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Reviews For Career Advice by Ladybug

Thursday 23rd February 2017 23:19
Career Advice
I love this! What a great way to get Ginny over her fear of snakes
Friday 29th January 2010 17:32
Career Advice
Brilliant, just brilliant! I loved it...
Friday 22nd August 2008 20:05
Career Advice
Love the fluff. The snake and flower is esp cute.
Monday 25th August 2008 05:52Career Advice (Author Response)
Thanks! Glad is rates on the fluffometer. Now, why can't I find any stories by Astrid to read? How can you have read so much fan fiction and not have had a go yourself? I know I swore when I first started reading it that I could/would never write anything myself ... and look where that got me!
turnip head
Sunday 22nd June 2008 05:35
Career Advice
Oh! I was so nervous! What if I had to soften the blow or something else as horribly artificial? But no.
I sighed aloud. I grinned like a sap. Laughed like a loon.
I've never read a lakeside missing moment. Don't care for the MMs too much in general. But yours is perfect! All of it flows so well, with humor, perfect characterizations and such a [i]sweetness[/i] to it that wasn't exactly sap.
I'm a bit jealous actually, and if you don't mind I'll sit a moment and pout then rec this right away in the forum.

Thanks so much for a lovely read.
Tuesday 24th June 2008 19:29Career Advice (Author Response)
It's been so long since I got a review! (Well, it's been so long since I posted a story, so it's no-one's fault but my own!) Thank you so much for your lovely, friendly and generous review ... I'm really glad you enjoyed it - I'm just so (unreasonably) attached to my stories, it's like a lovely hug to hear that someone else likes it too. And I always say getting recced is the highest compliment - so thank you very very much.
Saturday 29th December 2007 23:38
Career Advice
This is such a great "moment out of time"! A perfect boyfriend - girlfriend moment! A perfect afternoon for both of them to remember! You did an excellent job. Thanks for writing. p
Monday 7th January 2008 23:49Career Advice (Author Response)
You're welcome! Thank you for reviewing, I appreciate it so much. Now they can have many more perfect afternoons!
Saturday 29th December 2007 21:44
Career Advice
That was wonderful fluff. I loved it. Snake charming and professional Quidditch. What a pair.
Monday 7th January 2008 23:51Career Advice (Author Response)
Heehee! Thanks! I was half-right, at least, with Ginny taking up Quidditch, but I still think snake-charming would beat Auror-ing any day! I'm pleased it meets the fluff standard - I love to read it but feel really weird writing it!
Monday 24th December 2007 22:19
Career Advice
Oh you did a lovely job with all of this fluffiness, I just loved it! Harry and Ginny are perfect together and you write them so well - just the right mix of awkwardness, teasing, loving, caring, and absolute utter fluff. Great job!
Monday 7th January 2008 23:53Career Advice (Author Response)
Oh, thank you! With a name like yours, you must be an expert in such matters, so I'm very pleased with your kind review. (And I always love a "thumbs up"!)
Monday 26th November 2007 12:46
Career Advice
I love this story - I just read it for the third time. I know you say you don't do fluffy romance well, but I disagree. You managed to capture everything I love about Harry and Ginny and made me really feel their affection and attraction. I loved the teasing and the blushes. Perfect!

Monday 26th November 2007 19:37Career Advice (Author Response)
Thank you indeed! I'm so glad it worked out all right - I spent a lot of effort on it because I just find it weird writing about kisses and stuff! Anyway, it's lovely to hear that you enjoyed it so much. Thanks again.
Sunday 21st October 2007 15:58
Career Advice
I love this!!! so cute!!! thanks for writting it!!!!!

Saturday 3rd November 2007 22:12Career Advice (Author Response)
You're welcome! Thanks for reading and reviewing! I'm not really cut out to write fluffy stories myself, but I certainly enjoy reading them!
Tuesday 3rd July 2007 14:21
Career Advice
so sweet, just had to love this story. thanks for writing it so we can enjoy it.
Wednesday 4th July 2007 01:51Career Advice (Author Response)
You're most welcome! I'm so glad you enjoyed it.
Thursday 17th August 2006 03:14
Career Advice
Yay! Another fantastic fic from the lovely ladybug. This particular fic, gentle readers, went through quite a number of drafts that don't look at all like the final copy; proof that a one-shot really never is. Can't wait for the next one. How do you do it so fast, T? My favourite things were how they kept teasing each other; the game they had made of talking about the match (including forgetting exes' names!); and referring to years by Defence Professor!! Hilarious and charming , all of it!
Saturday 19th August 2006 00:48Career Advice (Author Response)
You're full of charm and hilarity yourself, T! Glad you enjoyed the final product and thanks for your help in getting it there. So fast? There-there, you'll get one posted some day!
Saturday 22nd July 2006 19:46
Career Advice
Hard or not to write, properly done fluff is the most wonderful thing to read when you're in the mood for it.

