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Reviews For Harry Potter and the Ghosts of the Past by CJS

Saturday 5th May 2007 16:32
Harry Potter and the Ghosts of the Past
That was great! Hermione was able to think of a logical way that Voldemort would have used to open the Horcurx. Since Voldemort was the only Parseltongue he used that as the trigger to open the Horcrux. Now that Harry can do it will make dealing with othr Horcrux that much easier. Thanks for writing. This is really good. p
Sunday 6th May 2007 13:40Harry Potter and the Ghosts of the Past (Author Response)
Glad you're enjoying the story. Will Perseltongue come into play in future chapters? Maybe, we'll see...
Wednesday 27th December 2006 13:01
Harry Potter and the Ghosts of the Past
I'm really enjoying the story so far.

Small point though: "Sadly, gunshots were not uncommon in this part of London, " I've lived away from London for a long time now but I don't believe there's any part of it, even now, in which gun shots are common - thanks to tough laws against the possession of same.
Sunday 6th May 2007 13:39Harry Potter and the Ghosts of the Past (Author Response)
Okay, I'll admit that I took a little bit of a liberty with this line (especially given I wrote it before the tragic events at the start of this year) so apoogies to anyone who took offense to it.
Monday 27th November 2006 13:12
Harry Potter and the Ghosts of the Past
yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it\'s destroyed! I\'m so happy now!
Friday 8th September 2006 13:17
Harry Potter and the Ghosts of the Past
Nice job there with the locket. Quite creative having Harry have to speak Parseltongue and Ron's mishap with Reducto was quite humorous as was Hermione's response. But I was puzzled by the use of Kreacher; I thought he was gone from the picture after betraying Sirius.
Friday 14th July 2006 13:53
Harry Potter and the Ghosts of the Past
Great story so far! Keep up the good work, I want to read more!
Wednesday 12th July 2006 13:10
Harry Potter and the Ghosts of the Past
Finally someone put in words my thought : the locket only could be open speaking parseltongue (come back to The Chamber of Secrets).Maybe I'm wrong but it's been the first time that I read it in fanfiction.
And for Neville, thanks for giving him some role He deserves it.