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Reviews For No Devil or Redeemer by Mullvaney

Thursday 6th July 2006 10:04
No Devil or Redeemer
I second what Ladybug says. This is such a delightul mix of JKR and Jane Austen. I want to meet Romanus Black myself.
Thursday 6th July 2006 11:53No Devil or Redeemer (Author Response)
I second what Ladybug says. This is such a delightul mix of JKR and Jane Austen. I want to meet Romanus Black myself.

Thank you! Romanus is handsome and charming, but he's also a Black. . .
Wednesday 5th July 2006 21:16
No Devil or Redeemer
But what fine conjecture it is! Oh the dress! The roasted swan! The locket!! I feel like I'm living in a Rowling/Austen universe after reading this wonderful chapter. Mr Black intrigues me as much as he does Lucrezia so I will hurry to the next chapter with just a pause to say: Beautifully done, I'm enjoying your tale immensely.
Thursday 6th July 2006 11:49No Devil or Redeemer (Author Response)
But what fine conjecture it is! Oh the dress! The roasted swan! The locket!! I feel like I'm living in a Rowling/Austen universe after reading this wonderful chapter. Mr Black intrigues me as much as he does Lucrezia so I will hurry to the next chapter with just a pause to say: Beautifully done, I'm enjoying your tale immensely.

*blushes from hairline to toenails* Thank you so much! I'm having a lot of fun writing this.