And i will always be in the mood for more of this particular fluff. It was so sweet, and cute and all those other sickening little one syllable adjectives that we use to describe deliciously fluffy fluff.

Good work, it's awesome~ forever!
Sunday 23rd July 2006 18:44Career Advice (Author Response)
Oooooh, LOL! Thank you! I love delicious and I love awesome and your review is both of those for me. I was hoping it would come across this way. Although I love to read them, I just can't write any kind of angsty scene involving Harry and Ginny - I can't bear to contemplate it long enough to write about it. So, glad you enjoyed this sickeningly cute, angst-free fluff! Much appreciated.
Wednesday 19th July 2006 22:24
Career Advice
Personally I'm a sucker for HBP missing moments and this one was very entertaining with lots of great H/G fluff. Great job.
Thursday 20th July 2006 04:33Career Advice (Author Response)
Thanks! There can never be enough H/G fluff, can there! Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for reviewing, I appreciate your comments.
Wednesday 19th July 2006 11:45
Career Advice
What a fantastic story. I loved it!! I don't know where to begin. It's so tender and romantic and dead on perfect in the characterizations. There are so many favorite lines, I'm afraid I would just repeat the whole story. But here are some:

Finally, he drew back, feeling himself grinning and blushing like mad; he really, really loved being able to kiss her whenever he wanted to. And he felt an unreasonable pride at the grinning, blushing girl that looked back at him.

From now on, ridiculous as it seemed, snakes would be linked in her mind with thoughts of romance and Spring and a blushing, green-eyed boy.

I could go on and on. You are a very talented writer. Your work is so fluid and gets the reader right there, as though they were sitting amongst them. Excellent, excellent job. Can't wait to read more!

Wednesday 19th July 2006 21:36Career Advice (Author Response)
Thank you so much, hwimsey! It's wonderful to hear what a reader's favourite lines are. (My favourites were 'he didn't make all that much of an impression on me' regarding Dean and likewise the Cho bit - a bit cheeky of me, I know!) I love your 'fluid' comment - that's such a satisfaction because I worked really hard at getting that right. And I'm very pleased you found it 'tender and romantic' - that's the mood I was aiming for. Thank you for your encouragement. As one of those wonderful fluff writers I mentioned in my A/N, your comments are very touching (as are all reviews, of course). Glad to give you some enjoyment.
Tuesday 18th July 2006 13:46
Career Advice
l0l that was cute!!

Tuesday 18th July 2006 18:37Career Advice (Author Response)
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it. I think Harry's pretty cute, myself!!
Tuesday 18th July 2006 11:06
Career Advice
What a great "missing moment" from the book.
I loved the fact that we get to see a side of Harry rarely, him laughing and being himself without the weight of the world on his shoulders.
I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Tuesday 18th July 2006 18:36Career Advice (Author Response)
Thank you so much! It was a refreshing scene to imagine in the midst of all the drama and action stories that are round about at the moment. I'm so pleased you enjoyed it. Thanks for letting me know.
Felix Felicis
Monday 17th July 2006 18:32
Career Advice
Wonderful fluff! You have a clever plot here, enough for a short story but not so much you couldn't cover it all. I like the range of emotions, too. Harry is easy in that respect, but you did a great job with Ginny. She's a strong girl but I like seeing her vulnerable side.

I always enjoy reading a story about Harry and Ginny where they think they're being so clever with one another, making the other blush, etc. You can almost hear their nervousness, even when they're trying to hide it. You did a wonderful job capturing that here.

The thought of charmed candy snakes sounds exactly like something WWW would invent. So wonderfully creative, I must say. Harry asking the snake to bring Ginny a flower and offer it to her was so sweet. They love each other, that's all there is to it.

