", it made me laugh out loud please write more of "Muggle War" im really enjoying it
Aqua Fountain*
Monday 7th May 2007 04:07
Not bad. I like your story line, but your writing style, in my opinion, is . . .

It's too simple for my taste. You've got too many 'do not's and the likes, instead of 'dont's and their likes. And, of course this isn't your fault, but it's not my style.

You're also vey repetitiveHarry now raced toward his friend. Malfoy saw Harry race to Ron and... You should have done 'Harry now raced toward his friend. Malfoy saw Harry speed to Ron and... for exmple. You used 'race/d' twice in two sentances, which is a bit too much, if you know what I mean.

Also, I dont get this: Malfoy glared at him icily before retorting, “And this will be the only time you see yourself without it.” The way I see it, Malfoy's telling Harry that he will never not catch the snitch. Which is a huge compliment.

The story line is good though.
Shadow Hider
Wednesday 26th July 2006 22:17
I think this is a good enough story on it's own, but I'm not entirely sure what the point was with Harry and Draco switching bodies. The two barely interacted at all, except for their normal fights, and they could have had the same experiences in their own bodies.
Friday 21st July 2006 10:36
Oh, I almost forgot this. It's been on my mind since the beginning. Why didn't they just perform the same switching spell again. I know that sounds rather simplistic, but you've not given any reason why it wouldn't work. Of course then there's the whole metaphysical question of where the mind exists. I don't see the mind as an independent entity (a function of the brain); that would mean the switch involved a physical dimension -- the switching of their brains into the other's body. Good story anyway
Friday 21st July 2006 10:31
So that's the end. Nice piece of fluff then. So you leave it to our imaginations as to what Ron said and what Harry did to Malfoy
Sunday 23rd July 2006 11:52Switched (Author Response)
I'm glad you enjoyed the story. It is the end, but I could write it from Malfoy's view...who knows. Thank you for the review!
Saturday 8th July 2006 12:22
Aw what a brilliant job! I loved it. I'm so sad it's over. What a perfect storyline. Only you could've written it so well! Awesome!
Saturday 8th July 2006 05:14
I think I have some idea what Harry did to Malfoy's body!! HEhe!!! Nice work!
Thursday 6th July 2006 22:03
so..... what did he do? tattoo malfoy's body?
Wednesday 5th July 2006 16:44
Love the story. Did Harry really do that to Malfoy, way to go! Keep up the on writing, can not wait for more from you.

Wednesday 5th July 2006 10:56
What did Harry do. What will grow back? I don't get it!!!! But very good. And the ripping of the hair, that has to hurt.