Outstanding writing! You did a fine job with fluff and you should consider writing more of it.
Tuesday 18th July 2006 18:32Career Advice (Author Response)
Thank you for such a kind, detailed review, I've been smiling all day and night since I read it. The story did start out with no plot whatsoever, but that was just a pile of rubbish, so I'm glad the little story I ended up with worked much better. I just love so much reading about Harry and Ginny - it was fun to imagine this little scene - it was the putting down in words that I struggled with. So thanks heaps for your high praise, now I'm the one that's .
Monday 17th July 2006 12:01
Career Advice
That was fantastic! I love fluffy Harry and Ginny. It's fun to get a glimpse of their interaction while the relationship is still new. The fear of snakes was a nice touch and makes perfect sense. Slytherin Snakes too...what a great invention. Nice story!
Tuesday 18th July 2006 00:36Career Advice (Author Response)
Yippee! Thank you - I love 'fantastic'!! Gosh, I just love fluffy Harry and Ginny, too, so I'm excited that my story managed to do that. The fear of snakes was a bit of a gamble because everyone tends to see Ginny as such a strong character, but I didn't think it would be unreasonable. Glad you think it makes sense. The snake sweets? Well, just put the twins on the job and you'll always get something inventive! Thanks for reviewing, I really appreciate it.
Monday 17th July 2006 09:02
Career Advice
You have passed with flying colors. This was fabulous. It wasn,t too-too anything. It was just right everything. If you can make heads or tails of that, then you know it is filled with compliments on this one shot. I truly enjoyed it. Many thanks. Jeanne.
Tuesday 18th July 2006 00:18Career Advice (Author Response)
LOL, I understand perfectly. Thank you! No one can ask for anything more than 'just right' so I am most pleased by your review and very happy that you enjoyed it. Thanks for letting me know, you've made my day!
Monday 17th July 2006 07:10
Career Advice
So lighthearted, funny and cute. Just perfect fluff. If you had any problems writing it, I definitely didn't notice.

Finally, he drew back, feeling himself grinning and blushing like mad; he really, really loved being able to kiss her whenever he wanted to.

I loved that. You write teenage Harry so well, happy and insecure at the same time because he can't believe his own luck.

Now all I could wish for is one of those chocolate snakes. Mmm...
Tuesday 18th July 2006 00:15Career Advice (Author Response)
he can't believe his own luck.

Thank you so much, Evelyn! I hadn't even thought of it in those exact words before, but seeing you put it down in writing, that's exactly how I imagined Harry.

Watch out for those snakes, though - you might find them creeping into parts you'd rather they didn't! LOL!

I'm so glad the story didn't sound laborious - I was afraid of that, so thanks for your review, it means a lot.
Monday 17th July 2006 05:34
Career Advice
How beautiful! It was perfect, all of it. I specially liked the part where the snake gave Ginny a flower - so sweet! Though I'm probably one of the only girls who would think a snake with a flower is romantic, LOL! Thanks for this wonderful piece. -Sonia
Tuesday 18th July 2006 00:10Career Advice (Author Response)
LOL, oh yes - if we tried to describe it to someone (a snake giving you a flower) I'm sure they'd look at us funny! I'm glad you found it sweet - that's how I was hoping it would come across (but like Harry, I was a bit nervous it would just be revolting, LOL). Thanks so much for reviewing, I'm happy you enjoyed it so much.
Monday 17th July 2006 01:17
Career Advice
aww soo sweet
Tuesday 18th July 2006 00:00Career Advice (Author Response)
Thank you, glad you enjoyed it.
Sunday 16th July 2006 20:39
Career Advice
*big dopey grin* That was so sugary-sappy-mushy-fluffy good! I loved that! So sweet, and just the kind of moment that was missing from HBP...Now...why did that IDIOT break up with her again? Something stupid and noble, right?
Tuesday 18th July 2006 00:00Career Advice (Author Response)
LOLOL Yep, something like that. Thanks so much for your review, it gave me a big dopey grin!
girl from ipanema
Sunday 16th July 2006 20:25
Career Advice
This is very satisfying fluff. Ginny/Harry interaction was lovely too. Nice
Monday 17th July 2006 23:44Career Advice (Author Response)
*phew* That's a great relief, I can tell you!. Thank you so much for your kind comments. I'm glad you enjoyed it.